
He is 75 years old. We live with him & I have POA over him. He was told not to drive by his doctor as well but when I remind him he argues with me. He lies to neighbors saying that I abuse him by not letting him go anywhere when he goes everywhere and he has almost caught house on fire a couple times. My brother, son, and daughter say to put him in a home but I'm afraid none will take him...what do I do???

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Find Care & Housing
Well, I quote: "Your local Senior Information and Assistance Office (I & A) is a great resource to help you sort out your options. Learn more about what I & A can do for you. Find your local I & A office."

And you can find this magic link at:

Specifically, I should use the link for "your local I&A office" and take it from there.

Your father is a risk to himself and others. His dementia is not something that you, one untrained person, can *possibly* manage, so do not feel that you are to blame. Best of luck, and I really hope you get a positive response from these people - whose job it is to help you, after all. Please keep in touch.
Helpful Answer (2)

Well now, question is... hard question.. did your dad abuse you? In any way? I cannot imagine that it just happened with your 23 year old.

I am so sorry...

Protect hour child now, it may be late, but not too late, It is not okay.

I am so sorry..

Protect the public, take away the car.. they keys, whatever.. give or donate the car, sell it. if you dad is that bad of a driver. Look at uber and other public transits to get dad to where ever.
Protect your child.. at whatever cost... Nobody deserves to be sexually abused, verbally or physically...stop that poison now.
Helpful Answer (2)
Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging
They are in your area. Call them.

Don't stay and put up with that behavior because you fear you have nowhere to go. You are in an abusive and the rest of the family. You fear him and he knows it.
Helpful Answer (3)

So there is you, a 23 year old and who else living there that can work and contribute to living expenses?

Move out and let him figure it out, that he has said you screwed your dad, why not me? to his granddaughter that was sexually abused by her dad. Oh hell no, get your stuff and get out. Something is far wrong with this situation and you are not protecting your already damaged daughter. That she is 23 and living with this crap proves how broken she is.

Sorry but your choices need to change or your kids need to get away from you as well.
Helpful Answer (5)

Something has to be done so he cannot continue abuse, violence towards anyone or any animals. Period. Dementia or no dementia. It's not their fault
Helpful Answer (6)

Sorry didnt explain better. We live in his house. My daughter is 23. He is verbally sexual towards her. I put a lock on her door. He is verbally sexual towards woman & kids in stores. Doctor has diagnosed him Alzheimer's & Dementia. Tried family service 3yrs ago & they said wont help. Live in Tahuya, Wa. His memory comes and goes. Doctor said cant drive yet he does & he has hit things & almost hit others. When I confront him over both issues he gets verbally violent to me. He was arrested already 1 1/2 yrs ago for violence to my brother and passed anger class by lieing. I told them and they didnt care they said they only wanted $ and for him to show up and now he does call ins till Nov. He wont goto therapy per doctor. He is saying can I give you wisker burns to my 23yr old daughter and u slept with ur dad so sleep with me right now. I left husband in 2002 & took kids because of him doing that. I have called 2 places and they said wont take him because off sexual stuff. He is on Disability only so dont make much $. I'm @ wits end with him and sometimes want to him him but I walk away & goto my room. Oh and he is violent towards animals. My brother, daughter, son, neighbor, & I all think he needs help but he wont get it. He thinks I'm out to get him. He says he will take off and not say where he goes & i said he would goto jail for violating court orders & he has almost hit me 3 times. He also has other health issues like seizures, heart problems, and other things. There is so much more also but not enough room to put on here.
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Ahmijoy Jun 2019
If he should become violent, call 911. They will come and take him to a psychiatric ward in a hospital. He is not human. He is worse than the poor animals he abuses. He should not be free. He needs to be locked away for the rest of his life.
The 23 year old IS the “child”, his grandchild. He’s not sexually abusing a minor grandchild.
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worriedinCali Jun 2019
Whatever Tacy. I NEVER said it WAS appropriate. Some responders asssumed it was MINOR grandchild being abused and I was addressing that only. It’s his adult grandchild, not a minor child that needs to be removed from the home. It’s an adult capable of removing herself.
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Not being in your right mind IS an excuse. That's exactly what it is. It excuses you from all responsibility for your actions.

