
She is and has been n pull ups for bout 4 years and hardly ever has a wet one .plz help Her test for UTI is negative.

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Is she taking any diuretics, like Lasix? If not call the MD. This is totally NOT normal and needs further intervention with a Urologist.
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Thank u. No lasix..Dr said basically it is what it is bcause she is not a surgery candidate. When I asked for a referral Dr said no use n going cause they couldn't fix it. So rt now on microbid ..but does not help. Thank u
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Mom was getting up to go to the bathroom a lot too. At home it was ok, but what a hassle when we are out. I read on this site about cranberry tablets and tried them. They really help. They cut down dramatically on the trips to the toilet and she pees more each time. She's not incontinent, but wears Depends for leakage and she's becoming increasingly less mobile. Now I'm concerned a little because she's not getting as much exercise, LOL!

Another thought is that maybe your mom is dehydrated. Believe it or not, drinking more will not make them go to the bathroom more, it will hydrate the tissues and they will go less often. At least this is the way I understand it.
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My mother uses the bathroom every few minutes. She does this on days she takes Lasix, but on other days as well. There is no infection. With her, it seems her bladder is irritable, her pelvic muscles are weak, and she doesn't void completely when she goes. Anytime she stands up she has to go. There are times I think she goes to prevent accidents. She has one or two accidents on most days and has to change her pants. So she makes herself go often. She has dementia, so she may not remember that she just went a few minutes before.

One way I look at it is, even though it seems miserable, it does give her some exercise walking back and forth to the bathroom. I've often thought that life as an older person would be so much better if someone would just solve the problem of incontinence. The drugs for it now are not ideal for elders who already have trouble voiding their bladders completely.
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Thx guys. Mom use to take cranberry every morning but Dr said it would change .anything just another expense. Mom also has a colonoscopy bag. And has been constipated last few days so I believe she is dehydrated..
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OK, Lasix (furosemide) or Spironolactone or any diuretics would -- of course -- make them go and that's the point of taking those meds, so in those situations mom peeing all the time is what you want to see. But come on, girls, you all should already be thinking about prolapse being the cause. Long before taking diuretics for heart disease-related fluid retention, mom was already alternating between peeing all the time and retention. After prolapse repair, all that changed. She was mad as hell when the peeing all the time resumed again when she started on Lasix. She would go to great lengths to avoid taking "those d*mn pee pills". Her best friend had exactly the same experience, and I know of at least 4 other senior women who went through the same thing, usually in their late 80's. These are the girls that didn't need it done earlier, and good for them! If she's not a good candidate for surgery like an A&P repair, I doubt there's anything proactive that could be done about it. Keep lots of absorbent pads on hand, because eventually they don't make it all the way to the bathroom. The ones they sell at pet stores are exactly the same as the ones the medical supply companies sell for humans, so if these aren't covered by insurance, shop at PetsMart. They are a bit cheaper when bought in bulk there. Hope this guy's bits of advice about female senior incontinence help!
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Even better than pet stores are places like Amazon and Drs. Foster & Smith. You can get either disposable or washable incontinence pads on these sites for a lot less than at most pet stores. I had a couple of special needs rabbits, so incontinence pads were something I bought a lot of. My favorites were the washable ones I bought on Amazon. I could toss them in the washing machine and add a cup of vinegar and they were fresh as new.
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Thank u. Yes prolapse is what I thought but Dr said not a candidate for surgery..she just doesn't go n her pull ups. Thx again for feed back
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In older folks the LEU side will turn purple almost every time. As explained to me by the Dr it is the NIT side that shows infection.
This product has told me many times whether to get her to the ER or if it is another issue. These strips have saved me $60.00 ER trips many times.
Another clue to UTI is fever but not always. Mom turns red in her face when she is starting to get a UTI.
On the brighter side Mom will also go to the bathroom out of boredom when I am busy and unable to entertain her majesty. I would not miind her sitting on the throne so often except you have to watch for excessive wiping and make sure they are doing it front to back.
My cure for this was
Which happens to be on sale right now for $45.10 free shipping included for 80 rolls normally $104.16.
I couldnt afford to keep her in tp without Amazon Prime.
I hope this doesnt seem like spam . But it has saved me a bundle just on trips to the store alone.
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Thank u. Mom is not moble on her own or I'm sure she would go. She also pushes when she pees..I will get strips 2 mrw
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