
Even made it upstairs for a shower when we were told if she did that she would have a massive heart attack. She was even washing dishes. Hospice as well as her family are amazed!! My question is: is she getting better, is this a miracle from above, as we all hope or is this a 2nd wind??

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Maybe you could repeat the question here so people could see it and respond. There are a lot of people on this forum who are very knowledgeable and give good advice, and I'm sure they'd like to help you.
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Looks like someone got your post fixed. I wish I knew how to answer, but I don't. I know miracles do happen sometimes, and I sure hope this is one. I'm sure it's hard not to know -- you're hoping and fearing at the same time -- but I'm guessing you'll have to take it day by day and see how things go. I wish you the best.
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I don't know that anyone has the definitive answer about when a person is going to pass away. Hospice can only give an approximation of the time they feel a person has left to live, but even then, it's only an educated guess. In the case of your sister, I personally think you've witnessed a MIRACLE! Perhaps God has given her a second chance at life now! Whatever has happened, enjoy it and let's hope the good health continues for many more years to come!

All the best.
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It could be rallying. My GFs father looked near death. The next day he up walking. Talking to everyone. His old self. Dr. was discharging the next day. He passed at 2 am.

Or, it could be a med she was on was not right for her. When she was taken off, she went back to her old self.
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dogperson Dec 2019
When I first looked at it, it just said, "I posted a question on a previous page" or something like that. I couldn't figure out what the question was, so I suggested the OP repeat it here. Then, either the OP or maybe someone who manages the forum fixed it so that the question showed up here.
It is difficult to say in any individual case just what is happening. I am not a believer, so I think that anything that is happening likely falls into the realm of possible real life choices. I have been surprised by patients more than once.
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My brother did the same before he died. A burst of energy. As soon as he saw his children walk in the door he perked up. I told his daughter that he was waiting for her before he left this world.

I was thinking the same as you, a miracle. The hospice nurse assured me that he was dying.

My brother was near death then started laughing and smiling so much the nurse asked if we were having a party. Then he became unconscious and lingered for a few days before dying.
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lealonnie1 Dec 2019
A person who smiles and laughs is perking up a bit; a person who is suddenly walking upstairs to shower, washing dishes, and walking around with a walker has rallied to the point of it sounding like a miracle! When my father was dying and in hospice care, he was semi-comatose for several days but woke up and STAYED up for the entire length of my son's wedding inside of his room at the ALF. He smiled and kissed everyone, and even said a few words. He momentarily rallied, then passed away the next night at 2 am.
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Treasure this moment.
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I believe that it's God's perfect timing and maybe your Mother will live for years on Hospice like mine did.She even set a record with her Hospice company,so we never know,but with my Mother ,she was a fighter and it was her body that shut down.Not her.
I think it's wonderful how well your Mother is doing~Take good care
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