
Mom has been in the hospital for couple of weeks she had a cellulitis flare up. They moved her to rehab in Sun City, but isn’t getting much rehab. Walking I suppose is what rehab is! They want her to get out of a bed before she can go home, but mom sleeps in a recliner and has for many years, so getting out of a bed should not be a priority or a reason to hold her there.

2 days ago a nurse at this rehab shoved mom, pushed her, bruised her and broke the skin. Really shook her up. Heads of this place met with family regarding this matter and the nurse was dismissed, family filed a police report just in case something happens to mom because of this nurse. Nurse is on a rotation pool, hopefully she won’t do this to anyone else. Mom is now afraid of being there.

Mom also has congestive heart failure and kidneys are at 22%. She cannot really get around good enough to care for herself. She is 85 and family just told me they are considering putting her into some kind of home in Sun City Arizona because dad cannot care for her he is 89 and has issues of his own. If mom falls dad can’t help her up and family that has been living with mom and dad work and can’t be there 24/7.

House and dads shares etc. are in a trust, they have a meeting with an attorney who wants to see all their financial information to determine how to go about all of this. They don’t have a lot of money. They’re going to need some assistance to pay for the $3,000.00 monthly nursing home fees. Does anyone have any advice? I’m in Texas and my brother just told me about this. I’m at a total loss and have no idea where to start.

I thank y’all in advance.

I'm sorry mom is doing so poorly.

Has whomever is POA applied to Medicaid on mom's behalf?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn
KeepthePeace Oct 17, 2023
Thank you for your reply. I don’t think my brother (POA) has done anything other than going to meet with attorney to see what is their best route.
You say Mom's family has notified you she will need placement and they are "considering putting her in some kind of home".
You also say that "they have a meeting with an attorney".

So it appears THEY (whoever they are), who LIVE there, are taking charge and already have an attorney arranged.
I am glad they are doing this, because if trust is revocable then it will stand to pay the bills. If irrevocable it may not stand to pay the bills, and if recently done, would be considered gifting so there would not be any governmental support either.

It sounds as though no one is asking you for assistance, yourself. So I would leave this in the hands of the immediate family who is handling it with the attorneys and the discharge planners. Thank all who are notifying you of all this and ask if there is anything you can do long distance to help them.

Wishing the best and hope it all goes well as can be expected.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer
KeepthePeace Oct 17, 2023
Brother asked if I had any ideas of what to do, but they’ve had discussions for the past 2 weeks without asking me. I appreciate him handling this but it would have been nice to be included in initial conversations. I’m feeling left out, but ok.
I’ll have to wait to see what comes of the meeting with the attorney. when I spoke to mom she seems to have no idea of what is being planned by family in Arizona wanting to put her in a home. My brother says she does know.
I appreciate you time. Thanks
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Sorry as well, Medicaid may be the answer.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to anonymous1732518
KeepthePeace Oct 17, 2023
I’ll let my brother know.

Thank you
The attorney will be able to answer the payment question. If not, consult with a Medicaid Planner for her home state, since Medicaid rules are state-specific.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777
KeepthePeace Oct 17, 2023
Thank you.
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NH fees are 3k? Where I live Assisted Living is more than that and NHs are about 10k.

Brother needs an Elder Lawyer. One versed in Medicaid. Your parents assets can be split. Moms split going to her care. When almost gone, Medicaid applied for. At that time, Dad can remain in the home, have a car and receive enough or all of their monthly income of Social Security and any pensions they have. A lawyer can explain this all better, I am just giving u the basics. Neither you or siblings are responsible to pay Moms bills.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29
KeepthePeace Oct 17, 2023
Thank you. I will discuss with my brother. Hopefully he will have some answers from the attorney soon.
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