
I don’t get out very often but recently I’ve had to forgo my training program at the gym simply because my father said to me that he’s surprised that my husband lets me go to the gym 4 times a week. I was furious. He still thinks women should be obedient and in the kitchen and not be allowed too much freedom in a marriage. I told him to mind his own business. My husband has no problem with me going anywhere, we have a happy unentitled marriage. He goes and does stuff he likes and so did I up to now. I cancelled my gym membership to shut my father up whingeing about my life choices. I’ve put on a lot of weight and he’s says “ but you used to look great when you had weight off.” I smoked 50 a day and hardly ate. Of course I was skinny. I have hypothyroidism which I was born with, which doesn’t help with weight loss. He just won’t shut his big Yap!!! Opinions about how my husband and I do things in our house. Sorry to vent

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Vent away!

BUT look up the term "people pleaser."

Why on earth do you care about your siblings inheritance? Time to place dad.

So dad says insulting things about your agency as a married women?

So? So what?

"Welcome to my marriage, Dad".

"Women don't kowtow to men anymore, dad."

"Surprised? I can't imagine thinking that way."

You don't have to say these things, they're provoking and he has dementia, yes? But think them as you proceed to the gym.

You're an adult, and what your father thinks about your behavior is no longer of interest.

You don't "have to" do things just because others want you to.
Helpful Answer (6)
angryannie May 2022
Yes I have to say when I was still going to the gym certain things that had been said by my father gave me a hell of a workout.
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Options might be…
Look into adult day care for your dad.
ALF are a good choice for temporary or permanent placement while the POA sorts out his marriage.
I am sure you love your siblings but it isn’t your responsibility to care for dad in order for them to inherit! You are giving up your health for their financial gain.
If that is their motivation for keeping him in your home, start charging enough until they no longer see you as a solution.

Angryannie, it will be easier to get him out of your home than to change him. He no doubt thinks he is helping you. Salvage what relationship you have with him and get him placed.
Helpful Answer (5)

From your profile: "I’ve been married for 5 years and for the last 18 months my elderly father had moved in with my husband and me. If it wasn’t for my husband I’d go mad"

Why is your father living with you? How did that come to happen? Do you have siblings? Was there any kind of family decision made? What kind of caregiving do you do for him? Is he paying anything to live with you? He should be.

You need that gym membership for stress management. Time for your father to move elsewhere.

What is his financial situation? Are you POA? HCPOA?
Helpful Answer (4)
angryannie May 2022
No my brother is POA and is going through a turbulent marriage breakup. My father is living with us because my siblings didn’t want to lose any inheritance putting him into care and didn’t want to put up with him which is why we’re stuck with him. He’s 86 and going to bloody live forever. He’s got enough money to help us out but money is not the issue with my husband and me. His controlling manipulative ways are the issue.
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Are you hopefully beginning to realize that your father will not, and is most likely neurologically unable “…to shut his big Yap…”? Because that’s the truth.

I am HEARTBROKEN for you that you decided to stop going to gym because of your current situation. My ONE SINGLE RESPITE while my mother lived with me for 9 agonizing months, wasp.aping my violin.

And in spite of the fact that she actually LOVED to hear me play, she’d torment me in her horrible state of cognitive loss, to stop playing so that she wouldn’t lose a single minute of the 24 hours/day of the time she consumed from me.

In our case, I loved her dearly, and wanted her to be with me after surgery for her broken hip.

I could not trust her alone FOR A SINGLE SECOND, so I “slept” on an air mattress on the floor beside her bed for months, and quickly gained 60 pounds (you and I are “sisters”)-


OR, said a different way, YOU need to plan QUICKLY to make clear to your delightful siblings, that as of (whatever date you choose), you will NO LONGER be ABLE to provide for him.

The day of your birth was NOT the day you signed a promise that it would be you, however many years forward, would take up the yoke of his care. And it is you that must now SLIP OFF THAT YOKE.

