
82 years old man has heart problems and early prostrate cancer and has recently had hernia surgery.

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If his diet allows for and he enjoys ice cream, a good dish of ice cream in the evening is an easy fix for weight gain too. Plus ice cream, due to the fat content, helps a lot of people sleep better if eaten in the evening. My Dad, with dementia and in a facility, wakes up and wanders at night, despite meds to help him sleep. The doctor wrote orders to give him ice cream before bed and then some more if he wakes and wanders. It's made a difference in his sleep time AND he's put on a few pounds too.
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And what is his height?
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My father-in-law started losing weight and muscle when his wife became ill. We started giving him larger servings of everything including dessert. He was drinking Boost but it wasn't enough and liquid calories are intended for short term weight gain. A teaspoon of fish oil or unrefined coconut oil is a better supplement than a drink loaded with sugar. Healthy fats from nuts and nut butters are easy to add in to a meal, salad or snack as are lean proteins like chicken and turkey. Avoid processed foods and white foods that are high in calories but low in nutrition. Whole foods are best and a crock pot can help you prepare the hot meal. Good luck.
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If the weight loss is due to diuretics being prescribed, it is a good thing.
But if you are seeing muscle loss, weakness and weight loss, alert the MD to see if he needs some boost or ensure supplements.
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How much weight loss? Over what sort of time frame?
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my sisters noticed I was losing a lot of weight a few months ago, I had lost over 2st in a matter of months, I had been eating normally I kept putting it down to stress helping to care for my mum with dementia.. I was getting fed up with comments from neighbours & friends telling me how awful I looked, I did eventually go to the doctor, he was concerned a ct scan, endoscopy, x - rays all were clear as were blood tests, the weight loss continued, I was then recommended to a dietician I was put on build up drinks and told to eat the same as I was doing, high calorie food, I have put on 2lb 4 0unces, within 2 weeks, not a great deal but its better than losing it, I have only been using these drinks for 2 weeks, already I have been told I don't look so tired and my face looks fuller, I felt a lot better within myself knowing people were seeing this, I have a long way to go before my weight is back to normal, without these build up drinks I dread to think I would have lost more, I had no motivation to do anything, I was tired,loose skin on my arms, legs, and stomach, I was shocked to see this, I see the dietician next month and get weighed regularly by nurses, they seem happy that my weight is creeping up slowly, go to youre doctor and ask for these drinks, believe me they do help, no answer has been found as yet as to why this happened, but im now being checked regularly. I would urge you to do this, to see him putting on a little in 2 weeks will stop you worrying so much and will strengthen him, they come in 5 different flavour the 1 he prefers the most let the doctor know, as he will be given this flavour to take until he he is built up again. good luck, you wont regret it.
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Weight loss is typical after surgery. He lost blood and it will take awhile to regain his strength. Keep feeding him lots of veggies, protein and keep him hydrated with electrolyte type drinks as well as plenty of water. My best thoughts to him and you as you beat this cancer!
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15 kilos this year I have now started him on sustagen so hope this will help build him up.
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Um. 15 kilos over 10 months could or could not be much, depending on how much he weighed to start with. You say he has "early prostate cancer" - how early? What's the care plan with that? - investigations, appropriate therapy, and so on?
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One thing that is keeping my mom's weight stable is deluxe mixed nuts. I keep her apartment stocked and she's eating two cans a week. Those nuts have good fats, vitamins and minerals. She views them as an "expensive treat" so she loves them too. She had gone down to 107 lbs and now she's up to 121 lbs and holding...fingers crossed!
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