
Hospice helped my dad 8 months ago and he passed away. I am still a mess!

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My condolences, and glad you shared. There is no 'normal' timeline for grieving. I was more of a mess 6 months later. It took time for the reality to sink in from my head to my heart.
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Please contact your Hospice or your church for grief don't need to go through this alone. Remember that everyone grieves differently! There is no time limit for your grief, and just because someone went through it in 3 months another may take 3 years. I grieved less for my mother when she died of Alz. (after 8 years of decline) then I did for my dog. I was relieved that my mom's suffering was over and I knew she was in a better place. I'm sure that many people will think me odd or 'cold' for feeling this way....but I'm just being honest. My mom had always been a strong, independent and out-spoken women until this disease robbed her of her mind, and I knew she would have hated being unable to talk, walk, chew and to have someone change her diapers. I believe her death to have been a welcome release to her. Blessings to you, Lindaz.
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My mother passed March of last year. I have started to see a doctor for depression please get counseling asap. I wish you good luck
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Ask for grief counseling stat.
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dad passed from lung cancer 1998 after radiation and chemo, mom was doing fine till about 3 years ago when stroke one got her, she recovered beautifully physically ,graduated beautifully from walker to cane, dementia snuck up on her, along with paranoia, we were killing her with pills (were for throid and high blood pressure) and were keeping her prisoner, i want to go back home (to house she lived in 30 years ago) threatened to call the police and tell them we were killing her with pills and holding her prisoner, had to hide the phone, had a bbq july 4 2016 when she was ok till bbq time, was eating then turned to her left like she was picking something off the floor, minutes later we realized she slumped over, tried to pick her up and she became a limp ragdoll and head all bobbly, 911 was called and she went from hospital to nursing home, wound up on oxygen and feeding tube, got unresponsive till her blood pressure dropped and passed away. had her pics on my iphone, and laptop when turned on, it was making me physically ill, migranes, not sleeping etc, my neighbor said u need to stop or u will make yourself physically ill, that was my wakeup call. yes i do look at the pic from time to time but realize i cant do it like i used to.
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My mother died almost nine years ago, and I was a mess! I later went to griefshare programs offered by various churches in my area plus I had talk therapy from the Hospice social worker. Anybody else out there in the same spot I was in, don't hesitate to get counseling!
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My mother died almost nine years ago; I ran and not walked to a grief counseling program offered by various churches in my area. I was in one; it really was not to my liking so I changed to another one with younger people and it was closer to the house I lived in plus the hours were just right. If you have lost a parent and still a mess, don't hesitate to get counseling!
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Contact Hospice they have counselors and many offer bereavement support groups.
They are still there to help you PLEASE utilize their services.
If this does not help talk to your doctor about seeing a therapist or a counselor
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Grieving is an individual process, and yes, professional counseling can be needed should you feel the need. Join a group therapy session, get individual therapy, talk to friends, family, and whatever you do, don't allow anyone to tell you to "just get over it". My dad died when I was 11 yrs., and it is still hard to talk much about it. The anniversary of my mother's passing is Jan. 30th and it isn't as painful since I was caring for her when she had dementia. My husband's dementia has just about ended his life, and my emotions are extremely high, but he is my husband (a different relationship). So, do whatever you need to do to try and heal. My best wishes to your future!
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Now!, and whenever you feel it will help you! There's usually a free program through your personal insurance company, the hospital and hospice in which he passed as well. Don't wait, call them.
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To answer your question, now is the time. I'm glad you reached out here. Many times I've received comfort from reading what others have to share on this site. Blessings
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I will probably be where you are soon. I pray that you get comfort soon. I am grateful that you will be able to get some help from the Hospice group. I think just talking with others will help. God bless you.
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I am so very sorry for your loss. Deciding when to seek grief counseling is your decision and the fact that you've even asked the question tells me you're ready.
While hospices and churches do offer grief groups, they are not necessarily professionals with extensive education and training. I recommend contacting the Association for Death Education & Counseling and accessing their list of professionals in your area.
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Most hospices offer grief counseling for 13 months after a death so you should qualify. Call them right away. They should be able to help.
Take care,
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My husband died 7 months ago and I was very desperate -I couldn't function. The home care people who cared for him, offers bereavement counseling and having a talk once a week has been helpful and no cost.
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Dear Munchkin,

My deepest condolences and sympathies on the passing of your beloved and cherished father. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know there is a lot of pain and sorrow. I know the grief is overwhelming and its hard to know when to ask for help. You can ask for grief counselling at anytime through work, school, the church or through the hospice group. Or try to access any community resources. Thinking of you. Sending you lots of hugs.
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Call the Hospice group that your Dad had used, they do grief counseling.
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