
My mother's weapon of choice is the silent treatment and after this many years I really don't care much and just ignore her as I am not playing that game. She got mad last week because I told her I cannot see them anytime soon. Not only am I looking out for them but I also have health issues and right before the pandemic was diagnosed with breast cancer. I am trying to schedule surgery and treatment and I am minimizing contact as much as possible. So she threw a fit and threatened me with telling the relatives, etc.. and of course now the silent treatment. My question is for those of you who deal with this. Should I call on Mother's Day? She will just act in her wounded victim way. I have no intention or hope of repairing the relationship. Thoughts?

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I wish there was a way for you to send her a greeting card instead. Even if you keep the call short, it just siphons emotional energy from you.

If there is one thing this pandemic should teach us is that life is precious and too short to spend time on things/people that drain our energy. You have enough to focus on with your new dx - jettison all negativity you possibly can. If she can't get past her own "I want" to see what you need, then you need to stay away from her. Let her tell the relatives whatever she chooses - many hugs to you.
Helpful Answer (5)
Kmjfree May 2020
Yes the greeting card would be so much easier! Thanks for the hugs!
Do what works for you. Perhaps phone, just say ‘I called to say Happy Mothers Day’ and put the phone down. If she wants to talk, she can phone you back. Whatever you choose to do, don’t stress about it.
Helpful Answer (4)
Kmjfree May 2020
I wish I would not stress and normally I just back away. Why is there always some holiday coming up?? Maybe I will try to go for a VM in the AM.
Ah yes, the infamous passive/aggressive silent treatment punishment. I know it well. My mother doled it out by the wagon-load when I was a kid, and still does 93, with dementia & living in a Memory Care ALF! What fun!!

Tell your mother to go right ahead & let all the relatives know about what a terrible/rotten/miserable/useless-good-for-nothing daughter you are. With any luck at all, none of them will call you anymore & you'll get the silent treatment from the whole lot of 'em!

I'm sorry for all you're dealing with with your breast cancer diagnosis. God forbid these women would think to look past their own needs for ONE moment and consider what YOU are facing right now! I hope all goes well with your treatment, and that it was caught soon enough to minimize chemo and troubles moving forward. Sending you a hug and prayer

As far as your mother goes, if it were me, I'd pick a time to call her when I KNEW she wouldn't be home (or when she'd be otherwise occupied) so you can leave her a Happy Mother's Day (ahem, excuse me while I puke) voice mail. That's what I do when I'm trying to save myself the torture of dealing with my mother during one of her infamous Moods.

Best of luck!
Helpful Answer (6)
Kmjfree May 2020
LOL. Yes I told her to shout it from the rooftops. It was an empty threat since it would embarrass her and also since she got into a lawsuit with all her brothers and sisters and now they don't talk to her. I can try the home phone vs the cell and maybe I will get lucky!
I totally understand what you're going through! I was just diagnosed with colon cancer. CT tomorrow and colorectal surgeon next week. My mom is upset, because I didn't run out this last weekend and bring her a fan for her room . Just got my diagnosis Thursday.
Your mom sounds very much like mine.
Through a lot of research online, I finally understand that mom is a narcissist!
I would highly recommend you do some research on your own about narcissism. You can't change them or win an argument!! There are was to deal with them. Also look into going "grey rock ".
Now more than ever, you need to take care of YOU!!
I'll keep you (and your mom) in prayer!
You can beat this!!!
God bless and keep you!!
Helpful Answer (4)
Kmjfree May 2020
Yes! I have been reading about narcissism and she has so many of the traits. I’ll read up on grey rock. I will pray for you too! You can beat it too!!!
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Take a look at this link: 25 Signs of a Covert Passive-Aggressive Narcissist

When I happened upon this article, it was kind of life-changing for me. It opened my eyes to the fact that SO MUCH of what had been going on my whole ENTIRE life was related to the fact that my mother is a covert passive aggressive narcissist.

Gray rock means this: you act like a gray rock in front of her. You do nothing, say reaction. Just sit there like a rock. They HATE that b/c they live for drama & pushing our buttons to get a reaction! I've tried it..........and it does work, to some degree.
Helpful Answer (5)
xrayjodib May 2020
I also found a video about how to disarm a narcissist. In a nutshell the one word is "WHATEVER"!
Really kinda funny. It makes my mom crazy, but she has no response! Lol
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Sorry about you diagnosis. You aren't the only one on this forum whose Mother was not sympathetic to what they was going thru when it came to Cancer. There are a lot of members with narcissistic mothers. So I am sure you will get a number of responses.

