
People who have had strokes, seizures and other problems who only have medicade and are doom to a life in bed in a nursing home. Help

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Rehab has social workers and the facility is obliged to help fill out the Medicaid application and find proper placement.
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After 100 days of therapy we had to either put my dad in nursing home or find a place to take him I found senior care home home cooked meals his own room tv so much better he has dementia and it made him stop walking he's not paralyzed but will not walk put any pressure on his feet even in
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100 days of therapy didn't work the doctor ordered home therapy to work with him but it isn't working either I don't understand what dementia really is and I think home therapy runs out to on medicare he's hard headed I'm his daughter when I visit I try to help stretch or move his body instead of just laying there and he tells me I'm not the nurse but I keep telling him if he wants to walk he has to do things himself he just lays there and waits for someone else to do everything for him I'm glad I found a great care home he, thinks he's still therapy but it's actually his new home cause he'll never walk again and Incontinent and very demanding with dementia
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Nursing homes and care homes only provide there every day needs and to make them comfortable and safe like my dad it's really up to the patient to really do anything they can themselves he's 88 years old I pretty much helped him as much as I could when he lived alone he could do so much but I did all the running for him till he got pneumonia and dementia homecare is very expensive and never know what your getting so this group care home is great keeping him safe is all I can do now I don't understand dementia is it different then alshemiers
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Alzheimer's is a specific type of dementia. Dementia is a general term. Read about Alzheimer's on this site and you will understand more about what your dad is going through. Click on CAREGIVER SUPPORT at the top of the page.
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Why do you think they will remain in bed? My mom's in a nh post stroke and spends most of her time in her recliner or in a wheelchair. She's content. Talk to the discharge planners, they will find a decent place.
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Long story short: If you don't "progress" they stop the rehab. However, you need the rehab to maintain the progress you have made. Something is very wrong with our insurance system! Not everyone will be able to be what they were but they should be allowed to maintain their new normal. That did not happen for my Dad.
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PS - My Dad wasn't even in a nursing home. We paid for a private full time aide.
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If the patient isn't maintaining, my mom's nh reassessed snd re-verified her for Medicare coverage. If your dad is at home, you'll need to call the doctor to have a prescription written for a pt assessment.
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Thank you ba8alou. Unfortunately this is 20 years too late for us. Hopefully someone else can benefit from knowing this. Wish I knew it then.
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Nursing homes are not just for the bedridden. In fact these homes provide help to get up, dressed and groomed daily. There are also activities which should be geared to resident's interest and abilities! I worked as a Long term care(Nursing home) activities director for 20 years. I never saw a resident who was keep exclusively in bed! They at least get up into a recliner or wheelchair if they cannot walk.
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My mom was in an assisted living home and I brought her home with me, yes she is a hand full but I know she is dry and clean. When I when to the home I would change her bed and her clothes. The day I took her home she was wet and smelled real bad, so I had them to give her a bad and clean her up before I took her home. I might have made a mistake bringing her home, but I couldn't stand her not being look after I know the homes don't hire enough help but they charge a lot. I too have to pay for her care and when I run out of money I don't know what is going to happen. I hired a lawyer to help me get her on Medicaid , but it is to be seen I am not able to look after her much longer. any advise on what to do please help
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Partin if your mom is on Medicaid then you have options....your Social Services workers will assist in finding a place. You don't need a lawyer. Once she is placed continue to visit her--the workers know who gets visited and may provide an ounce of extra effort for her.
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She is not on Medicaid yet. So I am having to pay for everything. That is why I hired a lawyer. She has a home but I am ready to give it up because I am not physical or finical able to look after her.
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Her home will go to provide for her, which as her asset, it should. Your mom is lucky, for a little while she can have a private room until sh meets Medicaid guidelines. Then she'll be moved to double or triple room. Be sure she goes to a place that will take Medicaid! They will liked require a financial statement and the ones I visited required 1.5 - 2 years self-paid before they would admit you. They have to do this to break even, they are non-profit, but also to maintain their standards in this community they can't make it work if every resident were on welfare. Beware of any facility that is private-pay only, unless your mom has $500, 000 or more assets. Once the money is gone, she will be evicted (they're not required to assist with Medicaid placement).
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Buster57, you said, "Long story short: If you don't "progress" they stop the rehab..." This happened to my elder friend last year, even though she was no means able to care for herself the way she could before her episode (her legs gave out...she seems to think it's due to one of her medications, perhaps for blood pressure), rehab kicked her out because she wasn't improving.
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People don't HAVE to lay in bed once their rehab is over. They can try and do some of the rehab at home----such as lifting hand weights---using stretch bands etc. They can do some of this just sitting down.
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You can always appeal the ins. company's decision. My mother is with an HMO, and in the book the send you, "Evidence of Coverage", it tells you how to do it. The 1st appeal is just a brief phone call, and here in Florida, or at least with her insurance, you can appeal up to 5 times. They often think you'll just give up or be too intimidated by the process. Don't be. Reversals of decisions are made all the time. Good luck if any of this applies to your situation.
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Hi wwpwin, this response doesn't address your post here, but it sort of made me giggle (NOT condescending to you). Before all her mess in rehab, she had some sort of sore on the heel of her foot that literally took months to go away and she wasn't even diabetic. At that time, the insurance paid for THREE people to take care of her in what literally took less than half an hour to do. A nurse oversaw things...then there was a physical therapist with the rubber band stuff, and then they had a CNA or whatever you call them to actually treat the wound. The scary thing is she has better insurance than most in this country. She got ridiculous over-care in one circumstance and not enough in the other - and this was before Obamacare kicked in.
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wwpwin, all it required was for one person (NICE, of course) to help her take a shower, get dressed and put on medicine and a bandaid. I did it myself. It took less than 30 minutes even for a newbie - far less for those who've gotten used to it and yet her insurance sent THREE people to do it. I would've keep doing it, but I don't live close enough to make it practical. Oi.
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Isn't this sad that we find out the ins and outs of the system a little too late? THAT is part of the system that is failing our loved ones (and us...who are running ragged trying to keep up with care AND the roller coaster and dead ends of health care and help that is available). My husband is a victim of the 'sorry, your rehab is over'. He has primary progressive MS and needs PT to stave off this horrible disease. Any progress he makes can only be maintained through continuous PT. Won't go into the whole story. Too long, too sad, too frustrating. Because of the flawed system, he went from being independent in a power chair to needing a patient lift to get out of bed, a cathater. Even though I did all I could to keep up with the insurance company, the doctors, the evil care he was getting at the AL 9 weeks, my pleas were ignored and they treated him like he was insignificant. He ended up being over-medicated, sent to ER in stroke-like condition. Fortunately, it was not a stroke. I was fortunate to find a place for him in a senior living care group home. He is now being cared for by angels. A stark difference. He even has the twinkle back in his eyes. Between the progression of the MS and the lack of care he had for so long, I'm not sure anymore if he can make it back to being independent and it breaks my heart. I still feel a little like I should have done more...all the while knowing that I did everything I could and that if the health system were more up front with its care, I wouldn't have been on a treadmill trying to catch up with every move that was made, doctors that didn't know his case, indifference of healthcare (Medicare provider), rules about this and rules about that. A vicious circle and the poor guy suffers.
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Buster57, you are so right. My dad was in a nursing home, and getting rehab, which he really enjoyed. He improved to the point where he could walk with a walker, but that wasn't a good enough improvement, I guess they felt he should be able to run a five mile race. His rehab was stopped, and he was lucky if he was walked 20 ft. once a day after that. I realize they are short staffed, but its no excuse for the price they charge each month.
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Yep, everyday8. I hope when the time comes that I will still have the means and where-with-all to end my life on my own terms. It's very hard - beyond hard - to watch others fall to dementia and its various forms.

