
She may stay with my sister until she gets a senior apartment. We will store a few precious things, but will plan to sell her furniture. It's not valuable and we can replace it far easier and less expensive than hauling it halfway across the country. I thought I saw somewhere that a business can come in to help you pack/sell/donate? She has not friends who are able in her home town. My nearest friends would come help, they live 2 1/2 hours away, but its doable on a weekend. My mom is on a very limited income so we would really need to either wait for a subsidized senior building or find a very inexpensive apartment. She is in the hospital now and we're praying she will be able to travel in a few weeks. Right now she is so out of it, she can't make any decisions due to medications. Should we just wait and keep paying for her apartment? Any thoughts on this? Thanks.

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Mom is in Kentucky, you are in Philly and sis in California. The top priority is if a move has to happen to be closer to a daughter, figure out whic daughter makes the most sense. If doctors will allow her to travel, choose either Philly or California, whichever makes the most sense. Don't make two major moves like that it would be very hard on your mom.

There are auction companies that will go in and choose what is suitable for auction, what should be tossed and given away. Check one or two out, they may or may nor be interested in doing the liquidation.

Are you certain she will not be able to return to her apartment? Rehab can do amazing things. If after rehab she is able to return to her apartment and you have not paid rent, that results in one fewer options when the final decision is made.
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My mom is able to sit up as is talking today. She knew who I was when I called. I'm going to go stay with her for a couple of weeks and hopes she remains lucid enough to discuss this. I cannot stay indefinitely--finances will not allow it. But, I do feel better talking about the options. And this is a perfect time to bring up the subject of power of attorney again.
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When my grandmother died in another state, Daddy had a teenager come and help clean out her house and he gave him her car as payment.
Is there a Salvation Army, Christian Mission, etc. nearby that would come and take what you don't want?

There are estate sales companies out there that will help, but I am not sure how much they charge for their services and also don't know if they will only do it if they are sure they can make a certain amount.

Good luck!
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Pay the apartment for one more month, then you will know more.
Consider subletting or rent a room, temporarily.
Find out why it matters (for health ins. reasons, long term care planning, or social security/SSI planning; or was it when entering an assisted living facility; that it benefits the elder to say they plan to return home.
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Aaaah, Thank you so much.
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BigSis- mom is in a hospital, correct? Try to today (Monday) speak with nursing and social work as to what moms discharge situation is. You didnt write as to what happened to put mom in hospital, but often after a hospitalization they are discharged to "rehab". If so, rehab is covered for 21 days at 100% by Medicare at a facility (usually rehab wing of a NH). So having moms apartment for another month just makes sense as it gives everybody a base during this period of time.

The hospital social workers really can provide all sorts of info for you all as to what next options are out there for mom. The docs and nurses are all about their medical issues.

When you stay at her apt, start to gather up all the documents needed to create 3 identical binders for mom - like her awards letters, bank info, her will, all DPOA, any real property sold the last 5 years, etc. 1 ea for you & your sister & the other stays with mom. If it looks like mom is going to need to apply for medicaid, she is going to need all this for the application. There will be downtime when you are not at the hospital to do this. Otherwise you will be overwhelmed the next situation that comes up. Also try to take some time for yourself - go to the movies or play tourist for an afternoon. Good luck
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The answers offered here are excellent. I've talked to the social worker and she advised us to start looking at rehabilitation centers which we have done and we have identified our top three.I began compiling the information in the binders as suggested. That is a good one. Thank you so much for that. And also we're not going to worry about her apartment until she is in rehab, because right now she is still in the hospital and it is just too early to worry about that. I'm not sure where we will be in 3 weeks, but just praying she will be able to travel.
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