
Maybe none of our adult children are mature enough to be POA.
What can I do in the mean time?

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A possessor or a POA must be an adult legally - 18-21 years old at least (check your state for age of adulthood or ability to sign contracts). If you do not have anybody designated as holder of POAs, then the next of kin are notified for any problems. That can mean spouse primarily, then children and parents... If you do not have family member that you trust, think about friends that may accept this responsibility. Remember that POAs give carte blanche to the person who holds them. Better not to give anybody that access unless you have no reservations.

If your children are not mature enough to hold a POA (mine aren't ready either) consider how you can streamline the decision processes. Set up your finances for automatic bill payments and online access. You can put the information about finances in a sealed document and let your children know where to find it if needed. Make a folder of your health information: medical and surgical history, allergies, medications and their schedule, doctors information and what each treats, and health insurance information. Visit a lawyer and have your will and advanced directive (states what you want done if you can not speak for yourself) written. make sure each doctor has a copy of your advanced directive.
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Tamg59 Mar 2021
This is very good advice. I will say, after the effort it took to compile all of this information for our parents, I have made a word document of all of this information for my spouse and I. Not because my POA lacks maturity, but because it is a lot of work to figure it all out for someone else. I think that this advice would be helpful for all.
At least 18 yrs old. Thats a shame your adult children aren't mature enough. I have two daughters, 35 and 43. The 35 will be our finance POA, with 43 yr old as secondary because 35 yr old very good money wise. The 43 year old is an RN so she will be our Medical POA with 35 yr old being secondary. Of course, my DH will be mine and me his with the girls behind us.
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I don't intend to need his services for quite a while, but our 25-year-old son is our POA. Emotionally, he's 45 years old, but most of all he's been very, very attentive and aware of what I've been going through with my mom as her POA and Trustee. I'd never even consider either of our other kids, and not because they couldn't necessarily handle it, but because they lack the empathy their brother possesses.

Regardless of who you choose, be sure they're fully on board with the job. It shouldn't be a surprise to find out you're in charge of someone else's finances and/or health decisions.

If you need to, consider hiring a fiduciary to have your POA or consult a trust and estate attorney about the best way to handle it.
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Some really good answers. When I was in doubt about my being a caregiver, 24/7, I consulted an Elder Care Attorney. Best one hour investmnet I ever made.
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I think if our adult children are as informed as we can help them be, that's better than nothing. There needs to be a deep discussion, maybe even with the elder attorney present, so they can understand what a critical responsibility it is and can ask questions. You may also want to provide names of people who would make wise advisors for them (other than paying an attorney or consulting a physician). And there's forums like this one to get a spectrum of opinions.

You don't mention your age or if you currently are having a health concern, but if you're in your 40s or 50s maybe consider having a trusted friend be PoA for now and then revisit the document every 5 years, or make your children the secondaries so that the primary can resign and have a back-up. It gets tricky and risky but that's what we have in place right now, even for executor.
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They have to be legal age (18 or older). If you feel none of your adult children are adult enough to handle the responsibility then pick someone else.
Do you have any trustworthy siblings who would be willing to do this service for you?
Explain this to your adult children. That you are concerned about their immaturity to handle the task and you'll be asking another family member to do it.
My guess is that they'll grow up fast at the prospect of someone besides them being in charge of your money and assets.
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POAs should be at least 18. If you feel your adult children aren't mature enough, do you have other family members - nieces, nephews. You can actually appoint any adult to be your POA, but they need to be trustworthy and honest.

My parents POA allow me to handle their financial affairs as well as make medical decisions for them. When my father had to go to SNF, dad, mom and I made the decision. Dad has since died but I wouldn't make any major financial or medical decisions without talking to mom as long as she is able to comprehend what is being done.
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I've named my POAs with the ability to act jointly and severally knowing that my older sister will be the one on point as long as she is capable. If you truly have no one and choose to go with a professional fiduciary I think it would be prudent to make certain all your financial and medical wishes are documented and included.
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My 18 YO son is better prepared than my 45 YO step-daughter behind me for my wife.
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I am 54. Currently my brother, 2 years younger is my POA with his wife. Health and financial.

At some point in the future I will update my documents and assign my middle child to be POA. But I would not place that responsibility on a 24 year old right now.

I have spoken to my son about this and he understands my reasoning.
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