
The Principal is in a an assisted living facility (ALF) and still is competent. Her father has financial poa, her sister has medical poa. If the father disputes the medical choices and wants to gain mpoa status as well, what would be his course of action. Alternatively, what could the sister (current mpoa) do to thwart such action?

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As long as she is competent there is nothing either can do. Her instructions must be followed.
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It is the Principal's decision about who can make decisions for her. Neither Dad nor Sister can change that. Principal can change that if she wants to.
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Therefore, have the principal declared incompetent and no changes can be made to the status quo.
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I'm not sure if you were joking, Mary1066. But just in case you were not, having someone declared incompetent is not like ordering a certificate from Amazon!
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even if incompetent. principals wishes can be change. advocation at that point would be least restrictive enviriment.
do drs agree with
is dmpoa irrational?
iIs prinicipal rational ?
has she been deemed incompetent by court?
guardianship if unable to make own financial and healthcare decisions. But beware if family conflict may bee deemed psychiligically a family rife not in best intrest of principle. was does the princilple want. Get appointed by her as DCF authorized represenative payee. just a form from them she can sign. He can request it as poa just go there fill out paper have copy ( of coure have him take his poa). this allows him to file for benefits on her behalf like medicaid etc foodstamps . This document allows acces . makes represenative an advocate also do accessability to ACHA files. This document allows accessability to medicaid files. So is superior to mpoa.
This I know due to fact when facility I reported tried to back chart cya themselves by not allowing me to access principal. all civil rights patient rights violatuiations. inc giving med allergic to causing renal failur perm damage. refusing to allow colon polyp ca sx and gall bladder sx deemed nec by several dr inc surgeon that finally removed g bladder said principle was in excruiatnateing pain. all just for power play. tried not to release principle. they deemed him competent eventhough they sedated him so he couldnt talk or atten a careplan meeting for lating down passing out. They had a Paid employee on pt rights advocacy board. tbought were slick. I am ADA Advocate. as such and DCF represenative with self appointed sas gpoa dpoa hcs proxy. filing complaint w disability advocates of state. had investigator come in. he can see charts. filed complaints. This facility the nurses ran and they liked to get guardianships on patientsd
. I saw patients overmed
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btw get noterized her signature on dcf authorized rep
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