
Mom was sent home with 3 weeks to a month tops to live. Breast cancer metastasized to the bones. Very aggressive!! Dr. told us it was fast spreading and to take her home with hospice care and get things in order. It’s been a year and a half. Yes I said 18 months. She’s is doing better than me and my sister who have been splitting day and night shift with a sitter for 4 hours a day. What do we do? Me and my sister who drinks and is drinking even more now are exhausted and defeated. She works full time goes home 2 to 3 hours and spends nights with mom. We’ve sacrificed everything to let mom stay at home to end her days. Mom has done nothing but improve but is bedridden. I’m sure has nothing to do with cancer. It’s lack of rehab and want to. Hospice doesn’t offer rehab for her. We’ve tried thinking she could get independent enough to stay alone some. She can walk assisted a little. She does not have the use of her left arm which makes things more difficult. She has started getting on a potty chair but can’t get the depends back on. Things like that. My sister is falling apart and bitter, We both are. I don’t know what to do anymore. We don’t have a lot of money for sitters. Average $10 an hour so $80 a night just for her to sleep at her own home. I handle the day shift and also keep my granddaughter who is 18 mths. I have a day sitter for 4 hours. And I’m still exhausted. “I’m your mother” is my moms favorite quote which I totally block out anymore. Also “I’m the one with cancer “ is the other one. All the while getting waited on hand and foot. Hospice comes 3 days a week for baths. She thinks we owe this to her. I’m sorry I sound so harsh. She doesn’t even acknowledge the sacrifices we have made for her truly. I quote “She’s the mother with cancer” I’m married 33 yrs 2 daughters and a grand baby. All have sacrificed. I know the perfect answer is “stick her in a home”. We have 2 facilities near by and both have a 1.5 rating. Any other suggestions? Almost sure she’ll outlive my sister and me at this rate! We are both in our 50’s. I just got my 2 children grown, educated and on their own. Was so looking forward to do what I wanted to do for a while. Help!! Thanks for reading. Sorry so long. I could go on and on. Wishing for my life back. Thank you for letting me vent. I just know there’s a an answer out there somewhere.

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Nothingleft - Are there only 2 facilities where you are? How about look further outside your area.

If you don't want to place her in a home, then how about cutting back the hours you spend with her. Since your mother is bedridden, does she really need someone to stay overnight?

My mother doesn't need anyone to be with her once she goes down for the night. or when she takes a midday nap. During wake time, she can be alone for a short period of time here and there. She keeps herself busy with reading and watching TV.

You need to reclaim at least part of your life, or else, your mother will continue to suck all the life out of you and your sister.
Helpful Answer (6)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I feel so alone sometimes with this situation. I go here to know I’m not the only one. Sadly I look around and see everyone going about their lives happy doing this and doing that and I crave to be normal. I don’t like going around people anymore because faking I’m ok is just too difficult. I do think i will do just that! Something has to give before one of us breaks down all together. I tell her all the time to find something on tv she likes or read a book. Always and excuse. Get in her chair and do some of the cleaning that I always hear needs doing. We’ll I’m taking care of an 18 month baby by the way I cherish. She keeps me going honestly. I’m taking care of her the bills the laundry the dishes and cook and she sees something not like she wants it in the yard. That drives me crazy. I’m so so sorry I vented all over again. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me. It’s been a long day. Just gonna start over tomorrow.
You said "in her own home." Which means, presumably, that assets can be taken from it. A second, or a reverse mortgage.

If the home is not owned and nothing else is, then get her in line for Medicaid. Just to preserve your own options. This is not worth killing oneself or drinking oneself to death over. And, if you start early in researching this, you might find more facilities that are more acceptable. AND some states do offer Medicaid aide help. I know a guy in WA, still working, but a renter who has gotten 96 hours for his wife.

