
since onset 3 months ago has fallen more than 6 times dad refuses to sell house so they can move into housing more suitable for mom which would be handicap accessible there is no bedroom on the main level so she has taken to sleeping in a recliner both myself and younger sister live in apartment buildings which she could not get into what can we do

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Is she being treated for the neuropathy? Is she on drugs and therapies for the pain? Is the underlying cause being addressed? The first part of the solution is to see that everything that can be done to reduce or control the neuropathy is being done.

Next, you talk about what Dad's wishes are. What about Mom? Does she want to stay in her own home? Is she hoping to move to a location that would make getting around easier for her? What kind of relationship have your dad and mom had through the years? How are they getting along now?

If Mom wants to move and Dad is opposed, the dynamics of their relationship need to be taken into consideration. You could help Mom move, for example to Assisted Living, but if Dad is opposed then there are financial issues that must be addressed. I'd really like to hear what Mom's wishes are and the nature of her relationship with Dad.

If Mom also wants to stay in her own home and does not want to move, then in addition to being sure she is getting optimal treatment for her condition, the next thing to help with is making their existing home as accessible as possible. Sleeping in a recliner is OK for temporary situations (I do it myself when I have leg cramps -- it is more comfortable) but is probably not ideal for long term. Is there a downstairs room that could be converted into a bedroom? A dining room or a den is probably not as important as a ground floor bedroom. Or at the very least, how about a hospital bed put up wherever there is room on that floor?

Does Mom use a wheelchair? Would doing so make her life easier? How about a mobility scooter?

Does Mom cook? If she likes to and can, make it easier for her. For example, when my husband was in a wheelchair the counters were too high for him. but he managed to make his annual fruitcake by pulling out a cabinet drawer and placing a large cutting board over it, giving him a work surface at a convenience height.

How much can/does Dad help? Does he cook, clean, do laundry, etc?

If they both want to stay in their home, it is time to bring in outside help. Depending on what Dad can handle and what Mom can still do, consider a homemaking service to do cleaning and laundry. Look into Meals on Wheels. Perhaps get a bathing aid service to help Mom shower or take baths.

Have a trained therapist evaluate the house to make suggestions for safety, such as where to place grab bars, perhaps a door to remove, taking up certain rugs, adding a ramp to one house exit, etc.

Your parents' options are
1) to keep things as they are, and live with Mom's discomfort and risk of falling.
2) reduce the risks right where they are
3) sell the house and move together to a more suitable environment
4) move Mom (with or without Dad) to some kind of a care center

I don't like option 1, and clearly you don't either. But I think they should decide together which option they want to focus on, and then you and your sisters can do everything in your power to make it work.

Good luck to you.

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Rehab doc approach - flexible orthotics and a walker? A little functional gait training with a good PT?
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thank you so much e will have more answers in the next few weeks we have a appointment with a specilist
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She does not want to give up her independence. Take her on tour to Assisted Living facilities, where she will have her own space, three meals a day, and make sure they have a nurse on site. A good facility will help with the financial aid that is available to her.
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