
She did have a UTI about 3 weeks ago. She had two rounds of antibiotics.   How long would symptoms continue after UTI is cleared?

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Hard to tell without more details, but in my experience with my mother, when she has a UTI it makes her extremely goofy! Maybe your mom needs to be checked for a UTI.
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She did have a UTI about 3 weeks ago. She had two rounds of antibiotics. The last check up said it was cleared up. That was last Friday. However she still acting crazy. How long would symptoms continue after UTI is cleared?
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Videoman Sep 2018
My wife had to have three different antibiotics and the last one intravenously over a weeks time in the hospital before she was said to be clear. She was back to acting "normal" after about the third day. She had gotten very dehydrated too so that was the second half of the problem. She has been in rehab for five weeks now trying to be able to walk again. Do have her checked for the UTI and dehydration. The combo can really put them down. Blessings.
Usually confusion starts to clear up once the antibiotics get in the system. I would call her doctor. She may have had a stroke.
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My moms uti induced delirium has been reversed within 24-48 hours of starting the antibiotic. Either she still has an underlying infection (mom has had 2 different bacteria at the same time so had to be treated with 2 different types of antibiotics after her symptoms didn’t go away) or something else is happening. I would call the doctor again.
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Amg1234, I am sorry to say that the common UTI is as dangerous as any life threatening disease when it comes to dementia or alzheimer patients. My Mom suffered several and lost huge ground each time. They will say she may gain back, but this was not true for us and at times, coincidentally, my Mom also would become childliIke. My Mom passed recently and I wish her back daily. Take my advice. Agree, agree and agree some more with anything she says! I was one of those that tried to correct and get her back on track. That part of the disease was mine! This disease cannot be challenged, only placated. Prayers are offered for strength and patience beyond any you may have needed before. Cherish her, do not regret!
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My mom went through countless UTIs and sometimes went into delirium afterward where she had to be hospitalized. Sometimes a different antibiotic must be tried. There are many types of antibiotics. I would return to her doctor and explain what is occurring. I wish you well and hope you find out what is going on!
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We could tell when my mom was getting a UTI as her behavior would becoming increasingly inexplicable, bizarre (pouring cranberry juice in her shoe and trying to drink it), and “loopy”. UTIs can quickly make a patient resistant to many tried and true antibiotics. Mom was left with only 2 antibiotics that would even touch her frequent UTIs and only a Cipro derivative and one other antibiotic would help. Often her infections would occur in a back-to -back manner indicating either the antibiotics prescribed were not the most appropriate or that the course of the antibiotic was not enough and a longer course may have completely cleared up the UTI. Also, we added a Poise pad above her extra heavy duty diaper/brief to help wick away the urine moisture as effectively as possible. Our caregivers changed her diaper quite frequently to add another layer of protection against more UTIs.

