
I have been caring for my mothers dog since she went in assisted living. I hate her dog. It pees and poops every where. It came from a rescue with lots of issues. I feel bad that I don’t want it. She loves the damn thing. What should I do. Return it to rescue or shelter or just keep it and hope it dies soon?

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I vote for contacting the rescue organization that the dog is from and explaining the dog's owner had to go into care and is no longer able to care for it. I love dogs but.... I'm sure you have enough on your plate already.
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I start by saying I love dogs. In fact, I prefer most dogs to most people.

That said, please look at returning the poor thing to the rescue organization that he came from.

The dog is likely upset at having been separated from his human and is also acting out because he knows you don’t like him.

It’s not right to keep him in a home where he is unwanted and unloved - he deserves better.

Dogs are loyal and dedicated to their humans - most wanting nothing more than to please their human and receive a word of praise along with a scratch behind the ear or a belly rub in return. 

Please don’t blame the dog - he’s likely had a tough life with human after human letting him down. Placeing him back at the rescue center will at least give him another shot at finding a human to love him - and one he’ll love back.
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[Covering my dog's ears].

Yes, appeal to the original shelter for help with this. The dog's messing is likely to be a sign of stress. And don't feel bad - it's not your fault you don't like him.

Have you been taking the dog to visit your mother? Is she going to miss him?
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Can you find a no kill shelter? or a trainer?
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I agree with calling the rescue the dog came from. I believe most rescues have the adopter sign a form that the dog must be returned and not given to another family or shelter. This way you'll have done your duty to the dog and it'll be cared for and, hopefully, get a new home.
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Jetcitygirl, any other family members who would love to train a dog? What kind of dog is it, and how old is the dog?

Did the dog act out when the dog was living with your mother, or is this a new thing? If new, then the dog is heartbroken that your Mom isn't around so the dog is very nervous. See if the Vet can give the dog something to calm him/her down.

It takes time when a pet comes into a home that has been owned by someone else. I recently adopted a 12 year old cat, it's a huge adjustment not only for me, but for the cat. She has a new dwelling to learn, new noises to get use to, new food and food dishes, and finding a perfect place to sleep.

Give the dog a chance.
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First of all did the dog mess all over Mom's house? How old is he?
Try keeping it in a roomy cage most of the time, take it out frequently and give lots of praise when it performs and include a treat. Use the same language each time, like "Go pee". Also give a treat when you use the cage. it may take a few weeks but it can be done. if you really hate the animal ot just the behavior return to the shelter ASAP.
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Do a little research for the poor dog’s sake and find a reputable shelter. The dog knows it’s not loved or welcomed and is acting out. You can also call any vet in your area and ask them if they know of a good shelter.
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If you decide to keep it awhile; you can make sure it stays on lino floors, also some of the time, especially when you're not home, it can go in a wire dog crate/kennel; my dog is in hers for several hours now and then and she still likes it and will go in it by herself and sleep. Walk it or let it out pretty often at first so it won't get a chance to pee in the house; it won't be long before it will settle into a routine (which you can establish for your convenience). Pay it some attention, even though you aren't fond of it; if you do, it should help the dog, and you may get to like it better. Dog's life just went upside down, too, you know. (By the way, if it ever suddenly begins to mess in the house, especially near where you sit (trying to tell you), it is probably a UTI - makes dogs crazy, too.... ) We had this happen with our dog, and as soon as she was treated, no more messes.  You CAN give it away, but may not have to.
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My daughter volunters for a no kill shelter. Their adoption papers specify that if the person adopting dies or can no longer care for the animal its to be returned to the shelter.
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