In the meantime, I'd suggest shutting down the mini-gaslighting of "I'm you're MOOOTHER" and "I have CAANCCER." Well obviously. No one needs to hear that at this point, so when she starts just say, "yeah, I'm aware." Sympathy points do no one good here, and it is obvious you are out of them.
Helpful Answer (4)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you for replying. I will definitely look into the Medicaid. I never even thought of that as an option. I was told by a nurse the other day who told me to look into taking her off hospice and more benefits may be available. She said she could always go back on. I appreciate your time and thoughts. 🙏
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So... 18 months ago your mother's oncologist (or whoever) recommended admission to hospice and gave you a prognosis of 1 month survival tops.

And since then? What medical assessment and advice has she been given?

Clearly, and happily, her situation is not what it was thought to be. Hasn't her hospice provider been asking questions or requesting a revised assessment?
Helpful Answer (1)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you for replying. Yes exactly! And no one has offered another assessment but me. The nurse with hospice does all communication with the dr. All meds every complaint or lack of she reports to the dr. Not my mom. All she does is say your doing wonderful. La la la see ya in a couple of days. I like her, don’t get me wrong but I said doesn’t she need to see a doctor or something because they said the cancer was really aggressive and so forth and I kinda got that “are you disappointed look” and said we could take her off hospice and seek medical treatment if we wanted to. Which I’m considering doing if I can talk her into going through the test again. If you only knew my mom you would understand. It’s been one thing after another for like years now I think. The breast cancer showed up when she was in the hospital the last time. The first time she was hospitalized she came to my home to get stronger that was before they found the breast cancer. Almost killed me!! My sister was awol at that point. The last time she went in the hospital I made sure she went to her home. Therefore I have the day shift and she has the the night shift. I pay a sitter for help with half my day. Someone in an earlier post is actually critiqueing I said I was the main caregiver! Omg! I was when she lived in my home. My sister drinking has gotten worse at night. I totally get she’s tired of sleeping at moms when she wants to go to her own home. I’m at the point I don’t won’t to go during my shift but she’s so angry all the time I can’t even talk to her. When she coming I’m going. I’m stressed from being there all day and she stressed for having to be there after working all day.
Your sister is drowning and you are close behind all because neither of you want to place mom due to guilt and fear.

Your sister is in crisis and destroying herself. Trying to figure out how to get her to keep doing what you both have been doing for the past year and a half is not working and is not the solution.

You both need to come together and have a talk with mom about what this is doing to both of you and what the next step will be for the preservation of your sister and your mental and physical well being.

Mom may have been given an expiration date by a doctor which she surpassed by 15 months but only two of you are dying right now and mom is certainly not one of the two people.

I never understand why the senior never seems to care about what their children are going through in trying to make them happy.
Helpful Answer (8)
rovana Dec 2021
So many people are selfish, have been life-long, and continue on that path. Having kids does not change that.
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The boat is sinking fast here. Either many more hands are needed or pull into shore.

The 'more hands' option appears already at capacity.. so I really don't see any option but the other.

What is driving you & sister to keep going this way & not change course?

You mentioned having Mom spend her days at home...

This is a very common thing that most people want when ill or faced with a terminal illness: to feel at ease, secure, comfortable in their own home. It is also very common for people to want family to care for them.

But families differ. Some can take on this heavy care role & some simply just cannot. And for those that do, they are all human & every human will have a stopping point.

Another way to think about is - you & your sister have given your Mom a truly wonderful 'Gift' : of staying in her home for as long as possible.

You have reached the end of *possible* now that's all. So Mom will need to hire copious amounts of help or move into care for the last bit.

Think of this as 'The New Gift'. Yours & sister's visits/help but with round the clock care too.

This involves some letting go, probably many tears & then acceptance.

Peace to you.
Helpful Answer (11)

In your previous posts, you said that you did not the majority of the caregiving. Now it's one of your sisters that works fulltime and then has mom-duty at night? Does she turn her every 2 hours during the night?

What happened to your other sister, as you mention having 2 sisters in a previous post?

You were at the end of your rope back in early 2020. So what has changed, other than it's one of your sisters that is now at the breaking point? (I hope there isn't a brother/s in the family doing absolutely nothing.)

