
I’ve been working as an overnight care worker for 3 months now. I’m a female, 22 years old nursing student and I’m working part time in a home care company. I had regular shifts with a client who was an elderly lady but I had to leave that place due to my uni’s timetable. It was hard for me to manage so I told my roster manager. He assigned an elderly man as my client. I can’t drive so I had to walk for 25 mins from the bus stop around 8:30 pm on a quiet, dark road alone as my shift started from 9 pm. The road was like a highway so there were not even a single person walking in the road at that time of the night. Some vehicles used to pass by occasionally. There were very few street lights in that area. So I was very scared but I went to the client’s house for 3 nights continuously as I needed money for my tuition fees. The house was in a very quiet street and the other houses were at some distance away. On the 3rd day of my shift, I booked an uber as I was feeling much more scared than the past 2 days. As I got off on the road and was searching for the house address, the uber driver drove around 40 meters away and looked after me until I figured out the direction of the house using the flashlight on my phone. And then he drove away. I don’t know why I always felt very scared at that house. I felt scared walking alone on the street but I felt more scared inside the house. The client was nice to me and he lived with his 19 years grandson. The client and his grandson never did anything to me but I constantly feel scared. I still feel scared if I think about that house. I often heard his grandson walking around the hallway during the night. The client was constantly asking me to come back at his place as a regular care worker as he said I learned fast, I did a very good job and I’m a very soft spoken person. I was happy with his nice words for me but I don’t know why I kept feeling weird. I asked my manager to reallocate me somewhere else and that I was scared to go there but they kept telling me that the only shift available right now is that client’s house. Should i go back? I really need money for my tuition fees but even thinking about going there makes me shiver with fear.

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I would quit. Find an agency that will work around your hours. Hire out privately.

Our local bus system has a place on the front of the bus for bikes. If your system has this, then get a bike.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

Welcome to the club of home health care. The walk late at night sounds scary enough, and then you are working in a strange home where the vibe feels off.

I work home health and had been sent to what they call here in the US, "the hood." Actually, I felt safer in the hood than I do on my current case with an old lady in the wheelchair. She had cancelled the meet and greet twice. The second time I was able to meet with her briefly before I started on Monday. This is holy week, so I will be going to church on Friday. Thank goodness.

Anyway, I've had cases that started out okay, but before it was over the clients were raving lunatics. I figured out this agency has hired me for the worst cases. There were long stretches of waiting before I got a case and when I finally did get one, these folks have mental health disorders on top of their physical problems. Then these cases would end abruptly for some reason or the other. I'm in the process of onboarding with a new agency, so I will have two to pick and choose from. I don't intend on telling the other agency that I have another job. I'm just going to politely bow out and just don't call them for work anymore. These agencies are constantly hiring anyway. Even if I get a break for at least three to four months, it will work to re-adjust my nerves to see what is out there as far as the new agency cases run.

Sometimes little old ladies can be the worst. I think it is a matter of developing the confidence in yourself. I'm one for saying trust your gut on these things.

Being a newby nurse or home health aide isn't easy because there is a lot of emotional regulation on our parts. We put up with patient's scary behavior and habits and have to adjust ourselves accordingly.

With home care clients, they are in their homes; so, they are going to be more lenient with their habits. As I say all the time; we are in their element.

You have one plus going for you, they client is at least nice. If there is a problem, do not hesitate to dial 911 or if you are in another country, call the police.The grandson may be up at night playing video games or watching tv. I have a sixteen year old grandson who comes to visit some holidays. He stays up on his phone playing games or watches tv all night when he stays with me.

Try to Uber more to this home until you can locate another agency. When I was in home health years ago, I would be plugged in to at least three agencies. When I would go to agencies for orientation, there would be other CNA's there and we would exchange agency information regarding jobs. This was years ago during my generation. Home Health back then was much better than it is now where they are allowing any type of client on their rosters. Most of the smaller agencies have been taken over by these giant medical corporations.

My concern for you is having to walk a long stretch of road at night. Uber or Lyft to the home or rent a bicycle or electric scooter to work. If you have parents, ask them to buy you an old car that works well so you can drive to work.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Scampie1

Don’t go back . Even if you Uber . The 19 year old walking around at night is creepy . He may be working up his courage to assault . Listen to your gut.

