
When I brought my mom home almost 7 years ago she wasn't like this to me ..she is to the point she is making me have very bad anxiety attacks brother won't speak to her and also has her only grandchild...I've told her I understand that's her son n only grandson but that being just depressed wben she was wouldn't do any good so I tried to get her help n she wouldn't talk to any counselor or psychologist about it ... Now her friends told her she is pushing them away cus they won't help enable her .... Now the Dr. Her primary care doctor has dismissed her cus he said she is diagnosing herself n he can't have her doing that ....but it's like she wants to be sick .....some. Have said it's like she has munchiasm. Idk if I spelled that right. Some have said it looks like maybe disassociative but I have had cat scan n MRI dun n they said it's like denial cus physically she is fine. Idk what to do. Can anyone give me advice cus it's just consuming me

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She needs to see an elder law attorney for advice on how to handle her estate.
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From your previous posts it sounds like Mom has no money or you wouldn't be behind in bills. She lives there and if just the two of you she should be paying half of your mortgage and utilities. I hope you have not been "saving" her money. And with what is going on with her mentally, not sure if she is capable of signing anything. I don't think mental illness shows up on a scan. Your Mom needs help that I don't think you may be capable of giving. She needs to be in a psych facility to be evaluated and medications tried. A nursing home may be where she needs to be once her problem is determined. If she has money, pay privately then apply for Medicaid. This should be done at least 90 days before money runs out.

A will is only a good idea if she owns property or large amt of money. If you are on her bank accts, the money reverts to you upon her passing. It maybe too late for a trust. A Special needs one cannot be gotten after the age of 65. Really, its designed for disabled people.
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I see your Moms POA. Hopefully for finances and medical. If you can have a doctor say she is incompetent inbwriting than your POA is in effect. You can make Moms decisions whether she likes it or not. It becomes what she needs, not what she wants. And you have to think about your future.
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