Your mother has been expecting servitude since your father died 16 or so years ago. Isn't it time to stop that?

If you won't place your mother in a facility, then I don't see much changing.
Helpful Answer (8)
CTTN55 Dec 2021
Oops...too late to edit, but the first sentence should have read,

"In your previous posts, you said that you did the majority of the caregiving."
In February of 2020 you wrote:

"My mom had a mini stroke in November. She was in ICU for 3 days, hospital 1 week, and rehab a week. She has no damage from the stroke. Nothing showed on cat scans. They changed her bp meds and she returned back to the hospital for complications. Meds adjusted. She can't lift her left arm, her hand works nothing to do with stroke. The nerve is compromised between her c5 and c6. Problem is when she left the hospital my sister and I decided it would be good for mom to come home with me for a couple of weeks to get her strength back. It's 5 months later and she still here. I'm at my wits end. I've never been so exhausted in my life. I cook, clean, take her to dr. Appts. Everything! My sister comes by 2x a weeks and gets her in the shower. That's it! She doesn't want rehab, refuses to get an MRI on her neck to try and get her arm working and wants me to do everything. I try to explain that she has to get up and move around to get to feeling stronger and build her stamina back up. She still says she can't walk stable even though the 2x she had in house rehab she did just fine. They put her on blood thinners and she complains its cold even though I keep it warm to the point we closed our vent in our bedroom because it's too hot. She wants to just sit in the chair and do nothing. Insist she can't. I'm so frustrated and tired. I can't do this anymore. I'm so mentally and physically drained. It's getting worse every day. I try to explain that we've got to get her back home and get thing back to normal. My dad died 15 years ago and shes always depended on me and my sister for dr. appts. Groceries, yardwork shopping, everything. Then we would get the guilt trip constantly. I dont feel like cooking can you bring me something. This got to be almost daily. It's always been something. As if we dont have a life. Im so tired of feeling guilty. I'm tired of her sucking every drop of energy I have left. I beg my sister for help and tell her I'm so stressed out to the point my chest hurts. I dont want to get up in the morning knowing it starts all over again. My sister comes by 2x week and give her a shower paints her nails brings her goodies talks to her like shes a baby, spoon feeds her and yes I said spoon feeds her. I try to tell her this is wrong and it makes my job harder. She actually lives 1 street over from me and can only help 2x a weeks for a max of 1.5 hours . Shes works 8 to 3 no husband no kids just her and her dog and I don't work. So she justifies it that way. Ive always been the one to do everything for everyone because "i don't have a job". I just want my mother independent and back in her home so I can have my life back. I want to help my daughter and help her get ready for my 1st grandbaby. I have always been close to my daughters we would always do everything together. I miss that so much and they do too. My husband has been so understanding until now. Its putting a strain in our marriage. He sees how this situation has turned the longer it goes on. She doesnt want to be left alone. Shes scared she might fall or she doesnt feel good. Wants to know how long I'll be gone. I cry myself to sleep. I dont even fix my hair anymore. I rarely get out of the house. I'm losing my will and feel like it's all hopeless anymore. Someone please give me advice. I don't know what do. She wouldn't go to her last dr. Appt to do bloodwork. I had to reschedule it. I have 1 daughter at home that works and is about to graduate. She sees the stress I'm under and tells me this is wrong that nobody helps me and how my mom acts like she cant do anything for herself. Can you bring me this or will you hand me that constantly. Now she will actually call me on my phone in the house and ask me to do something for her. I feel so guilty for my feelings. I have so many mixed emotions. It's only been 4 months and I'm falling apart. I'm seriously considering a psychiatrist."

Have you EVER said " no" to your mother?
Helpful Answer (7)
rovana Dec 2021
I nearly was hooked into a situation similar, but fortunately I went for counseling to the pastor of my parish and asked what the moral law in these kids of situation actually was. I asked for the simple truth, no matter how harsh. Was I surprised (and my life saved)! Of course not everyone has the same religion, but I think it is wise to go to your clergyperson/spiritual counselor in order to find out what moral theology actually requires (not the folk traditions which are generally crippling and not theologically sound in most cases). Sound knowledge can liberate you from FOG. You can see it for the manipulative lying it is. This is sure one case where "the truth shall make you free."
So, to continue...
Your mother controls you through Fear, Obligation and Guilt. She's done this since your dad died, 16 years ago.

