
Hello. I hope you can offer me some assistance. My parents are 80 and 84 years old and are in good health--physically and mentally; however, my mother's health has started to decline. She has bad arthritis and back pain and is more irritable and depressed lately. They are both in too good health to consider any kind of assisted living, but my sister and I would like to begin visiting regularly and doing some preliminary eldercare. What things can we do now which will help them in the long term? Are there symptoms we should look for? Are there tasks we should be helping with? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you

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Hmm, this is a big question. In your shoes I would visit and maybe help them clean up around the house a bit. At their age yard work and house work can be a bit much. Other than that, I would let them live as independently as possible. You will know when it is time to step in. I would avoid stepping in too soon, since it may not be a good thing to take away too much of their independence. Older people are very much the same as younger ones inside. They would probably resent too much help until the get to the point that they welcome it. That point is sometimes brought about by an illness or an accident. Or it can be brought about by old-age decline. Your parents sound like they are still very capable of doing things that don't require a lot of energy, like yard work.
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Talk to them about POA, wills, health care directives.
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P.S. On the website article, you will see advertisements at the bottom of the 2nd or 3rd paragraph, scroll over those ads to see the rest of the article, and keep scrolling. Some people stop when they see an ad thinking the article has ended. I know I did :P
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Here is an excellent article I found on Aging Care

I think it is great that you and your sister want to work as a team to plan ahead for your parents care.

Step lightly, if your parents welcome your help with open arms that would be great. My Mom, who was in her 90's would be insulted if I suggested bringing in a cleaning crew [I couldn't do it myself].

If your Dad is still able to do yard work and he enjoys doing it, let him. My Dad liked getting out of the house to putter in the yard :) Once the mowing becomes too cumbersome for Dad, have him hire someone to mow once a week.

One thing to watch out for is falling. Your Dad might be too young for that, but your Mom might with her back pain, thus lack of balance. Once a parent starts to stumble and/or fall, then more care is needed. If there are any stairs in the house, then it would be time to recommend that your parents downsize to one level living.
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Thank you all. Much appreciated
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