
My father chose me to be his POA and we had to obtain guardianship over him because his health was declining rapidly and he was not making rash decisions. The judge chose me to be the guardian and my sister is SO livid, that she has contacted the courts making false accusations about me and the attorney over the estate. The courts told her to STOP contacting them and to hire her own attorney if she has issues with me. This is SO heartbreaking. She is my twin, and has always been jealous of me. I was favored to a certain degree (which I had no choice in that). She has always had it out for me, one way or the other. She has gotten physical with me numerious times and very verbal. I've tried to include her in all decisions regarding my father, only to have her pull this latest stunt with the courts. She has embarrassed me alot of times when we'd be together dealing with my fathers estate. She argues in front of : our lawyer, the bank, the caregivers for my dad at the nursing home. She can be very curt and nasty and jumps the gun before she has the facts. She is trying to take the guardianship roll away from me (based on her and her husbands actions)....I don't know what to do about all of this. I'm deeply hurt. I've made up my mind to stop associating with her. She has been too hateful and backstabbing for too long. Have I made the right decision?

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I was my mother's, will be my dad's and am already my grandma's POA guardian. In the house I grew up in, my sister was always the rash decision maker and couldn't handle things. She would call my parents when things got tough even when calling an ambulance was the right decision. She would put off making decisions that needed to be made hoping they just go away. That is why I'm the guardian and caregivers and POAs to the people in our life. It sounds to me like she might have some issues if she was the person in charge. When we are the people in charge and guardian, there are tough decisions to be made. My sister was upset at first I was caring for my mom and making the decisions that had to be made when she was dying from cancer. She and I had a talk after my mom passed away where I let her know that I felt I did the right things respecting her wishes to die peacefully on morphine rather than having a long drawn out death that could take months. She agreed once she thought about it and realized it was the right thing to do. She just wasn't around the last few years when mom was dealing with cancer to see how painful her battle was, how much she had really lost during the battle and how she was really ready to die. It's never easy.

I'm sorry your sister isn't understanding of how hard this will be for you in the future and that it's tearing up your relationship. I cannot imagine how I would feel if my twin was personally out to get me and was hurting me so deeply but know you are doing the right thing. You are following through with your dad's decisions and wishes. That is what is important. Your dad chose you and probably because he knew you could make the hard decisions so trust your gut and know you are doing what is right. Perhaps in time your sister will come to understand that it was the right decision.
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Yes you have made the right decision because It is about jealousy and greed. Life is hard enough when caring for your loved one.Keep the faith!
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I think you have made the right decision for the time being. Don't dismiss the possibility of reconciling later, perhaps after your father is gone. But for now, no association is the best course of action.

If she does get a lawyer to try to help her reverse the guardianship. you'll be notified and can present the reasons why you should not be removed. I can't imagine that you would be. I can't even imagine a lawyer taking her case.
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Yes, you have!
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I'm not sure it's a complete coincidence that we have two upset twin sisters currently posting whose father is the subject of a guardianship order further to an original POA and who are not speaking to their respective siblings.

If only both could explain their points of view to one another as well as they have to the forum, and listen to each other as considerately as I hope we outsiders have.
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To me, family is extremely important. I am willing to swallow a lot to keep my family together. If it were me, I would try to include my sister as much as possible. I would think about how I would want her to act towards me if she were the POA instead of me. Just my perspective.
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