
OMG! My 90 YO mother just put some medicated pain cream on her hip and it's burning my eyes and making my eyes tear up and oh what a headache. I'm ready to leave the house. Is there anything else this stubborn old lady can use? And then she doesn't wash her hands very good. Should I throw it away and get something else? She probably would know the difference since she has dementia. I know it helps, but it sure doesn't help me. HELP!

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Pain patches are available. may need a prescription. Might ask your Pharmacist
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My daughter who is in charge of a rehab unit and is a BSN, told me about a homeopathic cream called Arnica. It works and has no smell. I got it at Walgreens.
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What kind of cream is she using? What's the name of it? Was it prescribed by a doctor or is it over-the-counter? Consider asking her doctor if Lidoderm might be appropriate. Good luck.
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She was using a cream over the counter called Tylenol made by Tylenol. It think it has menthol in it. She said it burned a little. She doesn't use it as much, but she is still in pain. She uses it on her back because of degenerated disks and also she had hip surgery 2 yrs. ago and the doctor said the metal is grinding in the socket when she walks. Can have surgery but she won't go through that again. Her dementia got worse after the first surgery. She also has pain in her feet, cold, red and swells a little. Doctor said it was nerves, but I don't think so. She won't go to the doctor. She doesn't have diabetes either. So she sits a lot and lately as been sleeping a lot. She takes Tylenol for pain. I just take one day at a time. I worry about her if I have to put her in a home. I'm looking for a job because I want my freedom back. But not much luck. Thanks all for replying. Plus keep up the help. Love this site.
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My father-in-law ( long deceased), invented the Trans-Dermal Patch way back in the fifties. Prior to that, it was thought that meds could not get through the skins' layers. It has been a boon to smokers seeking less withdrawal symptoms and other patients requiring pain relief.
If this patient can get pain relief from a patch, then I'd try it. What have you got to lose?
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Arnica is great stuff -- and not too pricey!
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Thanks for the info Chimonger.
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Add to chi's gr8 info (kno this as a lifelong homeopath, nutritionist and homeopathic lay prescriber): Boericke & Tafel also make Califlora, a Calendula based rub. Good for cuts, wounds & bruises. Use whenever the skin is broken. arnica rubs such as Arniflora shouldn't be used on broken skin or open wounds.

Homeopathically prepared "mothers tinctures", which were used almost exclusively by Hahnemann, are made from animal, vegetable, and mineral raw materials as well as from nosodes, sarcodes and bacterias. MTs from the first three are safe, from the remaining three, best left to a professional. More info at 3W / similima / com / miracles-of-homeopathic-mother-tinctures

Anyone interested in beginning an investigation into homeopathy could first study the Cell Salts (which are homeopathically prepared) as well as the following homeopathics: Arnica, Aconite, Belladonna , Bryonia, Gelsemium, Hepar Sulph, Ipecac, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox and Ruta Grav.
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Yes...that's another weird thing science can't explain about homeopathy. It works exceptionally well on pets and children where the placebo effect can't be claimed; yet oddly, many adults that it doesn't always seem to work on are the very same adults they have resistance problems. I always tell people they can blocks the energy affect with resistance. Somehow they find that exclamation on scientific to which I say there are people in hospitals as we speak with IV antibiotics pumping in their veins, and dying of infection anyway. Resistance doesn't just occur in homeopathy. Haha...
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We are muchly on the same page...haha...Hamlet to Horatio being one of my favorite quotes.

If we as a society ate a proper diet from the get go, so many prevalent conditions that exist today (primarily through Law of Attraction drawn in by the scientific who WANT to study and perpetuate disease), almost every if not all disease that is being "fought against" or "resisted" would be an "orphan disease" for which neither treatment nor allopathic medicine would have any financial incentive to be developed. I like Thoreau too, wishing more of us would step to the beat of a different drummer.
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