
My husband doesn't care. I told him today and he just went to work, didn't say he loves me or a hug. I was there for him when he was sick. Right now I'm so alone and scared.

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Jmcleod, I' so so sorry you are going through this trial. If you are not getting the support you need and deserve at home, please contact a church near you, even if you're not an attender or share their beliefs. Let them know your predicament. My small church rallied to help a woman from our community with colon cancer. I drove her newspaper delivery route so she still had income, people brought meals, took care of her son, drove her to her medical appointments, stayed with her during her chemo treatments, and loved on her. Keep contacting churches until you get the help you need. Healing and peace to you!
Helpful Answer (8)

I am sorry that you are facing this, remember that cancer does not mean a death sentence.

It may be time to place mom and dispose of your husband so that you can focus on getting you better.

Great big hug and prayers sent to you!
Helpful Answer (5)

jmcleod- praying for you. I am so sorry you are going through this. I am glad you came here. There are so many wonderful people here that can be of great support to you. I know it can be so scary and make us feel so alone. But, you are not alone. Look up. Your comforter is there.

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
2 Timothy 1:7
Helpful Answer (4)

Speak to your doctor about your concerns - he may well be able to advise you of any local support available and if you would be entitled to help re your mums care at this time.
Any friends that could help out at all - it’s a rough time coping with such a diagnosis, many have cancer and survive - I’m one of them. And yes, I was caring for my mum at the time.
Think you may have to be blunt with your husband and say you need his support and love shown at this vulnerable and scary time - not grunts of going to work. Sure it may pay the bills but does nothing for your emotional state. You need him as your rock just as you were his when he was sick. Men don’t always know what to do if there’s not a practical solution - like work to get money for bills. You need to tell him what you need however obvious it may seem

will be thinking of you - keep n touch
Helpful Answer (4)
jmcleod Nov 2019
thank you ,he been helping me this weekend a round house an with my mom , Ithink gist need time to think.
If you have the ability/resources/knowledge of how to make it happen, get your mom into AL or LTC. You need to focus on yourself. Sadly, your story is common - patient outliving caregiver. I've seen it so many times.
Helpful Answer (4)

You are in no shape to care for your mother anymore. Your husband needs to help you take care of yourself. He cannot take care of himself, you AND your mother. He didn't marry your mother; he married you.

It's time you faced reality that your mother's needs are only going to increase and, now that you have been diagnosed with a very serious disease, so are yours.

While you still have the energy, call in the professionals to help your mother. Call her council on aging or department for the aged or whatever agency deals with senior citizens. Explain that you must step away because you are seriously ill and you can no longer care for your mother.
Helpful Answer (3)
Monica19815 Nov 2019
Very good advice, IMO!
thank you all .the doctor wants to do another ct scan in 6 months , i told her i don't want I want to see lung doctor now ,waiting to hear from her ,this is my sencit one ,first had two spots an this one has 6 spots .the person who read it remend to do in 6 months. will see.
Helpful Answer (2)
XenaJada Nov 2019
I don't know a thing about lung cancer, but it would seem WAITING 6 months is NOT a good plan. I'd be seeing a doctor and starting a treatment plan now.
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I am so sorry you've received such a scary diagnosis and that your husband didn't offer you emotional support or words of encouragement. That really stinks......he may be too frightened to deal with this right now, so let's hope that was the reason for his behavior and it wasn't lack of caring or concern.
Take all of this one day at a time, one step at a time, and don't be afraid to speak your mind to the doctor or get a second opinion. See about putting your mom in respite care, or getting her placed in long term care now as you focus on yourself for a change. If hubby doesn't wind up being supportive and loving with you, see about getting HIM placed elsewhere also.
Please take care of YOU!
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So sorry to hear this news. I would defiantly see a specialist ASAP.
Better chance of a cure if treated early on. I am sending hugs and prayers your way. God bless you!
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I am so sorry and sad to hear this. You must be feeling lonely and overwhelmed right now. Do you have a good attorney you can consult? While you may be just fine health-wise in the long run, you should think about making alternate plans for your Mom's care as well as getting all your own "ducks in a row." That way you will not be stressing out while you deal with your own health issues. My husband is the sole person to take care of his Mom and he is currently being evaluated for dementia. I am confident that our attorney can guide us so as to benefit his Mom as well as my husband's possible future health issues and how they impact OUR life and finances. I will be thinking about you and wish you all the best.
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