
Well depends at what age you ask me that question.

In my youth I wouldn't have thought about it so much. I think trying to do things to get my parents affection, make them happy.

In my mid-20's to about 40, it would have been making as much money as possible, having intimate relationships, getting the big house, family, cars, etc., etc.

And now: It's still trying to make my mother happy. That one didn't change. I've discovered if you're in a place where you can make your parents happy, that's always good. I realize not everyone shares good dynamics with parents and I sympathize with them.

I'm middle-aged now, so, I've only got wisdom enough to this point. I would say family is important, but not in my circumstances, it did not work out. If you have that one person to love all your life, that is special. I think helping and giving compassion to others is the number one important thing.

Of course we all know it's not a loving world out there; you just need to turn on the news to witness this, especially over the last 3/4 years.

Some people won't accept you for whatever reason. ** Right now, and from now on, giving help, showing compassion (love) to others is the most important thing for me.

Some people might say, why don't you do that with your own siblings then? (my back story in other questions I've posted) Well, it has reached a point where chances were given, tried, repeatedly; reasoning is out the window; good (big) gestures were disregarded and taken for granted. I had to move onto helping others that had respect for me, in anyway I could, and that starts with helping my mother with all her health issues.

Part of the reason I'm asking this question is because I respect the wisdom of elders, especially when it comes to what they have learned about life, their hardships and how they got through them; it can be an invaluable source of information learning about life from others. I'm still learning.

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Great question and I hope it is moved to discussions where it can live a longer life.
My answer would be HEALTH. Basically THAT. Without it you can do nothing. With it you can manage. You can change your ways, gain wisdom. But if you don't have health you are a hostage to the system.
Family? You can make your OWN family; to be frank it has little to do with "blood". Money? You can learn to earn, learn to save, learn to budget, and if you are of sound mind you can become pretty much anything you want in our country.
But health? That can be taken from you at any age, and if it is you will be helpless to have any control over any of the rest of it.
My opinion through my life, and I am 80. But I am a nurse, so you can imagine why it might be my focus.
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2023
They don’t always last longer in discussions, although I am like you I wish some topics would stick around longer.
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Be generous with your heart, but set and keep your boundaries of self-protection. Narcissists will rob you of your happiness and dignity, so don't invest in them.
Helpful Answer (3)
oldageisnotfun Jan 2023
Definitely...totally... great that you've learned this, I was I guess what they call "too nice" kind of thought, if I act according to a way some higher power would want me to act, good things will come back to me. They never did.. I definitely heed your advice now and use self-protection.

Thank you. love & peace.
Water and breathing.
Helpful Answer (1)
oldageisnotfun Jan 2023
Two things I don't do :) just kidding. I don't drink enough water and don't breathe.......not properly at least..
the most important thing, and only thing, that matters to me, is for me to try to be a good person.

this principle has guided me in everything i do, from childhood till now. it’s the reason i chose my career, it’s the reason for all i do, towards OTHERS and towards MYSELF.

there are 2 ways of doing bad things:
-through acts of commission (action)
-and through acts of omission (failure to act)

this applies also to oneself:
for example failing to act, to take care of oneself.
Helpful Answer (4)
oldageisnotfun Jan 2023
Beautiful BundleofJoy, thank you!
I second it HEALTH.
Helpful Answer (3)

Years ago I watched a documentary on the seasons of our lives. It was really interesting.

We have seasons:

20’s are our building years, finishing our education at a university. Establishing a career and so on. Possibly finding a mate in life and starting a family after landing a good job.

30’s, growing roots in our jobs. Possibly looking for real estate to purchase. Immersed in kids activities!

40’s Life is busy with career and family! We may have settled into a home. Our kids are giving us both joy and gray hair!

50’s AARP magazines start arriving in the mail! Hopefully, we have progressed in our careers! Paying for college education is expensive. Weddings are expensive.

60’s We May have more concerns about our health. We may be grandparents. We might giggle to ourselves if our children have children who did what they did. I know that my mom and dad thought I deserved some ‘payback’ for parts of my youth!

70’s 80’s 90’s etc! Hopefully we are retired by now! We cherish our memories. We reflect back on our lives. We have more years behind us than ahead. We may have some anxiety about our health and so on.

You get the point! Oh yeah, somewhere in this timeline we may have to figure out caregiving for our parents!

My personal answer:

I am married to the love of my life. I have two lovely daughters.

My husband has had success with his cancer treatments and doing well.

Life is good 😊. We now have time for ourselves, family and friends since my caregiving days have ended.