You and your sister need to call the Hospice Social Worker tomorrow tell her/him that your ability to provide home care for your mother has ended. A facility needs to be found immediately.

If nothing else, have mom go to Respite for 5 days (this covered by Medicare hospice services). During those days, you can find a better placement than exists nearby.
Helpful Answer (13)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you so much for your response!! I so much appreciate it. It’s so hard anymore to just get out of bed but I do it for my grand daughter! My sweet angel!! She gives me reason and hope!!
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Bluntly - I'm you - another 2-3 years in the future. Except mine may not have the more extreme diagnosis. My FIL is also of the belief that care is owed to him. He lucked into having a situation where he got his care for free (long story but the short is another sibling needed a roof over their heads and he let them move in and they are now 'stuck' there) He feels THEY owe him 24/7 care but at the same time that has bled over to ALL of us owing him care. He never had a plan for his long term care - it was always his children. Even now when there is no one to provide his care (one of them has to have surgery soon and of course the rest of us can't be there 24/7) the FOG machine is turned on full force.
We are JUST now really beginning to understand the full impact of this. He had a lifetime to condition my DH and his sibling to do his will - their childhood and adulthood was spent training them to feel guilty for not doing what he wanted when he wanted and they had an abusive childhood that taught them to fear their father and immediately respond to his demands, so it has taken them both a long time to even recognize that they do it.
As a result, it is an uphill battle to even get either of them to say no. That coupled with his sibling living there still and having some financial dependency muddies the waters of moving him into a proper living arrangement - to the point that DH and I have nearly walked away to leave them to their own devices a number of times because our 'obligation' is far less here. But we feel a sense of solidarity with them and can't seem to bring ourselves to do it. So we all roll around in the mud together until the other shoe drops and we can finally use the system to our advantage.
I've learned a lot here and frankly we are fully prepared with the emergency room dump and "unsafe discharge" and his sibling knows when the time comes they are on their own as far as figuring out their own living arrangements from that point on.

I guess my point is this - it sounds unfortunately - like you have a situation on your hands much like we do. I hate to use words like manipulative and guilt but some people are really good at it. My FIL has had a couple of varieties of cancer at different points - all very mild, easily cured and completely gone now - but he still constantly reminds us that "I HAD CANCER" because it is his sympathy card. It's not even "I HAVE". Some people no matter what their circumstances just want to make sure you live in misery with them. My FIL's multiple doctors do not know how he is still alive with everything that is wrong with him. And they say he could die tomorrow or live another 10 years.

As is evidenced by the fact that they gave her just a very short time and you've already had nearly 2 years with her, you already know that this could continue. I certainly don't mean to sound heartless. But as caregivers you are already seeing that it can hugely impact your health. What happens if your sister gets sick? Or ends up in the hospital? Is it safer for your mother and better for you and your sister to have somewhere that she has 24/7 care and you can just have your time with your mother as your mom?
Helpful Answer (12)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you so much for responding to my situation. I’m so sorry your in one similar. It all seems so unfair. The guilt!! The struggle!! Day in and day out. I’ve always tried to be a good daughter with nothing too n return. I just so much want my life to be my life!! There is is no my life!! Everyday is the same over and over!! God help us all!!
Wow. It's incredible how selfish some parents can be. Why in the world would she want your life to suck so bad??

So, you do not owe her anything! Everything you do for is your own choice. You are clearly burnt out and need a break. I would say your relationship isn't that great to start with so besides more complaining, making some major changes will not necessarily change how you feel about each other.

Does she still qualify for hospice? Does she still have terrible cancer still?

