
My mom is in an AL facility. She is still coherent and can make decisions on her behalf. For the last 3 years, since my father has passed away. I have had the permission of my mom and my uncle (POA) to pick up mail. All of a sudden, I now can not pick up the mail. The problem is that they are saying that they received a piece of mail about my landlord(I don't rent, I own my house). They aren't even giving me access to the piece of mail that might regard me. I know that I am kind of helpless without being the POA. My uncle is extremely sick right now and can't handle any of this right. They will also not give my mother her mail, told me no. Is there something legally that I can do?

I would go to the PO and tell them the AL is not giving Mom her mail. At my Moms AL there were boxes to each room. As POA, I had Moms key. The PO, not the AL opened the boxes and put the mail in. The only time the AL got involved was if there was no room# on the mail. Then it was left on the desk for pickup.

I don't understand the landlord thing if u have no landlord. I think u need to be shown this piece of mail. Can u write up a note and have your Uncle sign that you have permission to pick up the mail, maybe get it notarized.
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Reply to JoAnn29

You need to see an elder law attorney at ONCE. As to the POA being this ill, who is the second in line on that document? Is it you? Because this cannot stand. You may need now to go for guardianship if the POA can no longer serve.

You need options of how to legally approach this with force. That means an attorney. None of this makes any sense. They cannot legally withhold mail from your mother and those who represent her. Nothing makes any sense here. How do they KNOW what the mail holds if they are not OPENING the mail. They are in BIG TIME legal jeopardy here if all you say is true. Let them know today you are seeing an attorney. Get a letter from the ill POA as to his inabiliity to serve.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

They are coherent, UNTIL THEY ARE NOT.

I gave POA to my child who is in early 20’s.. You don’t know when life is going to hit the fan.
I’m not that old, but my brothers life ended early. I’ve had several friends whose hubbies died early age. One of my best girlfriends died of a brain disease early on..

so get the POA for your mom and uncle. Be their directive.

do a mail forwarding to your home or open a Post office box and have mail delivered there.
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