
My sibling lives with my parents. He is an alcoholic and has tried to hurt my parents when drinking, both mentally and physically. Can I have him removed from their home and stop the abuse without my parents knowing it was me who reported him.

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Are your parents impaired in some way that they cannot throw him out themselves? For example, do either of them have dementia or other cognitive problems? It is hard to protect competent adults from their own bad judgment.

I believe that reports to Adult Protection Services keep the person who reported the suspected abuse confidential. When you call, ask that before you start explaining your concern. But if they go out to investigate and your parents deny that there is any problem, they may not be able to do much. How would your parents react to such a visit?
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This is a good discussion to have. So many of us have concerns over care and wish a fresh unbiased person could weigh in.
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Yes, the person that requests the investigation is kept confidential, speaking from experience. APS is required by law to respond within 72 hours, too long if you ask me. But in an emergency use 911 so police will respond. If you can call for police response, and they remove him, this will help APS in their investigation. But the report compiled by APS is also confidential, you will not have access to it.
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I reported my brother for physically and mentally abusing my mother both to the APS and the police. From my experiance it was a waste of time. My mom when question denied it. Why? because she was scared of what my brother would do to her. You need solid evidence, pictures, witnesses. Good luck to you.
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I reported my niece once and when they went to the house my mother denied that anything was wrong. My niece would threaten to take the young child my mom was caring for away from her if my mom did not give her money or watch her other two children. The young boy would scratch, scream and push my mom down. Also, I heard my niece claim that she gave all the kids Nyquil so that they would be knocked out so she could go party all night on the weekends.
All of this was reported anonymously by several of my siblings. I saw the report mailed to my mom's house. Said they found nothing wrong with any of it.

You can try but like rfhendricks said, you might need pictures, video, etc.
There are video devices that can be disguised as charger in an outlet that records video but no audio. There are also long playing audio recorders that you can put in the house that no one will see. You might want to try some of those gadgets if you can get them in the house.
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Yes, your report is confidential, however, your brother will probably figure it out. My brother lived with my Alzheimer's diagnosed mother for awhile, I got a restraining Order of Protection and he was removed by the sheriff, but the court documents showed my name. So, expect some angry outbursts if you do this, but you will be protecting your parents. If he were to hurt you, you could file charges on him too. Go for it. Alcoholics are capable of irrational behaviors and can get violent very quickly. Best wishes!
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Who else would be reporting it if not you? How do you know he has tried to hurt them - have they told you, or have you witnessed it? If you have witnessed it yourself, that would be a lot more effective than hearsay, because as others have mentioned, they may deny it out of fear when questioned by authorities. Make your presence known at their home as often as you can - especially around the time of day that things seem to get worse (guessing evening?) for them. What's he going to do if he knows you reported him? If he threatens you, you call police and report that too! If your parents require more care than your brother can give, maybe it's time to talk to your parents about hiring a caregiver - an unconnected, unbiased witness to any abuse would be much more effective in getting the brother tossed from the home if your parents can't (or won't) do it.
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Mamato4, so what are you going to do? Inquiring minds want to know.
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Adult Protective Services
If you make the call. Let them know what's happening. Let them know your parents might be scared. They will investigate. J have been a Caregiver for over 20 yrs. Report ASAP
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i was sized up by hospiss and aps and looked like a freeloading parasite to them. it only showed their sexist ignorance. my mother would kill or die for me and me for her. we had a good doctor who saw the healthy and respectful relationship mom and i had and he finally told southern care to cut the browbeating and duress and act like guests in our home. good man..
so yea, be prepared to take your brothers place when you try to get him ran off. i think your head would explode in a week..
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