
My mother lives in Ohio. She is considered to be at level 2 in her AL facility. The levels go from 1-4, with 4 being the highest level of care. She gets 3 meals/day, housekeeping services, a nurse who is available 24-7 who also dispenses her medication. She also receives a bath twice a week. I do her laundry. She pays $3264.00/month. Is this rate about what to expect for AL facilities?

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Unfortunately, it gets worse. Mom is now in a nursing home and it costs $12,400 a month. Since there is a five year lookback, the best thing to do something about protecting your mother's money now. I wish we had. At this rate her lifetime savings will be gone soon and she will end up on medicaid. I don't know if they even allow her to keep enough back for a funeral before she can go on medicaid.
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Knock on wood, so far my Medicare and supplement insurance, and Rx insurance has been reasonable. Back when I was self-employed over a decade ago, my premiums use to jump drastically and the deductible would go up, too. That was back when women use to pay a higher rate then men for health insurance.... the APA [Obamacare] put an end to that.

And I remember having a hard time trying to find heath insurance because I thought I had a wheat allergy.... thus it was a "pre-existing condition".... guess the insurance companies thought I would OD on a loaf of bread :P The ACA also put an end to that, too.
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Sounds like a GREAT deal vs. NJ! My MIL has similar services with dressing assistance added on. She is at $6600/month!
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Here in Western NY, average is about $3500 with level 2 care. It just keeps going UP.
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My Dad is in Independent/Assisted Living and his rent for a 4 room apartment is $4,000/month which includes dinner, housekeeping, linen service, nurse/aide on-call. This place also has different level of care, so when the time comes, Dad can add those levels.
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We live in Upstate NY (north of Albany and close to Vermont border) Its expensive here. Mom was paying $4250 a month for level 2 care. This included 3 meals, reminder for meals, administering meds, laundry and housekeeping, putting in hearing aides and monitoring them, and general oversight and helping with shower once a week (except she wouldn't let them). For that she got a private single room which had a kitchen sink, set of cabinets, small fridge and microwave and bathroom. There was only room for a small table, twin or double bed, one chair and dresser. The cost increases by about $200 a month as the person needs more help. She also had incontinence materials and disposal for another $85 a month. Those costs are about average for this area, more as one gets closer to the city.
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Wow, that's a bargain. when Mom was in Independent Living in Westchester County NY in 2012, a one bedroom apt with light housekeeping and 3 meals a day was $5500 per month. That's with NO ASSISTANCE. I set up her meds each week.
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$4,000 a month for similar care in Minnesota. It's crazy.
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You can be as frugal as possible and still never save enough, I've been doing a bit of calculation with the help of some on-line data. Figuring inflation at 3.5%, $1 today will be equivalent to $2.81 in 30 years (I'm in my 50's, that's why I used that timeline). Start looking at the examples above and projecting them into future costs if you want some sticker shock!
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What scares me is the way health care insurance and co-pays keep going up - in ten years the money we thought we saved enough for our IL, AL or NH care will have to be used just to keep us alive - to pay for our health care and medicines.
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