Its time to take care of you. You need no stress or negativity.
Helpful Answer (4)
Kmjfree May 2020
I was surprised but not surprised that she was not supportive. The answers and support here are definitely helping with the stress.
I wouldn't. Like a toddler she's throwing a tantrum to try to get attention and to get her own way.
Helpful Answer (3)
Kmjfree May 2020
You are right but if I don't call I'll stress about it all day. So I am thinking a quick call in the AM and hope for the answering machine. If she gets on the phone get off as soon as possible.
Send a card and keep your stress level down.
Helpful Answer (4)

KM, are you not in a place where you need to be socially distanced?

The fewer visitors your mom has, the less chance she has of succumbing to COVID; does she understand that, or is she cognitively impaired?

(Forget her caring about YOU; does she not care about her own health?).

I would send a card. Call if you must, but if she starts in with unpleasantness, say "bye mom, I'll call when you are in a better mood".

Do not subject yourself to negativity in any relationship. When someone gets nasty, leave.
Helpful Answer (3)
Kmjfree May 2020
Yes she and my Dad have actually been socially distancing and staying home. In fact for awhile they were afraid to go outside. It kind of came out of left field actually.

I totally agree with separating and not tolerating it but it eats at me and I can't get it out of my mind. That is the difficult part.
What a time for mom to pitch a fit! and that silent treatment! with all that's going on!  She knows your triggers, now your illness, yet pressing those buttons anyway!  Just me, me, me for her, and if not, she'll hurt you by telling your confidences.  Definitely passive aggressive as others here said.  Makes me mad for you (I go through the same things).  It's very stressful, hurtful.  And stress is the last thing you need more of. 

I'd send her a card, call her on Mother's Day, and keep the conversation very short and light.  If she starts a fit or any negativity, that's the signal for Stop & get off the phone as quickly as possible ('ok, gotta run; have a great day! Love you'). 

You are the most important person to take good care of and be as stress free as possible, especially now.  I'm sorry you're sick, and pray for things to go really good for you.   

Helpful Answer (4)
Kmjfree May 2020
Thank you! I think that is a great answer. Call in the AM and if I don't get the answering machine keep it light and quick.
Last year, right before Mother's Day I was dxed with cancer. Decided the best thing to do was to be upfront with her about it.

I told her, and she said "well, your daddy will be so glad to see you" (daddy's been gone 14 years).

After I picked my jaw up off the floor, she didn't miss a beat and began telling me about her one friend. Not even and "I'm sorry". Nothing.

I walked out, sat and cried in my car and decided to Grey Rock her for the time being. 8 months later, in remission and finally growing some hair, I stopped in to see her. Her first comment "Oh, and you were my prettiest child". WTH? Not one word from her for 8 months of hell and she hits me with this.

I'm told she does not have dementia, so I take what she says as gospel truth.

Walked out again, this time ANGRY as can be. She might get a card, but I'm not ruining yet another mother's day by going to see her and having her slyly bash me.

Her 90th birthday is in 3 weeks. Nobody has planned anything and I doubt I would go if they did.

She's done enough damage in 63 years, I am not handing her the chance to do more. She'll live forever, but I do not have to deal with her.
Helpful Answer (5)
Kmjfree May 2020
I'm so sorry that was a horrible thing for her to say. Hope you are doing well now and your health is good. When I told my Mom I had cancer she said "well you will probably be alright". I am loving the Grey Rock the more I read about it.
Hi all. Just wanted to thank you for your answers and support. I followed thru with my plan and called this morning. I had my husband join me on a FaceTime and everything was fine. Couple of comments were made but my husband is good at changing the subject. I also stuck to Grey Rock and kept it light. Thanks again.
Helpful Answer (2)
NYDaughterInLaw May 2020
Your post crossed with me typing. Oh well. Glad it went well.
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I would not call. Instead, do something to celebrate yourself and having survived a mother who inflicted such cruel punishment on her child. It is cruel to give children the silent treatment. In my opinion, it is a form of abuse. And what kind of mother threatens their daughter to tell the relatives about breast cancer??? Just because everyone else has decided that today is Mother's Day does not mean that you have to engage in a ridiculous show toward yours. She is who she is and I'd let the day pass without any fanfare.
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