Will your siblings be mad? SURE THING. But you will once again be able to enjoy a pleasant peaceful life, AND YOU DESERVE IT. And if your relationship was ever a sound family one, you will be able to restore it, after you are FREE!
After 9 months, I realized that my mother’s dementia had caused her to require a degree of care I COULD NOT and WOULD NOT PROVIDE, and foun a great residential care site, where she lived a beautiful life for over 5 years before she died, a few days short of age 95.

Helpful Answer (4)
angryannie May 2022
Thank you for your kindness and compassion. I’m very grateful for your words.
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"I’ve had to forgo my training program at the gym simply because my father said to me that he’s surprised that my husband lets me go to the gym 4 times a week."

Sorry, you've lost me. Why, how would *anything* that your father said make you stop going to the gym?

Stop blaming your father for your reactions to what he says. Ignore him, and please yourself (and your husband, who sounds a lamb).

But for heaven's sake don't waste any breath on arguing with your father, either! Seriously. It doesn't *matter* what he says - can his words lock the front door or hide your trainers? No. They can't.
Helpful Answer (4)
angryannie May 2022
First of all Country Mouse, my husband is not a lamb, far from it and he as an only child, was his deceased mother’s carer , who compared to my father was a cakewalk. He’s a very caring and compassionate man but also extremely volatile. When I was to be married, my father used to start fights with me because I was leaving his precious little fiefdom. It didn’t matter that I was in my 50s, he just had to control me and make me feel bad. He is a true narcissist and we all know nobody escapes unscathed without battle scars when living with these entitled cretins. So because I was unable to stand up to him, I let him manipulate me. God knows why. It’s like the battered wife syndrome and believe me, I got some floggings over the years. Catholic Disciplinary methods. Even when I moved into my husbands’ parents home which we now live in, he and my mum used to come and visit me every 2 weeks and he’d make negative intrusive comments like it was his right to stick his nose in, ridicule my choices in what I was doing now I was out of his suffocating grasp. So there you have it. I won’t be free until he’s dead. But thanks for the advice anyway.
Why would you stop going to the gym because your dad made a comment?

You are a grown woman, you don't have to be obedient to your dad. Put your big girl panties on and tell him he is welcome to move into a facility but, telling you what to do ended decades ago, you aren't his wife.
Helpful Answer (3)
angryannie May 2022
They’re big girl panties alright.
size 22.
Why doesn't your husband tell him to stfu and get out?

You aren't a woman in your dad's life. You are your husband's woman and he needs to stand up for you.
Helpful Answer (3)
angryannie May 2022
Love this thanks 💕
Oh my goodness. Who crowned your father and made him King? Renew your training membership and return to the gym.
Helpful Answer (3)
angryannie May 2022
He did evidently.
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The fact that your dad doesn't want to part with any money and brother wants his inheritance does NOT equate to your father living with you.

You have no legal obligation (at least where I live) to provide housing or care for your parent, especially an abusive one.

You can start eviction proceedings.

You can stop providing him with meals, stop doing his laundry and simply pretend he's not there, if you choose.

The thing is, you DO have choices here.

They may be hard, unpleasant or not consonant with the way you've been trained and groomed to be. But you can change.

Start by going back to the gym.
Helpful Answer (3)
Beatty May 2022
Typing same time..

Back to the gym. YES.

A long journey starts with the first step. Can be on the treadmill 👟👟
Maybe I shouldn’t have said something or chosen my approach more carefull but after a heated discussion with my father, I laid down a few home truths to him about his behaviour in our home, including what he said about me going to the gym. He couldn’t believe he said it and denied it strongly and totally gaslighted me, he can never accept that he’s in the wrong. My husband heard the argument and came in to the room and told my father if he didn’t pull his head in and stop upsetting me all the time, he’s gone. My dad was
very apologetic. I know you can’t reason with a narcissist especially if they’ve got dementia, but basically I told him that he had to mind his own business regarding DL and myself. He said he’d try to. Anyway, the upside is I’ll probably be starting back at the gym next week. All this bloody stress about nothing.
Helpful Answer (3)
97yroldmom May 2022
Bravo! amazing how much better we feel when we take action, clear the air and have our DH show support. Well done Annie.
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