
We are the Stroudsburg Lions Club, a community service organization. We are aware that COVID has brought additional mobility issues in this community and would like to help. We also have tech-savvy people who can help with communications and doing things that require internet or social media skills. As Lions we specially want to help the visually impaired.

But we don't know where to start!

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One thing that I see a great need for in my community is companion sitters and free transportation to appointments.

Having a trusted individual come stay with your loved one for 4 hours is beyond helpful for the caregiver and it is beneficial for the senior to get socialization from different people.

Daily phone calls to check in and see how they are doing is also something that is beneficial for seniors living alone.

So much is needed for our elders, anything that you do will be helpful.
Helpful Answer (1)
ddleon1 Mar 2021
Thanks for chiming in on my question. Hopefully we can figure out how to identify people like that we can reach out to!
See 1 more reply
Maybe advertise with some geriatric docs.

Or, even a primary practice or two.

Local senior centers.

Pick a church, or other house of worship.

Local Emergency Rooms.

Any of those places might have families that are desperate for some help.

Thank you in advance!
Helpful Answer (1)
ddleon1 Mar 2021
Thanks! This was helpful!
I think you may be the answer to many caregivers' prayers!

Some questions, to put your offers in perspective:

1.   Would the help be in Pennsylvania, and in all areas of that state?  I see that you apparently have resources in other countries as well, but for purpose of this forum, where would your focusi be?

Your profile seems to indicate that services may be limited to the "Strouds."  If so, that should clearly be stated.  In addition, you may wish to contact organizations specifically in your area, such as Senior Seniors. 

People here range from the US to Canada to the UK to Australia.

2.   I know that the Lions Club has a vision program which includes collection and distribution of glasses.    Perhaps you could share information on how that could apply to elders who may need vision assistance, i.e., what's available, what are the qualifications?  I recall that when my father needed assistance, he didn't qualify.

3.    Diabetes is one of your projects; how can you help those who are caring for someone who is diabetic?  With trips to doctors or dialysis?   With medicines?  With monitoring?  

4.   Hunger seems to be another focus.   Do you have food pantries, and where can caregivers find them?   Must a caregiver go to a pantry, or are there any deliveries to home sites?  What about to AL or IL, for those residents who want to prepare their own food?

5.    Do you offer emergency services, such as in home assistance during needs for high medical attention?  Or for caregiver relief?  

6.  As to Internet or social media skills, my own preference is to avoid social media for a variety of reasons.      The concept of elders using Internet and social media is sometimes a controversial one though, with some caregivers relying on the services and sometimes not always understanding that these types of communication aren't of interest to people worrying about serious health issues.  

Perhaps you could find a way to bridge these gaps, or create questionnaires for caregivers on how to use them in more functional manners.   I think though that people who haven't been caregivers are inexperienced in applications and don't understand why these avenues of communication are meaningless to some people.

For example, and of primary concern:  cost.   For those of us on fixed incomes of SS, this is a very important factor.    I for one have no intention of wasting limited resources on something that provides no value, which is how I personally see social media.   Electricity for Internet use would be better spent on heat.

The Internet does have value, but it's also somewhat of a gossip mongering source, with misinformation, and a lot of just junk and garbage, not to mention data gathering (including your own site) of personal information.

The collection and abuse of personal information is very offensive to me, and is one of the reasons I would never use sites such as Facebook, nor would I agree to your data gathering information by acknowledging and agreeing to that specific aspect.  

I can't speak for others, but anything offered to elders that requires provision of personal data is offensive to me.    And that includes medical sites with so-called cloud storage managed by nonmedical companies.

So consider if you will whether or not your requirement for someone to acknowledge your data collection is worth it, and whether or not that would require older folks in need to do so before getting assistance.
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ddleon1 Mar 2021
Thanks for the comprehensive reply. Those are good, valid questions!

1) I was asking on behalf of the Lions Clubs in Monroe County, PA (Pocono Mountains). My own Club covers Stroudsburg and East Stroudsburg, PA. I actually found this forum by going to the Monroe Co. Agency on Aging, but I need to get back there for specific guidance.
2) You are right in that the Lions have a focus on eyesight conservation and help for the blind and visually impaired. When possible, we also tackle other community needs as they are brought to our attention.
3) Diabetes is also one of the "Global Causes" Lions get involved with because of its effect on eyesight. Clubs run informational/awareness campaigns, and fundraisers for research and folks in need in our communities. We are reaching out here to find out what are other needs. Help with mobility and funding would definitively apply.
4) Hunger is another of the Lions' Global Causes. Our Club does provide manpower to one of our local food pantries, and I am aware of other Clubs who do the same and raise funds. People have to come to the pantry. The church who runs the pantry does snuggle with getting the word out that we have food even after using several media. Food delivery is a good idea that the Lions could engage in, but we have not gotten any requests at the pantry. Wonder why?
5) As a small club (about 10 "active" members) we haven't been very "agile" in order to address emergency requests. Not sure about other Clubs in our area, but I can ask!
6) I understand technology phobia and the dangers of social media. Unfortunately it is a necessary evil. The fact that this Forum exists at all, and that you use it for get and share information, proves the need for technology. Did we not give-up personal info to even get on the Forum? But this is the reason I reached out, so that those who abhor technology can be helped by this who embrace it.

P.S. - I am curious, what was it on the Stroudsburg Lions Club website or Facebook page that made you feel we were asking for personal info? Or the Lions Clubs International sites?

Thanks again for your reply!
Can you contact your county Department of Health and see if they are offering training for administering the Covid vaccine? There are plenty of house-bound/semi house-bound people who would benefit greatly in having the vaccine brought to them rather than have to travel (sometimes great distances) to get the vaccine.
Helpful Answer (2)
ddleon1 Mar 2021
Thank you. I actually started on the Monroe Co. Agency on Aging website and that got me to this one. I need to contact them directly to get advice too.
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