
Does anyone know anything about Requip? My Mom takes it for Restless Leg Syndrome. It says on her bottle that she should take it only once a day 1-3 hours before bed but she wants to take it more. In fact, she wanted to have the bottle with her in bed to take throughout the night but I would not let her. (she is spending the week with me-normally she stays with my Dad but he is on a vacation) my husband asked my mom how many pills she takes at night and she told him up to 6----!!!!!---- on my gosh! (I hope she is confused and does not take that much but who knows?) They are 5mg pills -I do not think they are extended release but am not sure. She also takes Ambien before bed and I do not think she should mix the 2 but I fear I will lose that battle. Now I am wondering if her dizziness is due to being over medicated and not a result from her brain stem stroke as the doctor had said.

I told her she could not have them in her room and she should only take 1 a day like the bottle says. I read her all the possible side effects and told her she needs to talk with her doctor. She seemed to be receptive to this ( she said I was scaring her-but I am scared too). She has been taking this medication for years. Should I insist tht she not take Ambien with Requip? Or is it ok? Can she take more than 1pill a day? I have no legal right to talk with her doctor and she can barely talk so I doubt she can tell them to let me. Hmmmm. Maybe I should make an appointment with my pharmacist. Has anyone ever done that? I think you can do that at Walgreens.

OK-any feedback would be helpful. I am a bit worried about this.


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All she really needs to give you is permission for the doctor to talk to you -- the clinic probably has a HIPAA waiver form for her to sign. That does not give you any decision-making power and should not ruffle Dad's feathers so much.

The pharmacist would be an excellent source of information about the drug questions.

I don't see how she could consistently be taking a lot more than prescribed. If I try to refill a prescription (at Walgreens, but I am sure this applies anywhere) even a day early I get turned down and have to wait. The only way I can think she might get more than prescribed is if there is no insurance involved. Insurance ain't gonna pay for more than the doctor prescribed.

Also the pharmacist at my Walgreens has been very good about alerting me to medications that should not be taken together.

It doesn't seem likely to me that Mom could be in serious trouble with her meds, but it is certainly worth verifying that!
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You NEED to get permission to speak to the doc.... medical power of attorney.
Sounds like she is addicted to it, and needs to be weaned off of it. That much can be dangerous to her. just my opinion. Good luck, hun
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OK- so, talked to my Mom and she said she does NOT take 6 a night and doesn't know why my husband said that -my husband said that's what she said- though it is hard to understand her. Also it is not 5mg but 3 mg a pill. She did say she takes 2 a day and she does take with Ambien. I think she may take more at night because she was upset that we would not let her sleep with the bottle.

She wondered if they would stop working after awhile and require a higher dose. I didn't see anything on line about that.
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Thanks cnagirl79- I know -I need to do that -I keep trying to but get the brush off from my Dad-he is her main caregiver. I wonder if she is addicted and told her tht. I think she needs to go to a hospital and do a medical dry out from most of her meds and start over. She is on too much, IMO.
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Requip isn't actually addictive, but overdosing would be bad. Sometimes if something wears off too soon you do compensate with a slightly higher dose; sometimes an extended-release option is a better choice. Hope you can get with the doctor!
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I'd be more concerned about her taking Ambien than the Requip. I know several people who took Ambien and what they did when they were on it was a real eye opener!!!! Read up on Ambien just so you'll be informed.
My husband takes Requip. He also takes several other prescriptions, way too many IMHO. Something is wrong because yesterday we spent 7 hrs in the ER while the doctor tried to get his BP raised out of the danger zone. We had a "discussion" today about all this medication. I vote for starting all over. Seems his doctor agrees with me because she called for him to come see her to go over his meds.
Please watch your mom. Learn everything you can about what she's taking and how it all interacts THEN go see her doctor. You will be prepared and knowledgable. This puts you in a better position to assist her.
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Thanks guys! AlwaysMyDuty, yup-I worry about the Ambien. I have researched it and talked about it with my psychiatrist ( I have trouble sleeping) but ultimately, I decided NOT to go on because it scared me about the sleep walking and stuff.
Jeannegibbs- I know my Mom gets her meds sent to her -in 3month doses -it seems like she has so much Requip. She came down with 2 bottles but I am sure it is through her insurance as my Dad is so unwilling to spend money out of his own pocket -he thinks everything should be covered by insurance . I worry a bit that her neurologist is just giving her as many prescriptions as she wants. I will try to get her to give me medical permission , unfortunately , we are now 4 1/2 hours away from her doctors so no chance to go this week. When my Dad gets back from his vacation -hopefully well rested and in a good mood-I am going to have a talk with him.
Vestefans-thanks for the info! Good to know!

Thanks everyone!!!
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OH MY GOSH!!! I don't know what to do!!!!! I just gave my Mom her Requip 2 hours ago-then she insisted on having an Ambien now with a glass of wine-I KNOW-not a good idea -at least it was 1 glass only. NOw SHE IS RINGING HER BELL DEMANDING ANOTHER REQUIP! I told her no way!!! My husband thinks I should give her it but she just took 3 mg 2hours ago. I told her to wait. I don't think she should take anymore tonight. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!! I feel like crying. Things were going so well and now she is mad and upset. But I am afraid she wil die if she takes anymore. MY Dad is not answering his cell phone-he doesn't understand that it is for people to get ahold of him and not just to call people BUT even if he was, he probably would say to give it to her because I think she takes as many as she wants. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.
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OMG that's awful MishkaM. Why does she want 2? If she's supposed to take one that's all she should take. Can you hold her off until she falls asleep? And what's with the Ambien and wine. Is this what she normally does? That could be a huge problem. You definitely need to talk to her doctor. I wish I could offer some magic cure all but I don't know what else to say. Good luck!
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Thanks, AlwaysMyDuty! Just having a sympathetic ear helps. I did get a hold of my Dad and , like I thought he said to give it to her but it was unusal for her to take 2 so close together . I then called Walgreens 24 hour pharmacy and the pharmacist said the max dose was 24 mg and that she was not in any danger of over dosing even with Ambien. The only thing would be that she could fall but she is in bed and is pretty much wheel chair bound anyway. So I feel better but still think she is over medicated on this Requip stuff.
I just feel so mixed up. My Dad wants me to help with my Mom and I want to but then he won't really let me in on the loop with her doctors and diagnosis. They both get mad if I don't do as they say or question what they are doing. You know -this whole time- my daughter-who has the genetic syndrome Rubenstein- Taybi ( much like Down's Syndrome with some autism and behavior issues) woke up and started to freak out as I was trying to talk with my Dad ( she hates the phone) ands started to pull my hair and scratch me ( she is 16) and hit me as I am trying to talk to my Dad--- I ended up screaming at her to leave me the *%#+ alone so could talk to Papa and figure this out. Now I feel horrible. I just burst into tears ( which my daughter also hates). She is back in bed and calmed down but I still feel just horrible. I also have friggin' PMS . Cr*p! I just want to be a good Mom, wife , daughter---and Christian, I just want to make the best decisions but I feel like I get so close then mess up.
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