
Would just close her eyes and node out and was unresponsive I tested her for low blood sugar and something told me she was either faking it or she just nodded out so as she was nodding out I gave her a sip of orange juice & said drsays this should help her. The oj didn't even hit past her lips and she comes too. Do people with dementia just sometimes close their eyes and become nonrespomsive. Or is she playing me when we try to wake her up when she goes limp. Please help

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I'm not clear, is she just sitting quietly and then seems to nod off or "pass out", or does she suddenly stop in the middle of a conversation or doing something active? You say unresponsive... do you mean you can't wake her up even when you physically take her hand or rub her shoulders? How long do these episodes last if you don't bring out the orange juice?
It sounds like a seizure, but that is only if she is absolutely unresponsive. How often is this happening?
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Dementia doesn't cause loss of consciousness. Passing out is never normal.

I thought the same thing cwillie did, that maybe your mom is having seizures. Whatever you think the cause might be she needs to see her Dr. ASAP.
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Yes she passes out and nothing you can do yo bring her conscious. But the thing I do with the orange juice stops her. So I think she is faking. Cause when she opens her eyes. Her oldie Goldie videos are on and there is no residue. She parties the rest of the day. What she gets while so called unresponsive is me or one of my helpful caretakers holds her hands. It's almost like when they talk to me instead of her she gets pains. When they approach her and ask her where she says what pain. When I leave to go grocery shopping or the pharmacy she gets sick again.
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The orange juice could be a coincidence, she could be coming around right about then anyway. Seizures are not usually the grand mal type people associate with epilepsy, try searching "absence seizures" to learn more and see if it matches what is happening to her.
If no one reacts when she blanks out, what happens? How long before she comes around? Does she seem to notice what has happened?
I realize you have described her as a narc who can be manipulative, you need to keep a watchful eye out to try to differentiate between manipulation and a real problem., I would think if she is looking for attention and not getting it the behaviour will stop.
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Good idea. Today as she was nodding out I gave her some propel without sugar and told her the doctor said this should stop you from passing out and just put it to her lips and told her just hang on mom your grandkids are in town and they want to see you but this would scare them. And she said. I feel much better. It no one pays attention she is only out for 15 or 20 minutes not an hour.
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Whether something's being faked or not, being "out" for 15 or minutes is grounds for medical examination.

I'd make an appt. with a neurologist ASAP. Cardiologist should probably also be seen. There may be some type of intermittent or blocked blood flow to her brain, and if so, you want to address this ASAP.
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Another thought - does this occur AS she's nodding off, or after she "nods off"?
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Unfortunately she is not a candidate to go to the doctors. When transported she bottoms out with her blood pressure as she needs her legs elevated to keep her body normal. The last time I took her in May she ended up out cold with a blood pressure of 90/45. Doctor said lets get her to the hospital. I said Doctor relax. Let's just recline her on one of your tables with her head lower than the rest of her body and she will come back. Sure enough. Mom has circulatory problems for years. Mentally and emotionally she is not a candidate for a hospital or doctors visit. Our Doctor calls on her regularly. Today I'm going to sit with her all day and try the propel water and see if we can avoid one all together. Will keep you posted. Thank you for all your suggestions. Hugs to all
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If she's not a candidate for doctors or hospitals, I'd call hospice.
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Bonniepages, when you wrote about low blood pressure that is what I was thinking was happening. If your Mom is taking a lot of blood pressure pills, or a high dose of one pill, maybe it is time to have those pills adjusted ASAP. Plus if someone sits too long, blood might not be pumping to the brain the way it should.

One of my Dad's caregivers showed us how to help with that type of situation. While sitting, take your feet and pump them up and down like you are stepping on a car brake.
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Mom does do chair excercises and her legs are elevated while she is sitting and massaged everyday. She walks around the house with the assistance of her walker as well as a person or two. She also wears compression socks. Her be isn't low unless her legs are down for an extended period of time Thanks for the suggestion
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