Our MDs insisted that mom take Cranberry supplements, increase her liquid intake including cranberry juice, and flavored water (No salt loaded drinks such as soda or dairy products). She also took chewable probiotics and ate two containers of Activia each day. Hope this helps!
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Snowcat60 Sep 2018
Hi SScoalie,
A daily 1oz shot of colloidal silver will keep your loved one from repeated UTI and whatever bug may be going around.
In our house everybody takes 1oz everyday first thing in the morning and we have eliminated colds, flu, uti’s and any other bugs that want to wreck havoc with our health.
I used it with my Mom with great success. It looks and takes like plain water so you can give it to them on the sly if need be. This stuff is so versatile it can be added to just about anything.
I use in in all my pet water bowls, I spray their food with it, I use it as a rinse in my laundry, I keep my tooth brush germ free by a few quick sprays when I’m done.
It is a truly amazing antibiotic without a single side effect!
It is also great for wound care and skin irritations you name it.
Please note, I do make my own with a nano particle generator which allows me to make as much as I want for a few cents.
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Hi Amg1234. It may be that Your Mom has another UTI ?
If You put a sample of Your Moms urine into a sterile sample bottle and bring it to Your Doctor to analyse then You will know for sure. Regular showers for Your Mom and washing and drying the private area well will limit UTI's.
Good Luck and You are doing great. Please keep coming back to this as Here You will find very experienced and wonderful Carers Who do want to Help.
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My 97 yr old mother has been prone to UTIs for years. Two things make her goofy, a UTI and morphine. Now a third issue has popped up. A month ago she begin hallucinating after being admitted to the hospital for heart failure due to excess fluid around her heart and lungs. I was assured she was not given morphine while in the hospital, and that she did not have a UTI. Turns out the hallucinations, weakness, and dementia was from kidney failure brought on by the new medication for the heart failure that she received in the hospital (I had no idea hallucinations can be a symptom of kidney disease). She's been off the new meds for a week now and the hallucinations are gone. However, her short term memory and the ability to read and play games have deminished considerably. Medication was lisinopril, furosemide, potassium.
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anonymous782208 Sep 2018
whoa! My mom is on those last two... I need to look into this.
IN the past weeks, when my husband does not get what he wants exactly when he wants it, he puts on a pouty face and nearly cries like a toddler, especially at night. He has been checked for UTI too and does not have one, but you simply cannot say no to him. I try to offer alternatives as it does no good to try to reason with him as we all know. And even if he does seem to understand, in five minutes it starts all over again. This is one of the most exhausting things I deal with because it is all day and most of the night. He can be relatively lucid and ask to go to bed, yet once he gets to bed and seems to sleep briefly, then wakes hallucinating and completely confused as to where he is or who I am.
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Unfortunately, with seniors, especially is there is any dementia at all, UTIs can pop them on to the next level. In my Alzheimers Cargivers Support group I've known of one woman who stopped talking completely, others who simply jumped light years ahead in the disease. It's a thing. Why I don't know, but I've never heard of anyone going back to where they were even after the UTI is gone, unfortunately.
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rocketjcat Sep 2018
My Mom has had a few UTIs in the last couple of years and has always returned to “normal” as soon as the antibiotics kicked in, so I know it’s possible.
Ask Dr to put on low dose antibiotic which they can do if 2 UTI’s in 6 months. The low dose antibiotic will be taken everyday to prevent UTI’s.

My mom starts to feel better a day or two after the antibiotics are finished. She was just prescribed low dose antibiotic so fingers crossed that will prevent UTI’s.

hope that helps
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Aside from the UTI, it’s so important for you to communicate all she does, that’s out of the ordinary of normal. A good Dr. will help determine medication to control agitation and help her to feel more content and comfortable. With Dementia they can no longer reason and it will get worse. When my mother would get agitated she could be mean and say mean things, and make false accusations. The best things that worked with my mother would be for me to say....”I’ll take care of that for you!” And, quickly change the subject. Like, would you like to watch Animal Planet? Or would you like to look at your photo album?
Hope this helps a little, I wish I’d had learned to do some of these things soon for both my mom and me!!
God bless you!
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anonymous782208 Sep 2018
that sounds like good advice for some cases and I'm glad it worked for you. However, changing the subject or ignoring MY mother's barrage of angry orders makes her worse. The other day, I was backing her down the wheelchair ramp, so, of course, I was behind her. She yelled at me to close the front door. I ignored her at first, then I tried to explain to her that I couldn't close it without letting her roll backwards down the ramp. It's a steep one with no handrails, so letting go to close the door would have caused her to either crash into a tree at the bottom, or fall off the ramp. It was not an option, but she just kept yelling and yelling. I finally had to yell back to be heard. It shut her up, but it puts us both in a bad mood, and I risk having her tell my brother and his wife that I"m abusing her, then they tell their daughter, who then calls police.
Did she recently go on a medication for bladder control for incontinence? That can cause sharp changes in the brain that look like severe dementia even in those that do not have dementia.
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Thank you all for your help and support. Today has been a great deal better for her. We are going to set up an appointment with the neurologist to check for other underlying issues just to be safe. Dr says UTI is cleared as of Tuesday.
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My mom had recurring UTIs until I asked the doc for a higher dose of antibiotics. She has been clear for just over a year.
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