
I tried to send this message/question earlier today, but had problems with my computer so that's why I'm trying again now.
I can't say for sure, since these things are confidential, but I'm pretty sure that my brother who hates me with a passion, reported me to the authorities for elder abuse. Mom is 87 and has dementia, as well as diabetes and a heart condition. Although I too am ill, I have been taking care of my mom since 2007 while my brother and sister-in-law never come over, much less lend any support whatsoever, financial or otherwise, to her or our well being. That being said, we were visited by two social services representatives who proceeded to interview (interrogate) us separately and promptly left. At this point we don't know what's going to happen next or what we should expect or when! Mom is VERY happy here at home (her home) and how well she is being taken care of. Her physical and emotional needs are being met quite well, as far as what she tells me and have told the investigators. I do NOT, under ANY circumstances, take advantage of her! She is under complete control of her own financial matters and I make sure that she goes to the doctor when she doesn't feel well or I feel that she needs to go and see her doctor if I feel something is wrong. We are BOTH VERY concerned about what, if anything, could happen if they believe whatever lies they've been told! Please! If anyone out there has been through something like this, AND/OR, someone who's worked in this kind of industry can help us understand what to expect in the future. This happenend/was reported about a month ago. We would be very grateful for any input you could give us so we're not so in the dark! Thank you!

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Thank you HUGEMOM. I think that's what I'm going to do. The only reason I haven't so far is because I didn't want them to suspect me even more.
And, BarbBrookly, I'm sorry I muddied the waters with that post. It turned out that the third person has nothing to do with the EA investigation.
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Lots, you are entitled to know what's going on, if you are being investigated and what for. It may take and few phone calls and talking with a supervisor, but you must do it. You and your mom cannot continue to live like this. I am surprised you have not received any form of communication regarding this. It should be customary for a government agency to keep someone who is being investigated up to date on what's going on with their case. Devote a few hours to making calls until you get a satisfactory answer. This is not something you should have to fret over and guess about. If you are being investigated, you should be given notice so you can prepared a defense.
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Lots, i thought you determined that this was an offer of help and not an accusation?
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It's been FOR MONTHS since EA investigators 1st came to our door and STILL NO WORD! Is this normal? If so, just how much longer will I have to continue to live under this cloud and waiting for yet another shoe to drop? Again, I've done absolutely nothing wrong and my own mom has stated to that to them, SO WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG? Should I call one (or both) of the investigators offices and ask what's going on and why this case hasn't been closed yet or if there's anything I can do/information I can give them to help further or, better yet, CLOSE THIS THING ONCE AND FOR ALL so we can both get on with our lives stress-free?
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I"m SO glad that this is going to result in you're getting some much needed help!

Look at it this way: maybe it WASN'T a mean family member who called in a report; maybe it was a concerned and loving neighbor who can/could see that you are overwhelmed. APS doesn't just investigate abuse; it tries to prevent bad outcomes (at least that's part of their mission where I live).
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Thank you, BarbBrooklyn! As it turned out, help is exactly what this worker had come over to offer me! I guess, based upon what I told the original investigator (my depression and stress over being the only one having to care for my Mom), my name was forwarded to the County's mental health division. She offered me all kinds of assistance and, for that, I was most appreciative. Of course, we still don't know when the case will come to its conclusion or what the outcome will be but, you're right, worrying about it will do me no good at all. We'll simply wait until we hear from them again and, hopefully, it will be with good news! Thanks again for your, and everyone's, input, help and support!
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Lots, I've mostly found in life that worrying is useless. It's a waste of mental energy.

Welcome the APS worker and listen to her/his information. If they are offering assistance or respite, accept it!
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I just got a call from the County's Elder Abuse office and now a third, and new, officer is coming over to meet with me, alone (the meeting will not include my Mom). Should I be worried or could this be a sign that they might be close to closing the case? I suppose it's anyone's guess but I have to admit that I'm a bit worried! I haven't done anything wrong yet I'm still worried. Any advice, anyone?
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I can't fathom what your brother would have over or on you. You're taking care of your mother. Hugemom is right about your brother not having a leg to stand on.
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It's a shame that a family member would make so much trouble for you. Hopefully it will all blow over. Good luck.
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THANK YOU to all who've answered my question! I feel much better now and have more information to protect myself should any questions come up regarding expenses and such.
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What will probably happen next (although it might not be soon) is that you will be notified the case is closed.
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My brother wrote down the words in a greeting card because I booted him from the property as everytime he showed up, he wanted money for this and that, got her to take him out to lunch or his whole family. I warned him he could not continue this as she could not afford it but he kept at it. Then I told him he wasn't allowed on the property, I never said he could not see her anymore, I asked she meet him outside the gate minus her checkbook or bankcard. Then the accusations started. I knew he would never go through with it because of the info I have on him. Don't sweat it, if you and Mom are happy and there are no clear signs of anything wrong, which I am sure there isn't, you have nothing to worry about. It will only damage his credibility as the unhappy crybaby. Don't let that idiot steal you and Mom's happiness, I let mine do it for far too long. *Hugs* Hang tough!
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I can imagine how this must worry you. APS does not take the word of one person (your brother) as law and will conduct a thorough investigation. If it's well-known that you and your brother have an acrimonious relationship and also that he does not contribute to your mother's well-being in any way, APS will most likely decide that he doesn't have a leg to stand on. APS will speak with your mother's doctor. They must conduct an investigation, but if you are open and in front about how you care for your mother, they will find in your favor and dismiss your brother's accusations. If you are not already, begin documenting events and keeping each and every receipt of your mom's expenses. During their interview, APS was sure to realize your mother suffers from Dementia and will take that into consideration. Be open and honest with them and all should go well for you. If things should escalate, consulting an elder care attorney may not be a bad idea.
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