I’m a retired nurse . When I was a new young nurse I worked in a hospital . I never took the stairwells at night , one night I did instead of using the busy set of elevators . I figured it was Christmas Eve nobody was around . On one of the landings I got pinned up against the wall by a doctor who had been flirting with me for months . It was Christmas Eve , he told me he wanted a Christmas kiss . I used my knee you know where and got away . I never reported it either , I should have , but back then nobody would have believed this about a doctor and I was new and needed the job . This doctor spoke inappropriate things to me for years , even after I got married . I left that job after 6 years never reporting him .
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to waytomisery

Don’t go back. Let someone else care for him. You aren’t comfortable working for him.

Plus, it is not safe for you to walk that long of a distance at night.

Maybe you should look at other agencies and apply to work for them if this agency won’t assign another client for you to work with.

Best wishes to you.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom
Christine44 Mar 28, 2024
I just wanted to strongly second this opinion: "Don't go back." Being young is a beautiful gift. However, the "downside" to this is that one can be very, very naive. Trust your gut/intuition. This will serve you well throughout your hopefully long life. Best of luck!
There’s a book called “The gift of fear.” It’s about trusting your intuition.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to PeggySue2020

Your client is not supposed to ‘poach’ carers from the agency. He is doing the wrong thing, and he knows it. His compliments mean nothing. They could even be bait. If you agree to ‘go private’, and anything goes wrong, you have absolutely no-one to back you up. Don’t do it, particularly in these circumstances.

The bad gut feeling might possibly just come from the walk in the dark, with a hang over to the house. But both might be dangerous. People who are out to do the wrong thing are often nervous themselves (unless they are very very experienced at it), and their nervousness can be what your gut is sensing. Trust your feelings. And don’t tell the client that you dislike the walk in the dark – it’s almost an invitation to the client or grandson, if something really is wrong.

Find another job.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to MargaretMcKen

If you feel uncomfortable at all for ANY reason ask your supervisor to assign you to another client.
And I know it might be difficult but ask if you can be assigned one that is not a far distance from any public transportation you might have to take.
If this is not possible with this Agency I am sure that there are other agencies that would love to hire a dedicated, fast learning caregiver. So don't let your manager tell you there are no other jobs.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Grandma1954

As others say, trust your instincts. Even though nothing untoward has happened to you there, that doesn't mean it won't.

I'm particularly concerned about the 19-year-old grandson, as there's no way you can know much about him. Most guys his age would be living somewhere besides with grandfather, and yada yada yada, I see on this site grandchildren who have been pressed into service by grandparents all the time because the grandparent shouldn't live alone. Still, I don't think it's quite a normal life for a grandchild.

Also, you're a sitting duck for a sadist or pervert when walking on a lonely road in the dark.

Please find another agency that can place you in a more comfortable situation. BTW, this is the same advice I'd give to my own daughter. I hope you take it seriously.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Fawnby

Like the others said, listen to your gut.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to graygrammie

Could even be a trigger from your past. Like a smell or something that your subconscious remembers

Like he might smell like a creepy uncle, or a beard like a creepy neighbor
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Anxietynacy

I think that none of us can guess at why you are feeling scared. You would be a better judge of that than I am. I will say that anyone out walking on dark deserted roads after a certain hour is likely wise to be cautious and a bit scared, to tell the truth.
As to why you find your clients "scary" I cannot imagine.
I would tell you, if this is unusual for you, to listen to your own gut feelings.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Traveling alone On a dark road at Night is never safe . Trust your Instincts .
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to KNance72

Always follow your gut instincts. It's not safe walking alone on a dark road like that to begin with, then to be scared stiff working inside this home......enough. quit the job immediately.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to lealonnie1

Hi Lulu - No, you shouldn't go back. If you're feeling uneasy in any way, then you need to find other employment. Even commuting to that house is unsafe. If that specific agency doesn't have other clients for you, then there are lots of other home care agencies and I'd recommend spending time pursuing other opportunities for sure!
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to Hopeforhelp22

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