
My MIL has always been a sleeper but the last couple weeks she has been sleeping probably 20 + hrs a day. She says she is not sleeping but every time I check on her she's sleeping. This was preceeded by about 2 weeks of being mean as a snake. Back up, she has frontal lobe dysfunction... her whole life but we only found out about 4 years ago. The Psychiatrist got her on the right meds and for about a year she's actually been pretty easy going. So...
A month ago she went back to her old mean self and 2 weeks later withdrawn and sleeping all the time.
Anyone have any ideas ?

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My MIL used to eat 5 or 6 times a day but that has stopped also. Now most days she only eats breakfast and dinner. I too let her get her Tylenol since she feels like "I" have taken everything away from her.
Just went through this with my mom, but of course it was totally different. Every dimintia patient is different. I think that is one of the hardest things about the dimintia.
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She is taking her meds intermittently, or really messing them up.
Do a pill count, see if they have all been taken. Example: once a day Rx filled 20 days ago should have 10 left in the jar. Betcha she skipped some.
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Thank you pamstegma for answering. Its not a problem with the meds. I have to give them to her myself. She can no longer manage them. Any other thoughts?
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Does she have access to the pill bottles? We had to hide them from mom because she would get into them . Do a pill count. Make sure the pharmacy did not screw up either.
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No access. I have them in my bedroom. I give her pills to her at 9:00 am , 12:30 , 5:00 , & 9:00 pm
I don't know if she is moving in to the next stage or what. Trying to get urine sample to give to nurse when she comes.
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My Mom has been sleeping more as well. She has vascular dementia. Sometimes I think it is just hard to keep up the façade for her of what she understands and doesn't. I think it is tiring her out. She is up every two hours to snack as well so isn't sleeping through the night. I see her light on in her room quite a bit. My husband and I take care of dispensing her meds - she really hates that as she was an RN - it was difficult for her to give that up. Still suggests we just give her the arthritis meds so she can take when she aches. No point in rehashing that she forgets - it makes her cranky.
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My wife has moderate Alzheimer's and she sleeps a lot too, although it is not as much as it used to be. Now it is usually a 1-2 hr nap in the morning and another one in the afternoon, which might be 3-4 hr. I think it is related to depression and the fact that she can't do many of the things she used to, so she "has nothing to do, so why get up?"
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