
I want this to serve as a heads up when considering possible or necessary future plans for yourself:

Quit my job 10 yrs ago because it got too labour intensive with staff cutbacks, set to pursue more suitable employment. I started out with small one-time contract stuff.

Then Mom began getting forgetful - not big stuff, occasional. Then she starts falling every once in awhile, only bruises to tell the story. Couple more years, she's losing recipes... getting angry. (had no idea about the "anger phase" wow)

Like I've seen others here say it happened, I just fell in to it.. not a martyr - no one else around to see it or admit it-- she was failing, albeit slowly & in full-on denial. I'm the only kid & I had been provided good basics & it's how we looked to G'ma, etc. etc. etc. Just happened that way, can't change it, couldn't have anyway.

Used up my life savings, thankful I can live frugal.

The result? Read in to & applied for cppdisability. Turned down like 60% are. My medical required records I can supply.

The big thing is I don't qualify because I could not produce T4s (insurable earnings) for the past 3 years.

There is no national strategy or allowable pension or anything for caregiving. Can I help build to a conversation addressing the lack of it in my appeal?

On the books Mom was healthy so I can't pull off her medical records.

Bless all the caregivers.

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It sounds like you're in Canada. Every country is different. Can you contact anyone at CPP to discuss this? Sorry, can't help. I'm in U.S.
Helpful Answer (1)
SadiePi Jul 2019
Sorry Carla, forgot to insert I am in Canada. From online reading, most seems surprisingly similar.

The first time I contacted CPP, they were not much help - I guess its (literally) a grey area. Or they'd like to keep it as such.

Thanks for your suggestion, all of them help to try and figure this out.
I have no real advice on your appeal. Eccept maybe get a free consultation by an attorney in that field. Paperwork is a formality. Even though its required, I am sure their is a way to get them what they need to approve. Food for thought, everyone is denied the first time. Either appeal or re-apply. Either way they will owe you up to two years back pay. Depending on how long it takes.
The more proof you can gather to help your case for the appeal or next app. the better off you will be. I really just wanted to say sorry that you gave your life up pretty much & savings to care for mom. Dementia and related diseases just steal our loved ones away. You will get good and better tips then mine but best of luck😊😘Keep us posted!
Helpful Answer (1)
SadiePi Jul 2019
Thank you for your advice! I had never considered a free consultation with a lawyer (even tho some lawyer websites have offered good info).

CPP are going to get a book of my injuries ha (2 workman's comp thick files, its just those ruddy t4s - the ironies-- was working for Mom with no caregiving payment or contracts in place. Neither she would've gone for, of course.

I've read to apply early as it takes a long time - thats where I hope I can help others in the same boat - there's too many of us.
The distant future can be often too scary to think of with the day to day other scary things on the front burner.
Or simply because our minds are on the present tense & getting through it, we don't have the capacity maybe? to consider what happens after they pass.
Yes, Most of us r the US with a few UK and Canada members. Hope one of the Canadians can help.
Helpful Answer (1)
SadiePi Jul 2019
Thank you JoAnn29.
dbl post.
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