
I have had 4 very vivid dreams of my dad visiting me although in each dream it is hard for me to make out what he is saying I get the overwhelming sensation of love and as he gives me a hug I feel like I can't breathe and I wake up frightened with my heart pounding. That last only for a few seconds before I am calm and thankful for the experience. Dad has been gone for 10 years now. Only 4 of those dreams. Please share your experience if you have one. Thanks

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It wasn't my dream but here goes...

Last fall, my MIL was in rehab and not doing well. My family went to visit her on Saturday and she would talk with us a little but wouldn't open her eyes. After our visit, we decided to see her again on Tuesday. Her other children saw her on Sunday and were able to convince her to sit up in the bed so we were encouraged by that.

On Sunday night, my FIL was in my husband's dream. My husband rarely remembers his dreams and doesn't remember dreaming about his dad before. At work on Monday, he was unsettled about that dream. At lunch, he said he wanted to go see his mom then instead of waiting until Tuesday. We headed to the rehab center and could tell from her breathing that she was in distress as soon as we walked into her room.

We got her to the hospital and she died the next day surrounded by family. My husband and I feel like his dad came to him in his dream to get us to go see her earlier than we had planned. That gave us the time to say our goodbyes while she was conscious enough to hear us. I feel like my FIL gave us the gift of peace of mind.
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I have always believed there is another dimension that exists alongside the one we live in. Proof of this can come to us in our dreams or in our daily lives.

I work in the baby room of a small daycare center. The building used to house a nursing home. We are aware that more than a few people passed away there in its previous incarnation.

The husband of the lady who works in the room with me has seen an elderly gentleman in his pajamas shuffling into the kitchen and when he looked in, the kitchen was empty. Our toys that play music or move have occasionally turned on by themselves. Lights flicker. I’ve heard what sounds like an elderly lady’s voice and cough. But, about a month ago when all but one of the babies were sleeping, my co-worker and I were sitting and quietly talking. Suddenly, there was a bright, white flash over our heads. My co-worker stopped speaking, looked up and asked, “Did you see that?” I told her I had. When we glanced at the one baby who wasn’t sleeping, he was smiling broadly, staring up at the ceiling where the flash had been and was waving. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the look of pure joy on his face. We aren’t fearful of the spirits. We know they love our babies like we do and would never intentionally scare or hurt us or them.
Helpful Answer (4)
grammyshelper Jul 2019
Thanks for sharing! I am a very open minded person when it comes to the afterlife and spirituality. If that was a spirit of some sort the joy in the baby's face tells me that it was a good spirit.
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After my daddy passed, I had a recurring dream about him. I didn't share it with anyone as it was special to me.

Some time later, 3 of my kids told me, in separate conversations that they had this recurring dream of daddy. It was scene for scene what I had been dreaming.

I fully believe in an afterlife and these dreams were so comforting. Daddy had PArkinson's and 1 of my kids who had this dream had never known my dad not 'sick'. For her to dream of him well, happy and running--well, we just felt blessed and enjoyed it for what it was.
Helpful Answer (5)
grammyshelper Jul 2019
That is beautiful❤ Thanks for sharing:)
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My father died in 1980 on a Friday afternoon. I dropped my mother off in a gas station that allowed me to park there so I would fill up tank and then do the car wash which was a pull in and back out. As I backed out the motor of the car started shaking violently. like it was going to explode. I jumped out leaving motor running looking at attendant to shut it off. then I found nerve and realized this was not a coincidence. I rushed up to hospital my mother was still at nurse station and I walked in to find him take last breath. I used to always say to him Daddy are you all right constantly to you going to be alright constantly. On Saturday night i dream that my phone rang and I picked it up and the operator says long distance call and my fathers nick name will I accept the charges, I said yes and when he came on the phone he said yeah just like he always did it seemed umbeliveable like the room was spinning. when I woke up the phone was off the hook. At his funeral. A religious lady who knew us well says he came to her and said Im alright in.
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I wish I had a dream about my Mother,but in the 3 and a half years that she's been gone,I haven't had one that I know of.
I have had several signs I believe Mother sent,but no dreams. :( yet~
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NeedHelpWithMom Jul 2019
You may one day, never know...
Yes, I believe in our dreams and elsewhere.
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I don’t know if it was a dream as much as a “presence” feeling. Mom was always asking me to hold her hand after she lost her vision in the last year of her life. She loved to take my hand and pat it and rub it. It was the most reassuring and comforting feeling for me that things were going to be alright and I often told her that I loved it when she held it. I was half waking up from a nap the other day and I had an overwhelming feeling of her presence...and I realized I was stroking and rubbing my hands together in my sleep. I was so happy she was with me.
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I believe that dreams are our ways of helping us work out our subconscious feelings. If you sit up and write out your dream the words you use will tell you clearly what the dream is trying to help you with. And yes, many dreams for me, of those both living and dead. I always see them as coming to help me deal, and I use them. If I ASK for an answer in dreams it is sometimes scary-profound to the extent I find it a bit frightening (tho always good) and I do it seldom therefore. Our sleep world is an amazing place.
Helpful Answer (3)
anonymous828521 Jul 2019
Very true AlvaDeer💟, thanks for that intriguing info!
My brother lived a rough life. I was the last one with him in his ‘end of life’ hospice facility. I knew his time was near. I called the priest to pray in his room.

