
My mother has this mental illness for the past 6 years. She started six years ago by laughing with her self, I felt something was wrong. A year after that she starts having conversations with people whom aren't there. After that with like 2 years she started arguing with those people who aren't there, she started screaming and screaming until she can't even talk anymore for days. When she recovers, she argues and screams again and again. She even started going outside the house in the neighborhood and screams there daily. The police came multiple times to check on her but after knowing what's going on the police leaves because they can't do anything about it. She is being so scared of things that aren't happening. She thinks every celebrity is in love with her and they will marry her, she even promises to give us a lot of money when she marry her future husband who is a celebrity. She thinks everyone is an enemy, she hates everyone, even her mom, because she thinks they are planning to hurt her some how. She claims that she hears " voices " talking with her. I tried to argue with her multiple times for the past years hoping she realize it's all in her head but she never listens and she always think what's in her head is true and reality. Recently she started acting so childish, we literally tried everything with her. We took her to multiple doctors but she never takes the medicine because she believes there is nothing wrong with her and she's completely fine. Arguing for hours doesn't work with her she end up screaming and triggered, and yeah her mood changes so quickly, whenever I tell her a story or play her a funny video or a cute video, she says be careful they are watching us. Whenever I play her a song she says the singer knows me in person by the way. Sometimes when I'm having a small conversation with her she says " You're not who you think you are, there is someone inside you talking, be careful ", She currently lives with me and my brothers, she doesn't live alone. I really love her but I feel like there is nothing I can do to help her or even deal with her, what should I do?

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I’m sorry you and your family are going through this. Doctors often say a person with schizophrenia may have anosognosia (a lack of ability to perceive ones one condition). Therefore helping a loved one see the need for treatment and working with them to locate treatment services can sometimes be difficult. There’s a book thats recommended by many (I personally have not read it, but I’m sure it’s worth a try)...I Am Not Sick, I Don't Need Help by Xavier Amador, Ph.D. In the book, Dr. Amador teaches a communication strategy known as LEAP. This approach teaches a person how to help someone see the need for treatment, partner with them to identify options and support ongoing recovery. Best wishes to you
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Omar, where do you live?

I many places, there are provisions for having someone who is mentally ill taken in to an involuntary psychiatric placement.

I agree, it does sound as though you mom suffers from paranoid schizophrenia.
Helpful Answer (1)
Omar112 Feb 2021
I live in the middle-east, Saudi Arabia to be exact, sadly there isn't much you can do about mental illness cases here, and there aren't many places that takes mental illness seriously and do help
Your profile says Mom has a Dementia. If she won't take her meds then these symptoms will not go away.

Did she suffer from Mental illness before her now Dementia?

I agree, she shows signs of schizophrenia. But that is usually diagnoised in early adulthood.

Mom needs a full work up in a Physic ward.
Helpful Answer (1)
Omar112 Feb 2021
I put Dementia on my profile because that's what was available on this forum, But she's not really diagnosed with Dementia or anything yet,

No she didn't suffer from anything before her current mental illness, I agree that she shows signs of schizophrenia too, she's currently 45 y/o I don't know if she can get diagnosed with that at this moment

She's not believing the fact that she has mental illness she thinks she's completely fine, therefore, its so hard to take her to a full workup in a physic ward or something like that, she refuses to go because " she's fine "
Omar, I would call the ambulance and have your Mom transported to hospital where she should have a full workup in neuro-psych unit to see what she has going on. It is impossible to tell what is going on with her until that is done. She may have mental illness, she may have dementia, or she may have complications such as chronic urinary tract infections and etc. You really need medical help and diagnosis and at this point I don't see her getting this voluntarily. I am so sorry you are all going through this.
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Omar112 Feb 2021
The main problem with that is she thinks and believe there is completely nothing wrong with her, she doesn't want to admit that she has any mental illness, because she believe that, The only way we can get her to a doctor is by convincing her that the doctor is just checking on her body health, not mental health, whenever she realizes we're checking her mental health, she get annoyed and doesn't want to cooperate with us anymore, she says I know my self, and I know that I'm okay, stop wasting money on those useless psychologists, we tried to convince her that what she's dealing with isn't okay and convince her what is she dealing with is mental illness, she says no its not mental illness I know my self, its just random enemies trying to destroy me and hurt me you all won't understand, we told her that this is not real its all in your head and can be fixed with medications, she won't believe in that at all
Thank you for sharing. I would like to give you and your brothers a giant hug. Remember your Mom when she was not behaving like this. You can't make her take the medicine once you get to a doctor. Clearly she needs help. All of us on this forum realize the heartache you and your family are going through. For me, I don't want to remember our loved ones in the way they are at the end of their life. I want to remember the good things - that's what I do now. I keep reminders throughout the house that tells me "He/She loved so much and that is what I keep in my heart."

Do you have a pastor who might be able to help you? There should be a state agency to assist as well. In our area you contact them especially if your loved one is in danger of hurting themselves or others. Perhaps if you shared your state, someone in the forum could help you as well.

Make sure to eliminate if medicine(s) might be the culprit. Mental illness use to be something families would hide. Keep searching for the answers. Bless you and stay safe. My boss had a family member with same symptoms. He did find homes where each one is monitored and they learn how to function and take meds. However, money was plentiful.
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Omar112 Feb 2021
Thank you so much for your answer too, to be honest I drop tears every time I remember the days when she wasn't behaving like this, I will try to always remember and keep in the the positive things,

Sadly, there is no pastors near me, and also I tried to reach out for specialist agencies that could help but literally couldn't find any in my country, I live outside the US

she currently doesn't take any medicine, Thank you so much again for sharing this information and I will of course keep searching for answers, and also wait for more answers from this forum that could help
I'm so sorry for how distressing this has been for your whole family. More information would enable the forum participants to give you appropriate guidance.

- how old is your mom?
- is she living by herself?
- is she on any medications?
- has she ever been diagnosed by a doctor with dementia or ALZ?

I'm not a medical professional but she seems like she may have paranoid schizophrenia. No matter what, she really needs to be taken to a medical doctor or the ER and get a diagnosis so she can be treated. Next episode if you're there call 911 and tell them you need an ambulance, not the police. I wish you success in helping her.
Helpful Answer (1)
Omar112 Feb 2021
- She is 45 y/o
- No, she lives with me and my brothers, we take care of her
- No, she's not on any medications currently
- Nope she hasn't been diagnosed with Dementia or ALZ by a doctor

I think she has paranoid schizophrenia too, actually there is one time we called an ambulance they asked her kindly if she can come with them so they can help her, she was so mad told them she is completely fine and kicked them out, we really wanted to help her that day, so the ambulance came back and forced her to go to the hospital, when she arrived at the hospital after few hours the hospital decides to release her and send her back home!! I don't know why but I think its because she was acting so normal in the hospital to prove them she's completely fine and doesn't need any help, I believe she didn't show any ill symptoms which leads the hospital to send her back home, I don't really know what kind of mental illness she has but she's not behaving ill 24/7, sometimes when I have a small conversation with her she acts so normal and talks just fine, but in a matter of seconds for no reason in the middle of the conversation she just starts screaming " Get out " don't listen to us, she says to the " voices " she hears, then starts acting ill for few more hours/days until she goes back to kind of normal again
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