If the nursing homes close by are lousy, look further out. You don't have to visit every day or any more than you really want to. You can call and check in, etc.

It's rough when you are told someone is going to die really soon. You do everything you can cuz you "know" the time is so limited. That pace could only be kept up for the short term. Not for 18 months. It's time to set some boundaries. At the very least, get her somewhere for respite care but really I think she needs somewhere permanent. If she doesn't have enough money for hiring home health aides, then there really is no choice.
Helpful Answer (10)
Isthisrealyreal Dec 2021
People like this is where the saying, "Misery loves company" came from.
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Okay, here's a little stress buster you can use for yourself.

When she says, "I'm your mother!"

You say, "Are you sure? Cuz, I am only taking your word for it."

When she says, "I have cancer!"

You say, "I think they read someone else's test results. Because you're 15 months past the expiration date."

Being a mother with cancer does not give her the right to devour your life, your sisters life and the lives of everyone that doesn't get to be with you because of her.

You are an adult woman and no longer subject to her authority. Not when she has abused it so.

I would tell her that she has done this to herself by not putting forth any effort and you have paid her anything you might have owed her. So knock the crap off or you get to go to a facility with a 1.5 rating and that sounds to good for her, based on what she has/is/will do if not stopped.

You are seriously going to have to put boundaries in place, because she will make a statistic out of you and your sister. Your sister is already self medicating because of this woman called mom. What needs to happen before enough is enough?
Helpful Answer (18)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you. I know your right!!
Well, at least you’re open to a facility. That’s usually the battle.

You both are burnt out, and it’s going to soon become dangerous, because you can only go so long. If the end of your rope was last Tuesday, and you aren’t happy with the facilities nearby, look farther afield. Having to drive and hour or two to see her maybe won’t be such a bad thing, because if anything, it will prevent you from visiting every day.

It’s far better that she’s in a place and well looked after, even if it means it’s farther away from you. If it were me, that’s what I’d do. Keep looking, because short of her dying, this isn’t going to solve itself.
Helpful Answer (7)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you! I just got to get stronger. I stand up and she is so good about controlling us. The guilt is there day in and day out. I pray about it and hope things get better but it only gets worse. 🙏❤️
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NothingLeft, I've just been brainstorming options.

1) Is your mother getting social security? Even if she was a homemaker, she would still be entitled to her own if husband worked. Even if she's getting just $1,000 a month, that's 100 hours of care at $10/hour.

2) Does your state allow Medicaid for board-and-care homes? These often have better staff ratios plus could be closer.

Because 3) moving her further out could impede the hospice agreement she's now got to have palliative chemo. Which I think you tell the onc in charge of this chemo and these steroids: Tell him you're fine with her treatment but there will soon be no one home for her, and that for her to exercise her options with him, he needs to put you in charge with whatever social worker. If hospice is putting you in a loop, then tell him the buck stops with you, bucko.

You need answers so that she can keep living as she wishes. Her living isn't the problem, the problem is that she is sucking you guys' life away.
Helpful Answer (2)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you!! You are so right!! I’ve seen the social worker 3x the whole time. I will be giving her a call. She never reaches out to the caregivers just my mom. ?? I will request a visit. I appreciate your advice. Thank you again.
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If you can get her in one of the nearby facilities, (even with a lower rating) you and your sister could arrange your schedule to monitor her care on a daily basis. Give you and your sister “breathing” room and benefit from the 24/7 support. Reserve your energy.
Helpful Answer (9)
my2cents Dec 2021
Agreed. It would eliminate the whole overnight care when she's probably sleeping anyway.
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Install Cameras in mom's house so you can check to make sure everything is fine anytime 24 7 and let mom sleep over night by herself.

Have her not drink anything after 6 PM so she won't need to get up as much to go to the bathroom.

You might put a bedside potty chair right beside her bed so she doesn't have as far to go if she needs to go during the night
Let her wear Night Time Diapers and just pee in them and change them the next morning.

She can also wear a fall necklace to sound off in case of a fall.

