
Mother was diagnosed with sepsis. Spent 9 days in hospital. Has been in rehab now for 17 days (was suppose to be there only 20) and I have not seen any improvement. She has arthritis so bad that it even hurts to move her legs. I'm saying that it is OBVIOUSLY septic arthritis, which she is not being treated for. The sepsis inflamed her gallbladder. (Inflammation is gone now but will have to come out. The surgeon's next appointment is another 2 wks. away. She is too weak right now.) I really want her back in the hospital but dont want to ruin her chances of getting back into that facility if needed.

Need to be pointed in the right direction .....ASAP

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Wecome, Anita;

I am totally unqualified to answer your question, but a couple of points of information might help someone who can.

1. Is your mother suffering from sepsis, or from septic arthritis, or both? Who diagnosed these conditions?

2. Is your mother being given any pain relief?

3. People who are the acute phase of an illness need to be in a hospital. Is your mother acutely ill, or is she "chronic and stable", awaiting GB surgery?

4. Why do you think that you will ruin her chances of going back to this rehab?

Sending you good wishes and thoughts for your mom's health
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You are not qualified to diagnose. Because you are not, giving the facility personnel any capitalized "OBVIOUSLY" might be offputting for them and hurt the case you need to plead for your Mom.
Your Mom's condition, if her arthritis has INCREASED dramatically over her prior condition may be due to what you believe it to be due to, or it may be a result of her being more bedbound, and still having difficulty recovering from sepsis, which kills many it touches. She may have a LONG recover and she may be unable to participate in Rehab. If she cannot (for any reason whatsoever) participate in rehab she will be released from the program. This isn't meant as punishment. The Government won't cover rehab waiting for a patient to get well enough to participate. That would mean skilled nursing (SNF) or other long term care with perhaps some visiitng PT or OT help.
I would recommend that you discuss this with discharge planning and social workers at the rehab at once. Time is running out. There may be a wall to get some MD somewhere to fudge the truth a bit by adding a diagnosis such as r/o septic arthritis, but I doubt it. That would likely mean a move to SNF or hospital. I sure wish you luck. Hope you'll update us.
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GardenArtist Mar 2022
Well said, Alva.
I'm sorry to read about your mother's ongoing medical issues. At 79 and with a possible GB surgery in her future, please be aware of the issues she may have post-operatively with the anesthesia. And, if she is catheterized for the procedure, with post-op UTI which is pretty common, especially in elderly women.
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Just a question here. If this is arthritis steaming from the sepsus cannot a specialist be called to give a formal diagnosis. And if she needs more care in a hospital, order it?

DaughterAnita, when a person goes to Rehab Medicare pays 100% of the first 20days. 50% for the next 80. So Mom could be in over the 20days but she will either pay out of pocket or her suppliment may pay the balance partially, fully or not at all. Medicare allows 100 days for Rehab. This should have all been discussed when admitting was done.

As I understand it, when ur in Rehab and are taken to a hospital and then brought back to Rehab, your days start from where u left off. So, Moms been in 17 days, if she goes into the hospital and returns, she picks up where she left off. So if the 18th day, she only has two more days that Medicare pays 100%.

There is, I think, so many days between Rehab stays that it may start all over. Igloo is our person to go to for that info.
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