
PT came today but they couldn't conclude the assessment because of her pain. I got her into bed tonight, but she was crying in pain, at least until the oxycondone kicked in. I hate to see her like this. It came on so suddenly, I told her visiting nurse who changed her bandage about it. Seems to be her back, she is not specific. This is the worse I've seen her, and I'm at a loss as to what to do. Do I call the nursing agency? Ask for palliative or hospice care? She's quiet now, but I dread the night and morning when she has to pee. PT wants to come back tomorrow, but I doubt she will be up for it. Help!

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We had a poster here, Dmanbro. His mom was in extreme pain, which all her docs/PTs wouldn't take seriously.

I believe he got her to the hospital where they did an MRI or CT of her spine. It was broken in several places, if I recall. They did a kyphoplasty where they inject cement into the spine. No more pain.

Get your mom looked at by a doctor who will look for what's actually wrong.

Look up Dmanbro's posts.
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cwillie Aug 2021
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My mom is resting comfortably now, the pain has subsided. I tend to overreact, I apologize. This isn't the place to lash out like I did. Transport is nearly impossible now, getting her in a car makes things worse. She and the family decided against the echocardiogram her cardialogist set up. Why? it's not going to tell us what we already know, and there is no magic pill or treatment to fix her, else they would have done it years ago. A retiring nurse who saw her, told us doctors order unnecessary tests, of course unofficially and off the cuff. The best I can do now I feel is to keep her as comfortable as best I can. We made our peace together for which I am grateful. She will never tell me she loves me and appreciates what I do, but I know in my heart she does. I just do what I have to do, but I have help from my sister and BIL. It's brought us together although I was always close with my sister and BIL. We went to college together, and had some crazy good times. I'm holding up pretty well and try to stay to stay positive. I feel so sorry for caregivers who don't have that support network. Peace all.
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Pain always has a reason, you (often with a doctor's help) just need to find it. I made my mission in life to help my mom live her final years in as much comfort as we could manage given her multiple health conditions. She wanted to remain active and walking as long as possible so a lot of pain medication was off the table because it made her too confused and dizzy. So we used less pain medication (usually) and more warm to hot baths (got a walk-in tub with air blower circulation) and massages applying her favorite lotions. When the pain was bad enough, she took the narcotics and we changed pull-ups at her bedside so she didn't need to walk to the bathroom or even the bedside commode. I felt the most lost when she was in pain and I wasn't sure what to do or my first "managing" attempt didn't relieve it all, so I know how you feel. She may surprise you tonight and sleep though. I suggest you contact her doctor and ask for medication she can take before PT so she doesn't get in so much pain to begin with; often it's easier to control pain before it starts than after it's set in.
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I remember Dmanbro.
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I'd get her into her dr asap for evaluation, if doc isn't available consider ER. I don't know what PT is having your mother do but it may exacerbate back pain.

I have a tricky back and have gone through 2 sessions of steroid injections in my back. The second set of sessions was because I was in excruciating pain on a scale of 1 - 10 I gave a 12. I could not get comfortable, not sitting, not laying down in any position, not standing, not walking - usually walking would ease my back pain but this - I had a rash follow the nerve path of pain which pain mgt doc thought was shingles. What was worse was I was in training for a new position and at times had to stand at the back of the class because sitting for 8 hours was a killer.

My mother has had 2 back surgeries and still has back pain - the pain is less but she still has it - takes Tylenol almost everyday. When mom broke her foot a couple years ago she was assigned PT, but it was making her back hurt and stopped them. You may want to halt PT until you know the cause of the pain.

Good luck.
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