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Is she alone when making these calls?

My mom would call zero for the operator and then get mad at the recorded voice since there's no longer a live operator - a couple of times she got through to the police who would call me - she did this mainly when no one would take her calls and I was working late
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Thanks for responding MsMadge. I posted too early by mistake before adding more info. My Mom is stage 6, lives with my brother, but I am with her every other day. Most of the time she is pleasant, but about once a day she flies into a rage because we, her children, won't let her drive and she accuses us of having taken away her life. In these rages she has threatened to call 911, but yesterday she actually did. My brother and I were outside on the porch when she called. The police came and were very understanding. My Mom told them what wonderful children she had and of course could not remember that she had called. I'm hoping it doesn't happen again, but was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this problem. Thanks.
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Bobbie; Has your mom been seen by a geriatric psychiatrist? It sounds like some meds for anxiety and agitation might be helpful.
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Bobbie, my mother has her explosive moments, too. I don't know if is the same for yours, but sometimes she has a hair trigger so that something I say can set her off. She's not rational when it happens and often doesn't remember why she got upset. Something my mother does occasionally is make doctor appointments or order something from the drugstore. Then she can't remember doing it or why.

Most of the time she is okay. I don't know why she has these sudden episodes of being angry or being overly concerned with some body symptom (like a little bump on her skin). It is just part of the disease. I am glad the police understood.
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I might discuss her anxiety with her doctor. Perhaps if she wasn't in such distress, she won't feel compelled to call.

My cousin called 911 a couple of times.(They sent an ambulance both times.) Once she called because she got very upset that her remote didn't work right, another time, she had no idea why she called, so we then had to ensure that she was supervised at all times. Medication helped greatly with her anxiety.
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Thank you everyone for the responses. We do have to add/change meds to address the anxiety better and will be talking to her doctors about it. Wishing all a peaceful day as possible!
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The local police have complain my MIL calls them 2 or three times a day sometimes. They're out to here house several times a week.
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You and your brother should have a conversation about her making calls to 911. I know that in my area, if you call so many times in a certain month, they will get another party involved. A neighbor that lived next door, kept calling to have the paramedics to have them come over and pick him up because he couldn't get back up. Eventually, they called the APS and now he is sitting in a nursing home. Could anxiety meds work? Yes but might not help with the fixation of calling 911.
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My mother called the police at 5 AM and told them she was being held captive. I was quite rudely awakened as they pounded on my door. Once they came in and saw her, they quickly figured out what was wrong. She was complaining that she didn't like this restaurant and couldn't get any food. I moved the phone out of her room and talked to her dr. about medication to get her to sleep at night. They put her on Seroquel, and she hasn't called the police since. Thank God!
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911 services will normally know the difference. They deal with it every day most likely.
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