
We need a health care assistant to live in with my mom full time. Room and board included and all amenities covered. Light meal preparation/light housework.
She's having chemo and it’s made her very forgetful and low energy.

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Thefourts, this isn't an employment job board, it's a educational and support forum for caregivers and those receiving care. If you need to hire someone consider contacting an agency.
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It varies from country to country, state to state, region to region, county to county and city to city and so forth. Research your mother's local area using a good search engine or possibly using the Bureau of Labor and Industries web site.
Helpful Answer (3)
Thefourts Apr 2020
I will check that out. Thank you :)
This answer will vary. If you hire a registered nurse you can expect to pay more.

It depends on what type of caregiver that you wish to hire. It can range from $10 per hour to $25 and up.

Maybe others that have hired privately will tell you of their experiences.

Best wishes to you and your family.
Helpful Answer (2)
Thefourts Apr 2020
Thank you for your reply :)
When you say “7 nights a week” - you know they can’t actually work that, right?

Check you states labor laws regarding required time off, require time allowed for sleep and meals, etc.

Know your laws prior to interviewing and hiring and you’ll likely do better at finding the right person.

Sorry if this is butting in as it’s not directly answering your question.
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Thefourts Apr 2020
i say 7 days as a way to refer to live in permanently.
my mom sleeps roughly 8-10 hours soundly a night as will the caregiver.
all meals will be eaten at same time except when or if the caregiver is not there during her break of 6 hours, where she will leave or stay at the house, as she wishes. At that period I or one of my siblings will be at the house during those hours, doing chores, cooking, and spending time with our mom.
thanks :)
The range I have seen is between $12-$20/hr depending on the hours and the tasks.

I know of a male caregiver who comes late at night and SLEEPS till morning at a house of an elderly man. His job is to keep an eye/ear on the elderly man in case he needs anything. Other than that, he sleeps till morning then leaves. He gets $12/hr.

If the live-in caregiver you plan to hire works day time with 6 hours break, and be on-call at night, then there should be compensation for those wee hours, too, even if the caregiver just sleeps.
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Thefourts, if you hire an "independent contractor", someone who is not employed by an agency, please note that you will need to contact your homeowner's insurance carrier to sign up for a workman's comp policy. This policy helps in case the caregiver gets hurt on the job.
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Thefourts Apr 2020
Thanks for that tip. It is an important one!
Jjust she is asking because some of us had done before.
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