I don’t really know if he ever forgave himself for what he knew he had done wrong in his life. I hope he did. I encouraged him to forgive himself. Sometimes it is harder to forgive ourselves than forgiving others. He struggled with this. He was ready to meet God. He asked for our prayers to support him. We did pray.

I was uneasy for awhile with different thoughts that would pop into my head. I prayed every night after he died for God to let me know that he was okay.

Mind you, my brother was a mere skeleton with gray hair when he died. He looked awful, nothing but bones with skin covering his frail body.

Well, a few nights after his passing I had a dream of him as a young man, healthy weight, like he had been before, very handsome, his beautiful dark hair, big smile on his face and about in his 30’s I’d say. He was in his 60’s at death.

He was doing something he loved doing. He was entertaining and feeding everyone. We were in my mom’s dining room. Mom has lived with me for 14 years but in my dream we were at our childhood home. Her house was a ‘hub’ for the family.

My brother was so happy in my dream. In the dream I knew that he had died. I was puzzled. I asked him. “How did you get here?” He looked at me and told me that he was happy and doing well. He was healthy, no liver disease. He died from HepC. He looked fantastic!

I woke up from that dream and felt complete peace and have never questioned about his soul ever again.

I was so happy! I ran to my mom’s room to tell her about my dream. She had a funny look on her face and before I could finish telling her she said she had the same dream and described the food that was served, his dark hair, his smile, the entire dream.

We were both blown away! Same dream on the same night. She had been praying for his soul too. We both felt it was a message from him.
Helpful Answer (4)
grammyshelper Jul 2019
Wow! What a powerful dream! I am glad that you found peace with it. Of course there is no solid "proof" to what is on the other side but my choice is to believe in a higher power and that dreams may be a some sort of portal between life and death. As humans we all have different perspectives on what the unknown is. I hurt so bad watching my dad take his last breath. I couldn't imagine life without this wonderful man in it. Somehow these visits in my dream have put me a peace also. Maybe it is the subconscious mind trying to soothe the pain but maybe not. Maybe it is divine intervention. Anything is possible.
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Vivid dreams of a deceased loved one are said to be visitations, not 'dreams'. They are actual interactions between your dad and yourself, with the intent of letting you know he's fine and loves you. That's what the hug is for. I've only had one or two dreams of my dad since he passed in 2015, but one was very vivid.......he was young (which is how they want us to remember them, and how they are NOW) and smiling/laughing, holding out a shiny penny & asking me to take it! Mind you, I have been getting pennies & dimes from him ever since the day he passed. And even beforehand, I was constantly seeing 11:11 or 1:11 on the clock, which is said to be signs from the Other Side that all is well; heavenly/angelic signs. I've collected a load of dimes & pennies since his departure, like I said, and when I'm feeling particularly conflicted about something, I always seem to find one of those coins 'coincidentally'. As you can tell, I don't believe in 'coincidences'. LOL. Anyway, I digress. In that dream, dad was handing me a penny & laughing, which just validates what was happening all along!!
Another funny story you might like, and my personal favorite. One day I was at Walgreens waiting for an Rx after a particularly stressful day at work. I looked at my hand and saw a diamond missing out of my engagement ring! I broke down crying, that was the last straw. I went home & told my husband, he shrugged it off, said don't worry, we'll bring it to the jeweler & have the diamond replaced; it was a crescent moon shaped diamond & not very large. 3 diamonds came together to create a heart. It is an unusual ring & part of a 2 piece set. Well, the jeweler could NOT get that particular cut of diamond; he tried everything, even the diamond district in NYC, but no luck. All he could do was remove all 3 diamonds and replace them with one 1/2 carat solitaire heart shaped diamond for $2500. Nope, that was not gonna work. So I took my ring off. I told DH let's go to a pawn shop to find a replacement, just to have SOMETHING to wear. He looked online for 3 shops in the same area so we would have a variety to choose from. The first shop had nothing much. I stepped into the second shop and looked into the case & let out a shriek: there in the case sat my EXACT engagement ring & wedding band. Not something similar, THE EXACT SET! I thought I was going to pass out! DH came over and had a similar reaction. The set was priced at $500, and the pawn shop owner offered it to me for $350..........I couldn't get my credit card out fast enough. When we walked into the parking lot, I looked down before opening the car door. There on the ground was a dime and a penny. I shouted THANKS DAD!
There are no coincidence's in life..........our loved ones ARE with us after they pass, just in a different way. Keep an open mind and above all, believe in miracles because they are EVERYWHERE!
Helpful Answer (5)
grammyshelper Jul 2019
Nice! Thanks for sharing. Good job on your dad helping get that ring back to you. Very uplifting and positive:)
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Dreams access our unconscious emotions, so I think that dreams of LOs only reflect the relationships we had with them. (I read somewhere that each person in your dream actually represents an aspect of yourself). It can give insight to our daytime dilemmas.
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My brother was on a ventilator for most of his hospital stay in 2009. He had a lot of IV’s ..2 weeks after he passed, I had a dream that my mom & I went to visit him in the hospital. My brother was in his bed, but in a hallway. The sheets were so white, and there weren’t any wrinkles on the sheets. My brother said he was better now and he had to go somewhere else. I turned to ask the nurse a question, and when I turned back to my brother, he wasn’t there.

My mom passed away June 14th..I had a dream last week that she was up and walking hugging her friends at the nursing home. I saw her get in my car and drive away and I thought she’s not supposed to be driving!
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Jul 2019
Sweet dreams. Don’t you love dreams like this? I do. Thanks for sharing.
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