
My 90 year old mother (who's diabetic, has a heart condition, and very quickly declining from Alzheimer's) has a lot of pills to take every day. However, she's starting TO FORGET how to take them! WHAT DO I DO when she NO LONGER knows HOW to take her pills anymore???

And, just so y'all know, I'm her daughter AND her ONLY caregiver. We ALSO don't qualify for in-home health care, or ANY OTHER type of assistance because we CAN'T qualify for Medicaid!


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So, are you saying your mom cannot swallow pills? If so, she may have reached a point where Hospice is now required due to her failure to thrive. This often happens with Alzheimer's. Hospice will take her off of her medications, and instead provide her with comfort care in the last days/weeks/months or year of her life. With Alzheimer's, quality of life diminishes to the point where everyday life vanishes; they forget how to eat, how to use the toilet, how to do the basics, and then their bodies forget how to breathe, resulting in death.

Have a chat with mom's doctor and see if he can order a hospice evaluation for her now (if she's forgetting how to swallow). That may be your best alternative at this juncture.

Wishing you the best of luck moving forward
Helpful Answer (4)
lotsokittycats Mar 2020
Thank you very much! I've been trying to figure out HOW to obtain in-home hospice care, and under what circumstances, so what your telling me just MIGHT be what I need to get her insurance and/or Medicare to assist us/her!!!
Just so I understand, when you say she forgets how to take them, do you mean that she doesn’t follow the schedule of what pills at what time, or does she have trouble swallowing them?
Helpful Answer (3)
lotsokittycats Mar 2020
I ALWAYS monitor her pill taking so I can be SURE she's taking all of the pills she should be, and I can visually confirm that she's taking them.

However, and I should have made this more clear, she's lately been putting them in her mouth but then forgetting WHAT TO DO WITH THEM after that!
The OP lives with her mother (She’s a regular poster) and I believe this isn’t a matter of her mother forgetting TO take her pills. She’s forgotten how to SWALLOW them.
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Ahmijoy Mar 2020
Even though swallowing issues weren’t mentioned, you could be right. Also, if she takes a lot of meds, she might be confused about the times to take them all and how many. In any case, I stand by my original post that no matter what, Mom needs to be supervised. If swallowing is an issue, she needs to contact a doctor for testing for dysphasia. The over-capitalization of words in OP’s posts indicated some annoyance with her Mom. I really believe a visit or at least, in these times, a call to Mom’s doctor is in order.
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At that age and with her health issues plus dementia, your mother should not be responsible for taking or remembering when to take her medications. You will need to set a time of day for YOU to give her the meds. Set a timer if you need to.
Helpful Answer (2)
lotsokittycats Mar 2020
WOW! Forgive me, ALL of you, for NOT making my post CLEAR!

The issue I'm having is that when I GIVE HER the pills that her Dr's have prescribed, she holds them in her mouth and seems to have, at times, forgotten that she NEEDS to swallow!

I'm also sorry that my use of CAPS seemed to habe indicated that, of ALL THINGS, I'm angry, upset, or impatient with MY MOM! That CANNOT be further from the truth, the situation!!! I'm TERRIBLY frustrated by 1) not being able to deal with her inability to SWALLOW the pills she needs to take, and 2) not being able to receive outside assistance because we can't qualify for MediCaid, thus, NO in-home health care!

Is everyone on the SAME page as me now? SO SORRY for my frustration!!!
Do you live together? If so, you will need to manage her pills. If u don't live together this will be a problem. I know Phillips has a machine u can fill for a week or more. It locks so Mom can't get to her pills. You set the times. A voice will say, time for ur meds. If Mom does not push the button that dispenses the meds, u will get a call.

I would go thru Moms meds and see if she still needs them all. Diabetic, of course. Cholesterol at 90 not so much. After a while cognitive meds are useless. BP needed. Heart, of course.
Helpful Answer (2)
lotsokittycats Mar 2020
I DO live with her (my mom), and I monitor/give her her pills on a DAILY BASIS!

The problem that has recently become an issue is that once she's put the pill/s in her mouth, she holds it/them in her mouth and doesn't remember TOP SWALLOW!!!
Did you read the answers you received about how to get your mom on hospice, here ?
Helpful Answer (2)
lotsokittycats Apr 2020
THANK YOU FOR THE LINK!!! I will read it right away!!! :)
Have you asked your pharmacist if any of her pills come in a liquid? Or if they can liquify them? Can you crush them and add them to a favorite food?

Have you asked her doctor about how imperative these medications are considering the situation and her age?

I hope you find a solution that works for you both.
Helpful Answer (1)
lotsokittycats Mar 2020
Thank you!
My mother can't swallow pills either, I put them in apple sauce and she can eat the apple sauce. takes a bit of time but it works.
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Thanks for replying, lotsokittycats. It is most likely that she is losing her ability to swallow because of her advancing dementia.

If you’re able to get a call through to her doctor or the pharmacist who fills her prescription, see if you can get her meds in crushable pills or liquid form.

If you can, you mix the meds into puddings, smoothies, Jello, yoghurt, or heavy milk shakes, served to her in small amounts so that you can be sure you get enough of the meds into her.

Hoping you find something that helps soon.

Thinking of you.
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Please buy a pill crusher and mix a favorite with it. We use applesauce or pudding and it works great! Good luck
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