I am not going to follow that path even if it means setting a path many frown upon.
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Jesus1: You gave no details so our ability to help is limited. Please understand that we cannot avoid the inevitable.
That being said; our healthcare system is extremely broken. Medicare allows money monger doctors to bilk the system and run a puppy mill/geriatric revolving door with our tax dollars. They prolong life without quality as a means to their financial ends.
Recently after having voiced this to a doctor after 16 years in caring for my mother and being a reluctant witness to their treatment of her as a cash cow, I was all of a sudden called by a resident doctor and subsequently the head of geriatrics at the hospital. I was then told my mother should have been in hospice long ago. What is one supposed to do with information like this?
How can I possibly believe that all is anything but inherently corrupt?
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I too am at this stage so a lady came out today. She is going to get hospice for my mom. This has been a long road for me and her. So try to get a social worker to work with you
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ive witnessed this firsthand . my aunt is wasting away in nh and no muscle rehab can be done until medicaid kicks in . i admittedly dont understand economics either regional or global but what sticks in my head is a statement gorbachev made a few years ago . " the way forward will have to be a blend of capitalism and communism " . capitalism has been caught with its pants lying around its ankles and just hasnt the fortitude to admit it yet .
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This month I received the notification from the NH about the 100 day coverage exhaustion of Medicare. Very short answer: the NH placed him in what they call restorative services. What it means? They take him out of bed and with nurse's help make him walk around the facility.
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everyday8 I feel your pain. I don't know the system of the in an outs of the medicare system but it is not for the people that work to make this country what it is today. If you are young and all ways getting in trouble and having kids that the system has to take care of then you might get medicade and live the America dream no job and no responibale . I know my spelling is not that good but I think you will get what I am trying to say.
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Hi captain, per your response, "...what sticks in my head is a statement gorbachev made a few years ago..."

I'm not sure I'd go that far. I would prefer socialized medicine because it's the humane thing to do. That said, I'm beyond cranky that it seems as if our own government didn't truly spend time to look at other countries who already had it and learned from their mistakes before they installed Obamacare.

The following won't solve any problems addressed here, but it's interesting to see what's going on in other countries regarding this issue. If this site will allow me to post a link to this article: "Dementia: I don't want a £55 'bribe' to diagnose patients" by Britain's paper The Telegraph. If this site doesn't allow posting links, it was posted 6:10AM GMT 11 Nov 2014.

Not only was the article interesting, but the reader responses were just as informative, if not more so. The link for the responses is just above where the article begins.
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