
So court on Tues consisted of Medicaid has to pay me $8k for repairs and cleaning, the old hag needs to give me $800 a month rent/utilities and Medicaid said they would provide 24/7 care. The $8k check came today.

There has not been one day of 24/7 care. Workers come 8 to 12 and 4:30 to 8. POS son comes 12 to 5, you know to put on an act and bringing the little brats. All day, in and out, leaving doors open in 16 degree weather. At night no help so her screaming and hallucinating. I have called APS several times per the judges order, no help, call APS.

POS was supposed to take her but psycho sis did this:

"ME: I guess not, according to POS and your mom, you suggested not to change her surroundings. Thanks.

HER: Yes I said it wouldn’t be a good idea if she is hallucinating that bad she should stay in her known surroundings...let me call you later on tonight

ME: If she is hallucinating that bad, they need to dump her at an Emergency Room. M can't work all day, come home and do wound care, etc while S comes 12 to 5. They were going to take her this weekend but its Valentines Day, must be date night so whatever.

If anything happens to M since he looks and feels like sh*t, its on her, S, YOU and Medicaid. F* YOU ALL.

She tried giving Melissa, the worker money the other night because she thought she was you."

She just called, woohoo. I am furious.

What can I do?

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I don't understand why this person you are caring for hasn't been placed in a facility already. You obviously are way over your head if you actually have the nerve to call this person "the old hag" on this forum. I find that wording quite appalling, and despicable. There's no way if that's the way you feel about her, that you can be providing the proper care this woman needs and deserves. Please have the decency to have her placed in a facility where she will have people give her the 24/7 care she needs and deserves.
Helpful Answer (5)

Don't tell me... you majored in communication at Harvard!! This is not an all male forum, by the way. Your post and follow up are despicable.
Helpful Answer (4)

Oh, Stacy! I’m so sorry!

Please take care of yourself, and let us know how you are when you can.

I imagine that things will have to change for your safety’s sake.

Best wishes to you!
Helpful Answer (3)

Stacy, I have had a problem being able to look at your previous posts. Could you please give us an overview of who this person is and why you get stuck with her. I know I have read ur other posts but just need a refresher. And who is M?

If the smell is that bad call am ambulance. Once in the hospital, refuse to take her back saying that Medicaid is not providing the care she needs and you can't/will not do it. You don't want this woman dying on your watch. Tell the hospital to contact the Judge. This maybe your way out.
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Every senior being cared for are not sweet little old ladies. Some of them might qualify as old hags. And many siblings do not show up to help.
Helpful Answer (2)

Stacy i have not followed everything obviously - but why is this old hag and any kids in YOUR!!!! house? Who ever put you in ER needs to be prosecuted - call the police. How can you get these people out of your house? Do it - even if they are on the street starving.
Helpful Answer (2)

Stacy, could you do us a favor. We seem to have two Stacy's. Please fill out ur Profile. Something about the person ur caring for and an overview about how ur involved. Helps when there is a lot of different posts. TU😊
Helpful Answer (2)

I don't understand any of this. Who is this person living in your house?
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It is my house, so I will not move out. Well, I could just bail, leave, no return address. But, it is my house, i left her house because i needed to go forward but last year POS son dropped her off here, so Whitmer and complications.
Helpful Answer (1)
cxmoody Feb 2021
I am so sorry for all of this!

I came in late to your story. So, please excuse my questions.

Is this lady a relative? Is her son a relative?
By saying that he dropped her off, why did she get to stay? Does her son own half the house?

Are you desperate enough to sell? In that case, would Michigan consent to a NH?

Best wishes to you,
Oh, and when I posted, trying to be nice, I was in the ER. I can barely see outta my right eye due to a busted zygomatic (sp) bone, broken ribs and being mentally screwed up. Being hit by the way because of dememtia lies is not a top 10 fun adventure.

So thanks for the support.
Helpful Answer (1)
SnoopyLove Feb 2021
OMG, how horrible! Did someone attack you and was it the person ensconced in your house? I hope a police report was filed if someone hurt you, even if that person has dementia.

Sorry if I’m way off course with what’s going on with you. Your situation sounds as unusual as it is awful and I’m sure you get tired of explaining it.

Hope you start feeling much better soon!
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