The child needs to be removed, immediately; then the man needs to be found appropriate psychiatric services. Apart from the ethics, that's also the order which would be quickest and least frightening for the child.
Helpful Answer (7)
Ahmijoy Jun 2019
Unfortunately, CM you and I both know that chances of anything actually being done in this situation are slim to none. It’s very likely that the people living in this house are afraid of this man. They fear the consequences of any action they will take. They will ignore any advice we post and disappear into the sunset, leaving us wondering whatever happened, especially to the girl. So sad.
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You call the police and report the sexual abuse!

He may well well not be in his right mind, but that is no excuse. The authorities need to place him in a facility under lock and key away from potential victims.

yeah, the court will likely find he isn’t competent to stand trail, then they will lock him up until he is...which might be never

it took the State of Wisconsin mire than 20 years to find Ed Gein competent ... then found him guilty.

report this!!!!
Helpful Answer (4)

He has sexually abused his granddaughter and you haven't called the police? I don't care what he has going on, let them deal with getting him placed in a facility that will take him.

Lots of posters have said that what they are only magnifies with the dementia, has he hurt others before?

Get him out and locked up so he can't destroy someone else's wellbeing and peace of mind by sexually assaulting them.
Helpful Answer (3)

Your immediate problem is to remove your small granddaughter from the home now, at once, today. Is this your 23 year old daughter's child? Can your daughter not go and stay with her uncle or her brother?

Your father will not be held responsible for his sexually inappropriate language to a small child because he has dementia. But you and your daughter most certainly will be held responsible if you allow her to be exposed to it. Deal with it before somebody else calls in the authorities.

When you say you are afraid that no dementia care facility will take your father because of his challenging behaviours, have you actually approached any and asked? If that doesn't work, ask your doctor how you can get your father admitted to a psychiatric facility for evaluation, treatment and then referral to an appropriate, safe place.
Helpful Answer (4)

Get him out of your house, now. You are defeating yourself by thinking that no AL/MC will take him. Get out there, find a place to put him. Listen to your children.
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Countrymouse Jun 2019
Unfortunately it is his house. There are several steps the OP will have to go through before she can do that.
Please find some good websites and familiarize yourself with typical behavior in people with dementia.
Has he actually been diagnosed with dementia by a doctor or are you assuming that he has it?
If you have POA you also need to familiarize yourself concerning your rights and responsibilities towards him.
It is pointless to argue with him. He is NOT lying to your neighbors. He is reporting what his broken brain regards as truth. He does NOT understand the difference between right and wrong.
He should have NO CONTACT with his granddaughter, and if contact is absolutely unavoidable she should NEVER be alone with him.
Visit local residential care sites and see what you can find out about them. You have no basis for thinking that none will take him until you find out what’s available in your area.
Good luck with this very tough job.
Helpful Answer (4)

Just to clarify..He is verbally abusing people and his granddaughter in a sexual manner while at the store? First thought is keep him at home, second thought is consult with his doctor and third, call some group homes and have them do a home evaluation to see if he is eligible. Hopefully his "sexual abuse" stays in the verbal stage, otherwise, you are putting his granddaughter and other people at risk. Good luck
Helpful Answer (1)

He is sexually abusing a young girl??? GET HIM OUT OF THERE NOW!!! Don’t waste time finding a facility, worrying about his driving, what he says about you or to people in stores. Get him away from her! When he goes off the wall, call the police. They will send him to a psychiatric facility and you refuse to take him back.
Helpful Answer (8)

Put him in a AL OR NH your family doesnt need to endure this I know because I am careing for my Aunt and SHE IS DIFFICULT ....if u have the choice and financial means NH is best for him he will adjust dont worry he will
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mykidsarebrats Jun 2019
Hello there. What are the AL or NH programs you talked about???
Wow. You have your hands full with a very difficult situation.

It does not appear that he is safe to be doing a lot of things. Driving. Talking to people. Fires?

My oh my, you need to get some serious help. ASAP.

Maybe start with his doctor and they can advise you on what to do next. You need to quickly protect yourself and your family.
Helpful Answer (2)

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