
My brother is the court appointed legal guardian for my father. He only has guardianship of person, as my Dad has no money. My father is delusional and spends his days coming up with ways to get out of the nursing home.

He is incontinent with his bowels, hoards food, pockets his pills, has cut off two alarms, won’t eat because he says they are drugging him in his food.

Now he has called the court and reported that they were trying to kill him. He says he won a lawsuit worth millions and that is why they are trying to kill him.

My brother told me the court is investigating. Anyone know what that means?

He has a woman that visits him that believes you should just agree with everything they say who seems to be ramping up his actions.

Am interested in how the courts will investigate and report that?

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My first reaction is that you couldn’t report to a Court that a NH is trying to kill you. Courts deal with legal cases, not investigations. It would be a complaint to police or APS. It doesn’t seem as though there is any complaint about your brother as guardian, and in any case to get it into court as a way to query guardianship, your father or someone else would have to start legal action. There could be a complaint to the NH regulatory body, but any ‘investigation’ is likely to be very cursory.

Perhaps you could talk to your father’s visitor about better ways to talk to him. ‘I can see that you are concerned’ rather than ‘yes they are trying to kill you’.

Please note that I am not legally qualified in the USA, but I would be surprised if this is not correct.
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If your Dad called “a court”...I wonder which one. I wonder if he isn’t just claiming he did cause if he really did, I am sure he totally baffled the clerk of whatever court he ended up talking with.

I know a few court clerks....they will tend to just keep repeating that they cannot, by law, offer legal advice and the person on the phone really needs to get a lawyer. I am sure this is not what your Dad wanted to hear (if, in fact, he actually called and talked to anyone).

I would not concern myself with this at all. The most you could say about it is that it is complete nonsense...either nothing happened because he didn’t really call..or nothing will happen because your Dad could not get anyone on the phone to even listen to him......

Now, if your Dad says he called the police or got a lawyer to chase after this...that might end with some sort of action...till then, don’t let it bother you.
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I expect/hope/trust the court will investigate your father's complaint with a straight face and as open a mind as possible. I expect, too, that this is not the first time they have dealt with him?

Poor brother. And poor court. But it isn't safe to ignore a person's claims of abuse just because he has a court-appointed guardian, so they can't and they won't - but they're not *stupid.*

Are you hoping the court might recommend that someone should warn off the alleged trouble-maker? Who is she?
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I think APS is investigating. Your brother could not get guardianship without proving your father incompetent. The woman may be playing along with Dad to keep him from being upset. She should be talking to staff too. He is in a NH for a reason.
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