Mom lived to 95! Neither my husband, nor I wish to live that long if we have poor health. Neither of us ever expect our children to be our caregivers.
Helpful Answer (2)
oldageisnotfun Jan 2023
Hi Need, I know you're another wise one on this forum. I've seen many great answers from you, and you are definitely giving great support to people asking questions.

What you've written is beautiful, the seasons of life. As you plotted out the each 10 years, I was see many aspects of my own life in those decades and many things that didn't happen for me. I really enjoyed reading how you written each season :) I smiled as I read them.

It's so wonderful to hear you have a beautiful life, what I would call a full life, this is the type of life I wish all people could have.

Do you know the song by Queen the rock band, "these are the day of our lives" it's a great song. Sums up a lot of people's feeling when looking back at their life.

Wishing you plenty more happiness for many, many years.
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Oldage, not only your health but your life can be taken at any time.

Our youngest dropped dead at 40, without warning.

The saying, live everyday as though it is your last, has a lot of wisdom in it. Because none of us knows what tomorrow has in store.
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2023
I am so sorry, ITRR. We absolutely don’t ever know what tomorrow brings.
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What is important changes as our circumstances change. What is a constant is the need to have good health. Without that, we're unable to continue functioning or control even a small bit of our lives. Really, trying to be kind and to cope and care for a loved one are most important to me now. Life is often dark and difficult so the challenge is to accept what you can, strive to remain positive, and be grateful for what you have because it can all be taken from you in a moment.
Helpful Answer (2)
oldageisnotfun Jan 2023
Tynagh! AlvaDeer, also mentioned health, AlvaDeer has had first-hand experience of health and people's health changing quickly and at any age.

The cope and care part for a loved one is where I'm at too in terms of what's important in my current circumstances.

I admire your outlook on life and you're right. For me helping a someone struggling with keeping a door open at the shops, or just discussing the rising cost of living at the supermarket with someone or having a simple small-talk chat with someone can be uplifting for me. Trying to make a connection to people means a lot to me. There's kindness and compassion to be given to all that accept it.

All the best.
The ability to adapt to whatever comes your way. I have bad health and there are many who would say my quality of life is poor. But I would not be one of those people. I adapt to whatever happens. Some things are harder and some are easier. I have family. friends, work that I enjoy. Nothing is ever perfect but if have the ability to adapt. You can make things better or get past them, or go on living in an imperfect world with those you love and enjoy.
Helpful Answer (6)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2023
I love your spirit, Bridget. You inspire me! 😊
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My family, my health, my faith, my friends, my resiliency and my attitude and outlook on life.
Helpful Answer (7)
oldageisnotfun Jan 2023
Hi funnygrandma59, you summed it all up wonderfully. All those things are definitely make up a good life. If you have all those things you are certainly blessed and long may you have these things in your life.

Thank you for sharing.
Moments of peace. I don't think it needs more explanation, as most examples will do.

I'm not even in my 50s yet though, so I don't think I count as an elder ;)

That and peace's second cousin, boredom <3 I'm living the dream (or was till mom moved in but we all get a bit of our own)

Being Boring
'May you live in interesting times.' Chinese curse

If you ask me 'What's new?', I have nothing to say
Except that the garden is growing.
I had a slight cold but it's better today.
I'm content with the way things are going.
Yes, he is the same as he usually is,
Still eating and sleeping and snoring.
I get on with my work. He gets on with his.
I know this is all very boring.
There was drama enough in my turbulent past:
Tears and passion - I've used up a tankful.
No news is good news, and long may it last.
If nothing much happens, I'm thankful.
A happier cabbage you never did see,
My vegetable spirits are soaring.
If you're after excitement, steer well clear of me.
I want to go on being boring.
I don't go to parties. Well, what are they for,
If you don't need to find a new lover?
You drink and you listen and drink a bit more
And you take the next day to recover.
Someone to stay home with was all my desire
And, now that I've found a safe mooring,
I've just one ambition in life: I aspire
To go on and on being boring.
- Wendy Cope
Helpful Answer (5)
oldageisnotfun Jan 2023
Hey there Caldinea,

Great to see a mix age group on this forum. I think there's a lot to be learn from both the younger generation and the elder generation. If someone is a decade or two older than me I always like to learn their life lessons. I think elder's can also learn things from younger people too, especially keeping up with how things are changing in the world.

Peace is great, I think we all need more of that in our lives, especially in the turbulent world we're living in. I think there's nothing wrong to be content with boredom, if that's what someone chooses they like. Ultimately, its a matter of being happy as much as possible (can I say be happy ), we all know from reading the questions on this forum there's plenty of the other going around.

