
Hello. This forum helped me before when I had a problem with my brother not letting me speak to my mom. I’m back with new problems and hope. I was able to speak to my mom, but only because for the second time she had to leave my bro’s house. I think because his gf didn’t want her there and so she was taken back to her house. A neighbor told me she had been seeing his truck in the driveway so I was able to finally reach her on the home phone. Since then the same brother has sold her Tahoe (which had been promised to me) and had now put her into a home which she did not want. He has not told me a thing about it. No phone number or address or even discussed moving her and did it saying he was going on vacation for 2 weeks. Mom called me every 15 minutes the day of the move scared to death. She told him she did not want to go and that she wanted me to come get her so she could live with me. He was listening to all our conversations so he knew how scared she was. At one point she said she would probably never get to speak to me again because I wouldn’t be able to find her. She was right. There’s over 120 homes in Vegas, where do I start? Even if I did find the right one I’m sure they have been instructed not to allow certain people to speak to her. He’s taken her out of the home she’s lived in for 25 years and plans to sell it. It does belong to him, but over the years she has paid for everything and done all upkeep. He has his own place across town. Her sister’s also don’t have a way to contact her. I feel he is being selfish at her expense, he has had to stay with her and wants to get back to his house and gf. Most senior homes in Vegas start at $3500 a month and up, this will drain her quickly. There is also all her possessions that were left behind. Is there a way for me to find her and bring her home with me? If so how do I go about doing this? I live on a fixed income so need cheap or free resources. I just want my mom with family. Where do I start?

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Report her as a missing person with possibility of kidnapping to the Las Vegas police. Give them information about your brother so they can track him down and question him. You need to make sure she is safe and that's the first step.
Helpful Answer (4)

Valpar, time to make an appointment with an Elder Law Attorney who can guide you on what steps you can take.
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Wellness check at brothers house!
Helpful Answer (2)
Valpar Dec 2022
Yep did that police were no help. Didn’t come back with a phone number or address
I glanced over ur last post. Alva asked about a POA and u did not answer that part of her question. You also say "he assumed the role". Really, I don't understand how he sold her truck if it was titled to her. The title has to be signed by the owner. Without POA not sure how he could have signed it. Who did the proceeds go to?

I am so sorry he has done this. I pray that Mom has a lucid moment and is able to call you. Call her local PO and see if there has been a address change. They may not be able to tell you where but can confirm if its somewhere other than your brothers address. Put Mom's name and town in search and see what address is there. I changed Mom to my address and it wasn't long before her junk mail had my address on it.

Once in a NH that should be their legal address. If brother has no POA I would wonder how he was able to place Mom especially if she did not want to go there. I would check with the police to see what you can do. If brother has POA, you may not be able to do anything. I don't see why you need to pay an Elder Lawyer to help in a situation like this. I think a general lawyer can help.

I so hope u find Mom.
Helpful Answer (1)
Valpar Dec 2022
Hi JoAnn. I’m sorry I wasn’t clear about my brother having a poa. It’s hard for me to answer because I haven’t seen one and he hasn’t said that he has one In nevada it’s not the law to have a poa noterized,they suggest u do but it’s not the law if it were the law I’d have more of a chance to confirm it Yes he wasn’t assigned or asked to take control of mom or her assets, since my youngest bro passed 3 months ago he’s the only one living in the same city as her so he’s “the natural one” to help her he just is overstepping his bounds and if he has a poa he must think a poa grants u whatever u want and can do whatever u want It’s been 11 days since I’ve talked to my mom and he still has not provided a phone number to any of her family and said in his chat room that any cards or such can be sent to his house. The boss at the home asked for no mail coming to the mom at the home per brother really? The Tahoe has always been promised to me from my mom. He wasn’t around enough to hear things like that with mom becoming less sure of herself he wouldn’t have had a hard time getting her to sign the title. She feels indebted to him for letting her live in his other house,the trailor,for the last 30+years almost rent free he kept the trailor all these years so his ex couldn’t take half of it in a sale. Like the poa I have no idea where the proceeds are. He doesn’t know the neighbor told me he sold it. Mom isn’t poor, her husband left her sitting darn good so he didn’t need the money
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