
She gets these chills around 6:00 pm, and they last ablut an hour. Sometimes she wakes up around 8:30 pm (in bed by 7:00 pm) shivering she’s so chilled. No amount of blankets help. These don’t happen every night but come and go. Sometimes it can happen over several nights in a row… then no problems for a week. Any ideas or suggestions? Her blood work doesn’t show any problem with thyroid.

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There can be an underlying health issue other than thyroid going on with mom to cause severe chills, such as anemia, especially if she looks pale and wakes up tired. Low blood sugar with diabetes, certain cancers, Lyme disease and some medications can also cause such chills. Bring mom to her PCP for a full medical workup to see what may be going on.

Best of luck.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to lealonnie1
Literacy4mom Sep 21, 2023
Thank you! She has an appointment next week so hopefully we will get some answers.
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This is indeed a question for her doctor. Perhaps her iron stores are low as she is possibly anemic. When was the last time she had blood work done? Your mother needs to see her PCP ASAP.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Dupedwife

While you’re getting more info from her medical team, my late father, who would get chills as part of his paralysis sometimes, loved a blanket warmed up in the dryer. It warmed him right up.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to SnoopyLove
pamzimmrrt Sep 21, 2023
My Mom too!
Along with the suggetions given I have a question
When she gets the chills have you looked and felt the effected areas? If they feel cold or cool to you this might be a circulation problem and maybe a gentle massage might help. A massage will stimulate blood flow.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Grandma1954

Thyroid was going to be my first guess. I would have to tell you that this is really a question for her MD. I am an old retired RN, and could not fathom a guess as to what this may be.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to AlvaDeer

I hope the doctor visit went well. I am a retired nurse-midwife. I hope that they checked for UTI as well as anemia and thyroid. She could have a subclinical UTI that makes her a little feverish/chilled for a short time, but her body may mostly recover from this by itself. Also check hydration, not only water, but electrolyte replacement. A little orange Gatorade, either straight or cut with water will help keep her hydrated.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Planondementia

My mother had similar symptoms. It turned out to be low blood sugar caused by Metformin. Ideally, people over 80 shouldn't be on that medication.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to LNorman

When my mom started needing help to get up for bathroom trips she started not drinking as much and experiencing cold spells. The doctor thought she's was probably mildly dehydrated at times so I started tracking how much she drank (including popsicles, cucumbers, watermelon, etc.) and the cold spells went away.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to TNtechie

Also, a thin woolen cap. Lots of heat escapes from the top of the head.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn
MargaretMcKen Sep 21, 2023
Barb, the thin woolen cap is a ‘beanie’ in Oz-speak!
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Other possible causes:

Medication side effect
Poor diet/malnutrition

Shortly after my first son was born I began experiencing extreme chills down my back intermittently, but it also came with swollen glands. I felt like I had a frozen rod in my spine. I had to take steroids to get the gland swelling go away. I had scads of tests and the cause was never found. Eventually it stopped happening. Just saying they may never find a cause.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Geaton777

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