Maybe you could find a Live in that gets a free room just be around in case of an emergency. Like maybe a Nursing Student.
Helpful Answer (5)
my2cents Dec 2021
She already said she can't get the diapers back up. Her limits tell me this wouldn't be a good situation allowing her to live alone for any amount of time. There's even an issue with one arm.
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If mom's husband was in the Service, she could qualify for up to 30 hrs of Free Caregiver help a week.
Helpful Answer (6)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
my dad was in the service. Thank you for that information. Who do I contact?
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My short response is: less prayer, more action on your part. Also, professional counseling for you and your sister would be a really great idea. Hopefully, you have some health insurance to pay for some mental health care, either through the Affordable Care Act or your employer. Use them. Do it for your own children and grandchildren, because "It’s so hard anymore to just get out of bed but I do it for my grand daughter! My sweet angel!! She gives me reason and hope!!" is a recipe for emotional disaster on your part. Yes, get your mother a new medical assessment, from another oncologist if at all possible. Tell hospice you are removing your mother from hospice. Let them complain to the doctor if they want, and if he contacts you tell him he is fired. Expect blow-back for all of this, and stand firm for yourself. It's time for you to grow up, for yourself as much as for anyone else. As for your sis, it is totally understandable that she would try self-medication for this stress, but at some point suggesting a program, or re-hab, to her would also be a good deed for yourself. This is a big step for you. Get the support you need---NOW---to take it.
Helpful Answer (7)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you for your bluntness! It’s well taken. I have suggested help for my sister. It breaks my heart. I will definitely get the assessment done. It’s all been so stressful and confusing after the meeting in the chapel at the hospital with the doctor and assistant and the hospice lady. Perhaps we would have made other arrangements a year and a half ago.
You said the 2 facilities close are rated 1.5. Just remember, most people post when they are mad, a lot of satisfied people don't think to post a rating. I hope this doesn't offend you, but her attitude seems to be a 1.5 or less. You are both burned out, and the fact that hospice hasn't suggested she be re-evaluated, is unbelievable.
Helpful Answer (8)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you for replying. No offense taken. No worries. It is concerning they haven’t suggested. Since she’s only improved. That’s definitely on my list after Christmas.
Recently learned about this…
They offer in home therapy and it is covered by By Medicare Part B even while on Hospice. (Medicare Advantage Plans may be different). Contact them to see if they have therapists in your area and ask if this would be true for your Mom. If the Hospice doctor will not prescribe it, check with other doctors she has or has had. Because this is a common misconception even many providers are not informed. So check with Fox Rehab first and even ask for printed info to show to her doctor. Sometimes Hospice even offers therapists from their agency but I would be concerned it would only be for palliative issues rather than actual rehab.
Helpful Answer (1)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you so much for the info. Definitely will check it out.
At this point, she may need to come off hospice and go to regular care again. Then you could get some nursing visits, PT and OT. Definitely with her limits, living alone is not going to work. Perhaps talk to her about rehabbing with 24 hour care at a facility to get her on board. She appears to be cognitive and able to speak her mind, so she should be able to communicate her wants to facility workers. Start with facility close to your house so you and sis can visit often.

If she has Medicaid, there will be more in home help for her. If she has Medicare, it would be less in what you could get to help in the home.
Helpful Answer (0)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
I’m gonna look into getting Medicaid. She’s on Medicare now. Thank you so much for replying to me. I keep hearing Medicaid from others too. Do you know what I need to do to qualify? We don’t have much.
@NothingLeft, you MUST make changes ASAP. Take your life back!

Your high stress levels, and feelings of hopelessness and being trapped are unfair to you, your long-suffering husband who must be at the end of his rope, your own children, and your precious little granddaughter.

You know what is even more unfair? If you end up dying due to this never-ending stress, thus leaving your husband, kids and only grandchild bereft of you.

If you get really sick, or God-forbid die unexpectedly, I doubt your sister will suddenly step up to the plate to provide 24 hour care. Where will that leave your manipulative mother? She will need to move to a 24 hour care facility in that case, so you might as well face facts and arrange to move her now.

