
I have gotten her flavored water and also coconut water. I have posted signs to remind her to drink. We have of course gone to the Dr and even seen a urologist. He suggested meds she could not tolerate and estrogen cream. She is 86 and has dementia. She could not figure out what to do with the estrogen cream even after I explained 3 times. I have gotten her depends and chux for her bed. I think she is fixated on NOT being incontinent, she has NO ability to hold her urine now. I have talked to her about cross contamination with feces and wearing cotton panties, what else can I do???

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My mom did not drink enough either I purchased one of those mixer you put ice into and add fruit juice and make a smoothie, She loves them we go to store and she chooses fruits(frozen)works good, Just whip up in the mixer add club soda for a fizz My mom now is free of her UTI for 6 weeks now.
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thank you lovemymom1984 I do appreciate your kind suggestion... We will try it. Thank you again.
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Some things that might help:

.. I don't know how the doctor prescribed the cream, but we simply have to spread it around the labia, not insert it
..There's a long handled wiper holder that might encourage her to wipe in the proper directions. Alternatively (or additionally) there's hand-held "bidet" to wash the areas, rather than wipe (then blot dry).
..When she urinates, be sure to remove the pad as quickly as possible. The longer it lingers, the more chance of leaky feces transfering in the pad
.. Encourage her to drink early in the day, and stop several hours before bedtime so that she doesn't hold the urine overnight
.. When she's on the potty, can she stop and start her stream? It's a modified version of kegels that helps to retrain the bladder
.. You might consider cranberry tablets with a higher content of cranberry
.. Probiotics might help as well
.. Try to find some beverages, sweetened with truvia or other more natural low sugar substitutes that she likes (getting our elders to drink is a serious problem, I've found .. and when I find something they like, I push it, lol)

Good luck and let us know how it goes!
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thank you for all your wonderful advice... I really appreciate it!!!
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If your mom eats much chicken, that could be fueling her UTIs.
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P.S. One thing I did for my mom that really got her drinking more is having caffeine-free Diet Pepsi or Coke or root beer in her fridge. She looks on it as a "treat", so likes to drink it. I was just concerned with her getting enough fluid, so at 93, if she drinks anything, I'm a happy camper. Will your mom drink iced tea or chocolate milk or lemonade? Anything that will seem like a treat to her may get her to drink more.
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I have heard cranberry juice only helps to keep an infection from coming, but antibiotics will help to clear it up. I would do anything you can to get her to drink the cranberry juice. Check the pharmacy aisle by the vitamins or contraceptives. I think I have seen cranberry in a tablet or chewable form, I wonder if that would help her?!?!?!?!!?

Good luck
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she does like tea but not any soda... unless you could get Verner's ginger ale she used to love that... She does not drink milk at all! She has dementia and I really think a lot of this is that she is fixated on being incontinent... I know that doesn't cause infection though...
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