It sounds you have a nice life and are happy doing what you are doing.

I'll say this, It's great place to be when no one expects or wants anything from you.

Long may be you continue to enjoy your boredom, I really enjoyed reading you reply, thank you.
I am 67. My relationships with friends and family are what is most important to me. They are the joy in my life and my reason for getting up in the morning.
Helpful Answer (5)
oldageisnotfun Jan 2023
Beautiful Hothouseflower!

I would say these were definitely the principles I set out to live my life by.

Out of friends and family in my case, I would say my friends have been more like family; put another way, I expected my siblings to be like my friends.

Wishing you lot of happiness with your friends & family.
My freedom to travel, freedom to come & go as I please, freedom to enjoy empty nesting! Ever since the kids flew the nest but mom moved in with us 4 years ago, my husband & I have not gone anywhere. My inlaws also live with us but they moved in so they could watch mom while I held onto my p/t job for my sanity. I finally have aides now as mom is bedridden.

I'm very grateful for my inlaws help. I don't go anywhere for more than an hour, no overnight trips or impromptu eating out. We order food in. Everything has to be planned to include the inlaws since Im so obliged to them. When I look back at our carefree travel photos of our early married days, I feel such a pang.
Helpful Answer (5)
oldageisnotfun Jan 2023
Hi Wearynow, I know exactly what you mean, there's nothing like that feeling of being free; the inner body is also is at optimum health & peace when people feel completely free. People rely less on medicines, because there's no stress.

Someday you will regain that freedom to move around freely again. Maybe plan how you will spend that freedom; it might be a nice way to pass the time, write down things you will do, places you want to see.

Keep going..
God is number one. After that, learning to be at peace with myself and others. If I can do that the rest falls into place.
Helpful Answer (6)
oldageisnotfun Jan 2023
Yes definitely Gershun. Reading through the answers peace seems to be recurring in people's desires. People want world peace and people want peace within oneself, and peace with other people, that could be tearing our lives apart. Great one Gershun! Thank you.
I would have to say peace. I'm in my late 40s. I had my kids early, raised them, one is a constant problem still (25yo addict with mental health issues) and then straight to caring for parents as soon as my kids left home. I am tired. I want to just have peace now. No more demands from family members who take and don't do anything to fill me back up. I miss my Dad, he was the only one who ever cared about *me* and it was a joy - a traumatic joy - to take care of him. But my Mom and my son are going to give me a stroke, and I just want peace. To travel, to read, to sew, to go for long drives with my dogs, this is what I want now. I have isolated myself from others, so it's really not friendships that I long for. I have my husband, and my dogs, and that is enough.
Helpful Answer (5)
oldageisnotfun Jan 2023
I hear you Cinderblock loud and clear.

You have your hands full. We go through life thinking it going to easier at some stage, I know some have share a fulfilling life on the forum, but it's no the majority of people that end up a life they wanted. It's hard.

We go through the stages, getting the following: education, job, good house, a life partner, have children (not in that order for some) and then live happy ever That's the pattern people have fallen into anyway. What many people don't think about in those stages is caring for aging parents and if people have many siblings, how it's all going to be managed? by the time people get to that part of life, that's another set of problems for many. Every one wants there to be equal responsibility, but it rarely works out that way. Most of us thought want our independence and do stuff, after working most of our lives, unfortunately if people have many siblings and only one is caring for aging parents, a lot of their independence is taken up by unequal responsibility of caregiving.

I tried to fit into the "normal" pattern, I wanted it, without any big material possessions. I just would have settled with a life partner.

I know what you mean about family members, I too share a similar story in that respect, give openly & considerately through the years but when some happens they don't agree with, it's all forgotten.

I miss my dad still, after some 18 years since he passed now, both my parents care for me, and I've always been close to them both. There things unsaid things I wish I could say to my dad, but he had a great laugh and smile and I wish I could make him laugh again.

I understand what you mean about wanting peace, when it's full on from two different people in different ways, its tough! What do we mean peace? Time to feel less stressed, time to relax, and time to breathe. That's called rejuvenation.

Focus on some of the good things you already have a good husband and friendly dogs. Having a loving life partner to help you through this is good. If you have other siblings that you get on with, they should help you, look after your mom and your son and then maybe you can get a way for the odd weekend now and again, just for the break.

I hope you can get your son the right help and hope he listens more.

I took the long way around, but I agree with you on having peace, is definitely one of the most important things in life.

I hope you get more peace some day....
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