
How are long distance caregivers managing during the pandemic? Do you plan to travel during the pandemic to visit? I can't imagine not travelling soon to visit my mother who currently has no evidence of disease of a cancer that is likely to recur (praying everyday that it does not). How are you planning care in the short term, if at all, to support and perhaps visit your loved ones?

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My mom is in Arizona , assisted living , I’m out of state. I won’t be traveling at all. I would have to stay In A hotel, Because I wouldn’t want to risk bringing that to my aunts house. And on top of it how could I safely see my mom. Because I would feel like have to be quarantined for 14 days, to be sure that I don’t have it.
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Nicole77066 May 2020
Yeah, I would probably quarantine in a Airbnb at least - would hope that would be cheaper than a hotel for the 14 day quarantine until I could see Mom in person. I think if I stayed with a relative I would see about isolating in the house? Perhaps a room apart from them and social distance inside too. This situation is so tough.
You mention in your profile that mom has cancer but in your question no cancer so I am going to assume (dangerous thing...) that the cancer is in remission.
So I imagine she is doing alright at this point.
She is aware that there is a "lockdown" in many areas.
While she may not like it and I am sure you don't like it the safest thing to do is delay any planned visit until the rate of infection drops both in your area as well as hers.
When you plan your visit do still use precautions since she is vulnerable.
Video chat until then
Phone calls.
Does she have someone checking in on her at least weekly?
Is someone getting her groceries? Or is she going out?
If she is doing well I am sure that she understands the reason for delaying any visit.
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Nicole77066 May 2020
My mom currently has no evidence of disease and yes she has someone checking on her. I call her at least twice a day to talk and hear voice and tell her I love her. She doesn't get out much and didn't before the pandemic.
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I have 2 aunts in FL, ages 98 and 101. I haven't physically been with them for a year and was planning a spring trip down to see them...then came the virus, the lockdown. the fact that the elderly are the most vulnerable. My aunts are in good care but at their ages, any day may be their last. I'm conflicted because I'd have to fly down and that would be like rolling around in a petri dish. I work full time and care for my grandson 50% of the time, and help my mom (91) who lives next to me, so a 2-week quarantine would be a burden on many levels. I so want to be with them but couldn't live with myself if I brought the virus into their home. I guess that is my dealbreaker.
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My DD and he family are DRIVING from VA to UT the first of July. 2300 miles, with 3 kids, 9,7 and 2. AND the 'REASON' they have to drive--a 14 yo incontinent Pomeranian.

DD refuses to sedate the dog and hold her during the flight. Said she'd die of fright. This dog is blind, 100 incontinent (in all fairness, she has never been housebroken!) and has only 2 teeth, constant seizures and is a 'yapper'--she barks non stop.

A flight would get them here in 4 hours. Driving will take, minimally, 5 days of HARD driving.

I'm horrible--praying for this dog to pass, so they can fly home. I am concerned about the 4-5 hotels they will require plus all the restaurants they'll stop at.

My SIL is a Dr. He sees no problem with the drive. So, when I hear people say "lockdown" I have to laugh, altho it's not funny. My DD is constantly after me saying I shouldn't be leaving the house, and here she is, touching all the things between here and Richmond.

The irony of them making 'light' of this and yet being super bossy to me about walking out my front door w/o a mask is not lost on me.

So, no, DH and I will NOT be taking any kind of vacation whatsoever this year, but my kids have been hauling around the country like crazy people. My son in WA has driven to UT TWICE since the shutdown. His WIFE is a Dr. and she is also 'meh' about contracting Covid.

Both of these docs, being very smart people, are fine with THEIR own carefree travel but if I go to WalMart and they hear about it, I get a tongue lashing.

My depression is at an all time LOW. Anxiety is through the roof. I truly do not know what to think.
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