Take your life back! Enough has been sucked out of it by your selfish mother. And don’t forget to tell your husband that you love him, thank him for having had the patience of Job, and promise him that positive changes are coming soon so that you can again be the loving wife, mother and grandmother that you know you are, deep down inside. Right now I bet you are staggering through each day and are unable to be the loving woman you want to be to those who deserve it. Don’t forget to also be loving to yourself when this mess is straightened out.

Take your life back!
Helpful Answer (5)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you so much. I know how much energy is wasted day in and day out. Energy that I need and should be putting a into my family. Oh the guilt.
Nothingleft: Imho, your user name actually speaks volumes, e.g. you've nothing left physically nor emotionally to provide care for your mother. This dynamic must be amended in the way of facility living, else you fall faint and ill and may be good to no one.
Helpful Answer (2)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
That’s my fear. Thank you for responding!
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One of the things that Hospice offers, and is paid for by Medicare, Medicaid is RESPITE care.
Talk to the Hospice nurse or the Social Worker and ask them to set this up ASAP.
Then talk to the Social Worker if they can help find a Skilled Nursing facility that will take mom.
Mom needs more care than you or your sister can provide even with the help of a caregiver.
The Team, your Hospice Team can probably get her into a facility faster than you can. And they will continue her care in the Skilled Nursing facility.
Helpful Answer (3)
Zoebyrd Dec 2021
This is a great alternative. We had a similar situation with my dad who wanted to be home but couldnt function there and my mother was unable to care for him due to her health and I had to work so wasnt as available as he needed. We called hospice but even then home was a bad option. He moved to an area facility and hospice continued there with great success. He had his own nurse and aids through hospice in addition to staff when hospice wasnt there.
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It seems to be that 50s to 60s have it tough. Our older parents live longer than they used to, our children stay at home longer and our grown up children expect us to look after their children, whilst they work.
It sometimes feels like everyone wants a piece and there isn't enough to go around or the energy and the time to enjoy our retirements.
At some point something has to change because a person can only do so much and you need to sit down with your sister and plan for a change. One that makes it less likely that you will become victims in all of this. The main thing is to acknowledge that your priorities need to be reviewed.
Good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
I agree. Thank you.
"I can't do this without her".


Either you will somehow keep on doing it without her (by replacing the sibling with an alternative) or you both give up & get a whole new plan.

Which will it be?
Helpful Answer (2)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Good point!! I see that coming!!
I'm with Beatty. New plan needed. There is no caring for mother if you and your sibling's health break down, so start thinking of you two and find a facility for mother - she wants to stay in own home, you NEED your health. No contest.
Helpful Answer (1)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you. Good point! I agree!
You are both burnt out and need respite. Start researching for all the help your mom qualifies for. If need be, help her apply for Medicaid and find a placement in assisted living or skilled nursing facility that accepts Medicaid for the remainder of her hospice.
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Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you for replying. I will definitely look into more resources.
Call the doctor, insurance company, or American Cancer Society to see if you can get some respite care. Is Mom able to go to a day care for a few hours a day? Finding a way to allow you & your sister some time away from mom is much needed. Are you able to enlist some of her friends to sit with her? Speak with a case manager or agency for aging in your city about any other resources available to her.
Helpful Answer (2)
Nothingleft Dec 2021
Thank you. I will look into those resources.
I have not looked at the replies yet.

You say the facilities have a 1.5 rating. Take an honest look at your life and your sisters, what sort of rating would you give for your own lives?

Your sister is drinking to cope. You are at the end of your rope. You are both neglecting your own well being and likely have nothing left for your own families.

Please find a placement for Mum and get your lives back.
Helpful Answer (2)
bundleofjoy Dec 2021
“what sort of rating would you give for your own lives?”

good point :)
Have you tried looking for volunteer services near you? I know we have plenty here in my area. They could help to at least alleviate both you and your sister a little. I am sorry I don't have a better answer. Prayers to you, your sister for strength and your mother,
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