
So my hubby got a phone call this afternoon that the clinic he works at is closed till further notice.
Apparently one of the employees is being tested for COVID!
So now not only is my Aunt and my Mother on "Lockdown," it appears as though my hubs and I are on morally responsible self quarantine.
We should know on Saturday if his coworker is positive.
Not entirely a bad thing! We can still go fly fishing!! And I don't really need to worry about the phone calls from the two different ALFs cause I honestly can't do anything other than send things with Amazon!
Just wondering if any of you are in the same boat??
Stay safe and God bless!!

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I am still working & going to the coffee shop (at work).

I am not under quarantine but since nearly everything is shut it's work-home-work-home. But may take a walk along the creek tomorrow.

I certainly feel a sense of gratitude for the life we had, the activities, the social gatherings.

I will be grateful if I can ever purchase the luxury item of toilet paper again...

My DH is meeting with his sisters today to figure out how to keep their Mum safe (if possible) & from being isolated & lonely. We are certainly lucky we have the phones & technology we do.
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Just an update,
Due to the lockdown at my Mom's ALF, they sent residents grocery lists over to a local grocery store.
The only thing on Moms list was wine.
She was told that they couldn't do that and she instantly assumed it was because I had told them not to. So she immediately started crying and blamed me for "cutting her off ".
It wasn't until after they explained to her that the bag boys are under aged and can't handle alcohol she realized that her rant was unwarranted.
This is the second time in 2 days she has accused me of colluding with the administration of the facility!
Again, I might be more understanding if she had dementia. She is all there mentally!
I wish there was a cure for Narcissism!!
Helpful Answer (2)
Beatty Mar 2020
She may have to get creative! She could call the store & ask if they can do a special order to be delivery by a delivery boy's older brother or sister? It worked for us when under-aged 😉
The numbers have hit over 12,000 in the US infected.

I am wondering how much the progress is coming along with our University here that is a teaching hospital.

Tulane University has a primate center that is being used for injecting the monkeys with the virus to determine how it spreads and possible treatments and vaccines.

Like everyone else, I want it to end.
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Yes, similar but without a family member exposed. We are in California. I cannot visit my brother now. So it is phone and letters, which is what we do mostly anyway. And we are shelter in place in SF. We can hike and go out, but non essential shops and stores are closed, there is no gathering, and there is 6 foot social distancing.
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Well my mom is staying home, and peeved at me because I have to go to work, at a huge hospital, and we are busy there with presumed cases. I have a huge sinus infection, and my allergies are so out of control that they had to put me back on prescription meds and nasal sprays, I am tired,, and I understand her position.. but I need to be at work to help many people. I will take all precauctions that my hospital has.. She is a retired RN,, and she knows what I signed up for when I signed up for this job. Am I worried I will bring something home,, of course I am. My own health is not great,, but if I am not said to have it.. this is larger than I am. I just hope my allergies don't make anyone think I have it,, our department call out rate has gone up, and we only staff 16 at a time for the ICUs. Maybe it sounds bad to a lot of you that I don't call out.. but think about if your family member was in my hospital .. and all of my department called out. If I have to I am packed to stay for a few days So I guess my point is,, stay home if you can, and pray for those of us who can't...
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Are gloves selling out?
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Sendhelp Mar 2020
Could not buy the medical-type Nitrile gloves on Amazon but it says in stock April 8th.

There are other kinds of gloves.

Can you wear your winter gloves and then wash them?

Keep looking? Gloves for cleaning, gloves for food prep, gloves for protection against germs, gloves for crafts....etc.
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Thank my lucky stars I am not on a boat at this time! (Especially a cruise ship).
But yes, our experience is using the new word for me: "Social distancing". We are not quarantined, but staying home.
Hubs had his employer take him off the schedule-everyone else there is still working until the boss gets a clue.
My family-person in AL is on lockdown, and is on hospice, and all we could do is send something by Amazon, which will be a
Harry & David small fruit box. Someone will eat it.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Me too. I wouldn’t want to be on a ship during this outbreak. I am too much of a germ freak for that!
Here in Canada, you would be told to stay 6 feet away from your husband as much as possible. A friend recently returned from the US and she has to self isolate for 14 days. She has to stay at least 2m or 6 feet away from her husband and daughter. They are to use separate bathrooms, sleep apart etc, until she has gone 14 days with no symptoms.

If they had all been on the trip, they would not have to worry about it, but as she is the only one who was traveling it is in the family's best interest if she avoids them.

My son likely has Covid-19. But in Canada they are saving test kits, and asking anyone with milder symptoms to isolate until they have been well for 2 days. I am scared silly for him. He lives 5 hours away, road and ferry trip, and I am worried. I call him twice a day and he knows to call me, if things change. The local doctor where he lives, knows he is sick.

I had to go out today. My cat was bleeding from her mouth last night. My vet has a protocol in place, you call when you are in the parking lot, someone comes to your car to speak to you and collect your pet. My cat will spend the day as they try to figure out what has happened to her.

I stopped to get some needed groceries, no paper products at all in the store, but I am ok for them. No bleach or sanitizer, but I am ok for that and have lots of soap. Lots of signs in the store limited quantities of various items. I just bought what I needed, I did not buy the max allowed.

The baking supplies are very limited. No flour, sugar etc.

I took a bunch of tulips to a friend who is having to close her restaurant. Lastly I stocked up on tea. I am a tea snob, and was due to resupply. I usually buy a month's worth at a time I bought enough for 2 months.

After today, other than going to provide care for my grandson, I am staying home. I do have cloth diapers at my house and if disposable ones are no longer available I will take them to the kids. Although they would be too big for him now as he is tiny. Something is better than nothing.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Hope your son improves soon. 💗
Self quarantine is what we are doing, except when I alone need to go out to do some grocery shopping. All appointments are cancelled for now. Watching too much Fox news. Need to do something productive.
Helpful Answer (1)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Do you like to cook? Make meals and freeze. What about crafts? Reading? Cards?
My mom and I are self isolating, not because of any exposure but because we're both high risk with her age and my bad allergies. I'm an introvert anyway, so I'm rather enjoying not having siblings or caregivers over. Re-discovering cooking and getting lots of reading done.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Good for you! What are you reading?
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As retired people we eat out most days. I had to go grocery shopping. So I went a 8:30 Sunday morning. We had to go out yesterday, prescriptions, and again today to get DH new hearing aide. Mostly, we have stayed in. Schools closed Tuesday as did restaurants/diners. Pretty much staying in and only going where we have to.
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Love your positive outlook and hope your husband’s coworker doesn’t test positive.

Enjoy your fishing!
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