
My mom is 81 we have lived together for 7yrs, just aboout 6 months ago she has has has changed. She forgets things and now she skeeps all the time. I think she is taking her blood p medicine too. Much. Going. To put call in. To dr tm morning. She needs to be on one that doesn't knock her out after taking it. She is grumpy. She says she doesn't feel good. I have taken her to urologist snd orthopedic dr. They say she has bursitis. But they have not done anything to help with the pain. I am the baby of the family i do it all. I also have a handicapped dog. That i care for and work a full time job. I don't have anyone in my life such as boyfriend to help me offset all the stress. Sometimes my mom acts totally helpless. I have stress from my job then dread coming home never know what I'm going to face. Im seeng a therapist. Helps some but she tells me to develop. My own life....when ? I love my mom so much but she is so different and it scares me. Should I have her tested for dementia. Any help or advice would be great. I also suffer from anxiety and depression. And i have been doing good. But latley. Is been coming back. Thanks so much

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Lori the severe headaches from stress worry me. I got so stressed out I had a mini stroke or "funny turn" whatever it was and knew I had to take a stand. Over 30% of caregivers die before those they care for from stress related illness. Please look into getting your mother into an assisted living facility. She'll be well cared for and you can get your life back - a win-win situation for you both.
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Your Mother is 81 yrs old.That there says enough.Has she ever been checked for Dementia?At that age most if not all elderly people has some type of dementia.
As you stated above,(She forgets things and now she sleeps all the time. I think she is taking her blood p medicine too. Much.)All of that you have stated is signs of dementia.Forgetting things and forgetting to take meds or if she took her meds is dementia.She needs to be seen by a doctor for dementia.
If you are your Mother's caregiver.Don't be affraid to spend her money for her needs.Home care cost money to do for her to stay living at home.
Get her into a doctor for her dementia and blood work.It's a big job your attempting to do cargiving.Sometimes it isn't worth the pain.
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Its lori sorry for typos im using my also having severe headaches. Maybe from stress
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Her blood pressure medicine could be causing her to feel tired. It sounds like you're taking her to the doctor tomorrow, from what I could read. Be sure to tell him about how she's changed.

Is your mom home alone during the day while you work? She's probably lonely and focused on her pain, which may also explain her sleeping so much. Are there any daycare facilities she could go to during the day, so that she's out with other people? Or would you consider putting her into an assisted living situation, so that others can help her during the day?

You need a break with some outside help to deal with her. Where are your other siblings, since you're the youngest? Can they help out? You need to take care of yourself, or you won't be any good for your mom or you!
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Thanks dogabon. Yes i have put a call in to her heart dr and also her reg. Dr going to get her tested for demintia. It is a lot of work but my mom was akways there for me all my life. Its the circle of life. But i need advice on how i can deal with all the stress and emotions. Thanks so much
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