
Mom currently receives Medicare, QMB and lives independently in HUD subsidized housing for the elderly. I am her primary care giver. I have been offered a job in Portland. Will my mom lose her benefits if I move her to Portland.

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I moved my Mom from Georgia to Ohio . As far as I know , benefits should change over. My Mom is receiving VA benefits and everything just moved with her. You can always call and see what you need to do?
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Contact the Area Agency on Aging Ombudsman in Oregon, a federal funded state agency. You can find what the benefits are for that state. You may start with this address
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She won't lose Social Security or Medicare, but she would have to apply in Oregon for the other benefits as their requirements may be different than where you are now. May have to have her live with you to establish residency in Oregon for awhile before sure you check into that.
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If she is receiving Social Security benefits along with her medicare it should just transfer. My mom moved to Arkansas and then back to california. The only thing that changed was the state portion of her SSI benefits. She received social security and ssi alsong with va. She would need to re apply for the local Hud program in Portland.
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I moved my mom from calif to oregon. she lost some money because calif subsidized her social security. she receives ssi and ss. oregon pays me 1258 per month as her caretaker. my payment went from 1500 to 1258 because she is doing better in my home rather than the group home she lived in. all her medical expenses are paid by oregon. contact senior services in oregon for info.
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Each state is somewhat differant I think... However her federal benefits won't change. Check with the local Area Agency on Aging!
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Hello Reymundo53 - welcome to Oregon and congratulations on your new job! As soon as you get here, contact Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services (serving Portland), not the self sufficiency office (DHS) as they will do what they can for you and transfer it to ADS anyway as they do not specialize in the aging and disabled population. We have QMB program here so you should not have any trouble transitioning as long as you do it right away and she still is within the income eligibility requirements. If she has food stamps, those will have to close in your state before she can get them in Oregon, so if she is issued SNAP benefits the month of the move, keep the card and use them because Oregon can't issue them until the following month after closure. The case worker will help coordinate all of that for you. Will she be living with you? You may face problems with getting her into HUD housing. There is a wait list here that takes a very long time. The case worker can point you in the right direction for that too. To make things go as quickly as possible, when you go to the ADS office, bring her, her picture ID, and the most recent social security award letter (she should have one from late December showing the new 2013 amount) to get started. If mom is willing, you can request an authorized representative form that you both sign at the ADS office which will allow them to speak to you about her case and you may also sign papers for her if necessary, which may make things easier for everyone involved. There are ombudsman services here, however, you will get much faster service going straight to your ADS office. They will refer you there anyway. Lucky for you, you will be in Multnomah County, which has the best services available in the state for our aging folks. Ask them which ADS branch you need based on your new address. The Help Line is also for any other questions on services, etc., for your mom. Good luck and, again, welcome to you and your mom to beautiful Oregon.
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Sorry for the state location. here is Ohio's address
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Thank you everyone for your support and information.
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I moved my mom from AR to TX 6/2012 . My mother qualified for QMB in AR. Social Security benefits transferred easily. However, the QMB portion of her benefits had to be re-qualified in TX, since it is a state run program and states have different levels of qualifying. It took a couple months to get it all worked out and the benefits were paid back while we waited for her case to be approved.. She did not qualify for QMB in TX, however she did qualify for something similar and the dollars worked out to be equal. Good luck and keep calling if you don't like the answer you received from the last person!
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