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What kind of lies? And how are u sure that they are lies?
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SusanHeart Jul 2022
They state CNA came to remove compression socks every night I knew it was not true as I was there 5 consecutive days and he was wearing the same socks and he stated he was sleeping with them in. Also his PT noticed the same thing. Asked to see the log was told “not available”. Got increase in price because my father was a fall risk and was coming out of is apartment without walker. The director herself stated she did it once over the weekend. I asked date and approximate time time she said Saturday morning. I pulled go pro and nope that did not happen. When I asked her she changed the story and said it was reported on the log. Again I asked to see the log, lo and behold she was late for a meeting. Keep it in mind that there is a jump in level of care from 1500 to 2500 per month. There are other instances but these are the latest ones
This entirely depends upon what lies you are speaking of.
I am glad that you gave an example.
It is entirely immaterial what day a level of care is raised. It is either raised for a good reason or it is not. Fall risk means a rise in levels of care. I am sorry this facility didn't discuss levels of care with you, when they will happen and for what reasons and what the costs of the levels are. Because levels of care add tremendously to your cost for ALF.
The fact is that ALF are not regulated in the same way a Nursing Home is. You are there, having basically rented a room and board with some care (again, dependent on levels required). You are there because it works for both of you. When it doesn't, you should explore other living options.
Ask to see the care plan and discuss with the director. All your questions at once would help them, and the removal of the stockings at night should be discussed and on the care plan as well as who launders there (as washing machine will ruin them pretty quickly).
So a meeting is crucial now. You have two complaints. One, the stockings, should be easy to remedy. Perhaps discuss you would like a camera in room for your Dad and use it. Discuss levels of care. If Dad is a fall risk this will raise his costs by quite a lot as he will require a lot more care.
My brother was in ALF in SoCal and it was wonderful and with wonderful people. The care was absolutely excellent. But again, had it not been, there was another across the street. Competition matters. I am not saying something didn't slip through a crack here and there, but overall the people were wonderful, kind, competent and DEDICATED. We were very very lucky.
Our interview on entry was absolutely spot on COMPLETE as the levels of care were carefully and painstakingly discussed with us, as well as the regular yearly raise which was expected (3 to 5% unless something dramatic changed things. And covid did. And now inflation has as well with the cost of food gone up so much for the facility.) My brother is gone now, but we would have seen dramatic rise in his prices, I just know.
You and you alone will have to be the judge of how important slights in care are and on what level. And you alone know what options and how many you have for Dad's care.
You can know for certain that things may slip through the cracks. If Dad isn't well enough to let them know about the stockings and BE CERTAIN they are removed at bed and replaced in the morning he may soon be looking at a care level in memory care and the cost rise there is truly dramatic, often doubled.
I sure wish you and Dad good luck, and hope that this is just a matter of being new, and a matter of adjustment. You good will with the facility will help in making your Dad a treasured and well cared for member of the community. I am glad you are looking after him so well. He's a lucky guy.
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I'd move dad out of that ALF and into a different one, then call the Ombudsman & the state to file a complaint for lying and fraud, trying to raise the rates on your dad based on lies and fabrication. I don't know that anything will come of it, but a complaint should be filed on this ALF so that it's on record and the state is aware of the matter.

You surely do NOT want your father living in a place where the staff is lying and cannot be trusted. Furthermore, an increase of $1K per month for 'care costs' that aren't honestly warranted is highway robbery!

That said, your father may indeed NEED a higher level of care which may be warranted based on his needs, which you don't mention. We have no way of knowing that here on the forum. So if you move him to another ALF, they too may want him at a Gold Level of care or something equivalent, based on his mobility/need issues, you don't know. BUT, if he needs real help, it won't be based on fabrications made up by people specifically looking to bump up the rates! It'll be based on a genuine need on his part, which is something different.

When my parents were in Brookdale AL, they were doing similar things. LOOKING for reasons to bump up the care rates when there was no genuine need to do so. They weren't lying and cheating, but they were 'finding reasons' to up the bill every month, which aggravated the snot out of me and caused me to find them a much better ALF who never did that EVER in the 6 years they wound up living there. THAT is the type of situation you need to find for dad; one you can trust and feel comfortable with that you're not being hosed.

Good luck!
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