
Very worried about my 91 year old Mom who is suffering from bad headaches everyday. I brought her to her doctor and he didn't recommend a CT Scan but I think a CT Scan would help. As of last week I have been calling the doctor to order this scan but he hasn't so far. I also thought of bringing my Mom to the ER but then she has to wait many hours. What should I do?

My Mom has vascular dementia (I think it's stage 2).

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Do you know why he won't order the CT scan? Has your mom seen a Neurologist yet? The reason I ask is that my LO also has Vascular Dementia. She was diagnosed by her Primary based on history and symptoms. We then followed up with a Neurologist who ordered MRI and with more tests, confirmed Vascular Dementia. It was pretty significant.

Is your mother being treated for anything like hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes? For some reason, after my LO got all of that under control, her headaches went away. Before she had them daily and thought they were sinus headaches.

I hope you can get some help for your mother. What are they recommending for her pain?
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My Mom is being treated for high blood pressure and after adjusting her medication several times it's finally on the normal side.

Her doctor said to give her Advil which helps a little bit (but not totally) and I want to know what is causing her headaches.

I don't know why her doctor has not ordered a CT Scan yet. I am calling the doctor everyday and today I have called 3 times and he is supposed to call me back.

I'm scared that my Mom is having mini strokes and wondering if a CT Scan would show that.
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I think you have a valid concern. I can't prove it, but, the MRI showed that my LO had had MULTIPLE strokes. I think the CT scan can show some things. I know that when my mom thought she was having a stroke, they did a CT scan in ER and it showed that she did not. Just to be on the safe side, they later did an MRI, which confirmed that she did not. I don't think they ever did one for my cousin though. Just the MRI.

I hope they can help her with the pain.
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Her primary is treating her headaches with Advil and no further investigation.

You need to start keeping a headache diary (time, what part of her head hurts, duration etc).

You need to get mom an appointment with a neurologist, preferably one who specializes in headahes.
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JennaRose, does your Mom wear glasses? When was the last time she had new prescriptions. Old prescriptions might bring on a headache.

If the headaches are fairly new. When did they first start? Anything new brought into the house? Such as brand new carpeting? New carpeting has an odor that could cause headaches for awhile.

Are you Mom's primary caregiver? Your profile mentioned a brother who was always yelling at her. That would give anyone a headache !!  And that you were living in another State.

The headache could be food related? When does Mom's headaches first start for the day? Keep a food diary to help narrow down the food that could be the culprit.
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Also, make sure she's not dehydrated.
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Jenna, I just read that your mom started Zoloft. Is there any correlation between when mom started the Zoloft and the onset of the headaches?
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I'm my Mom's primary caregiver. I moved my Mom in with me before her house was officially sold (I went to the closing for her). My brother had to move out and after he did he passed away (he was very sick from diabetes and didn't take care of himself).

Anyway, the headaches started before my Mom started on the Zoloft. I agree that Advil is not enough and for the life of me I can't understand why this doctor won't order a CT Scan.

Been keeping a record of her headaches and she doesn't wake up with them but they start about 1 hour after she wakes and doesn't go away. She gets minor relief from the Advil.

She doesn't wear px glasses anymore since she had her cataracts removed but she does wear close up glasses (the type one buys in a drug store) to see very close up.

About 1 hour ago Mom fell down (didn't bump into anything, just fell down) and she's okay.

I think I am going to take her to the ER tomorrow morning and have her checked out.

She drinks lots of water, apple juice, and I make her green smoothies because she doesn't eat enough green leafy veggies. I'm just really worried about her.

Thanks all for replying,
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All good points given here. Like Barb just noted, I was going to ask if she has any new meds? My dad developed severe headaches at one point. We took him to several drs. Scans were done. Allergies considered etc. Finally we were sent to a headache specialist. He reviewed his meds and immediately knew the problem was one the VA had put him on. This was many years ago. I don't remember the med but I would do a thorough investigation of her meds to rule out any likely suspect. And a dr who won't respond is a waste of time IMHO. If he is tired of your noise you need to move on. I assume it isn't always possible but sometimes we have to make a change. Let us know what you find out.
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Taking her to the er due to the fall is a wonderful solution. Tell them about the headaches and bring the headache diary.
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JennaRose, just curious if your Mom use to drink a lot of coffee and has now stopped. I have heard this will give someone a major headache in the morning. Just a thought.
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Hi all, no my Mom never drank coffee, she likes tea.

97yearold, you got me thinking about any change of medication and according to the diary I keep the headaches started when her doctor prescribed a diuretic to take with her blood pressure meds. The diuretic is called Hydrochlorothiazide. I read on some sites that headaches could be a side effect of this med.

Anyway, I did take my Mom to the ER early this morning as when my Mom woke she asked me to take her to the hospital because of a bad headache.

I brought her meds and my diary. They did everything! She had the CT Scan, an MRI, bloodwork, EKG, everything. She is fine and the doctor told me that my Mom has a brain of a 50 year old (he rarely sees that).

So I was on pins and needles the entire time but I am relieved to know she doesn't have a tumor and is not a stroke victim. He recommended a new doctor and also a doctor that specializes in headaches.

I'm sooooooo tired and relieved.

So that's the update. I think I'm going to stop giving her the diuretic for a couple of days and see if her headaches stop.

Thanks all,
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